Does the US need to increase military spending?


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Post yfw world war 3 breaks out and you're comfy af in the US watching live streams.

If we doubled our budget, we still wouldn't be the top spender. We need to do a lot more than a 5% increase.

yeah its in trumps budget so Sup Forums has to defend it now

>yfw foreign interventions are good now
>yfw you see "I support the troops in Syria" bumper stickers

>not by % of gdp

enjoy being a retard

its effective welfare

>welfare in chicago... leads to ghettos and gang violence, no fathers...
>military welfare... families, taxpayers, good jobs at Raytheon, Electric Boat, etc

and they can defend the country if needed

but yeah fuck foreign interventions

We're only the 11th biggest military budget in the world but the third most populous country. We need a significant increase.

>We need a significant increase.
which also means a continuation of our retarded foreign policy

It sounded like trump was an isolationist on the campaign trail this is fucking bullshit

Yes, but it's not the first priority.
First priority is to stop giving niggers and single mothers welfare + medicaid
Take the government the fuck out of healthcare, welfare, and education

forgot pic related

Go to sleep mattis you are drunk.

I agree with cutting back on entitlements. I'm wondering why the fuck should more money be spent on the military. It's not like we're in the middle of a war. Our military budget equals the next fourteen counties combined. Is there some envy to catch up with South Sudan's highest gdp expenditure? It just makes no sense in terms of creating a smaller government or dealing the shit storm that is going happen down the road when social security goes insolvent. As it stands the fucking baby boomers are getting a nice comfy retirement and there won't be shit left when this government sponsored Ponzi scheme runs out.

>US cuts back military
pls save us from the evil putin big strong american


Although, parts of the military are actually underfunded. We waste a lot of money on the military getting screwed by contractors with political connections or throwing money at stupid R and D projects.

Trump said he was going to renegotiate deals to bring costs down and the military is in dire need of just that. His moves on the F-35 project were a good start; but he needs to dedicate a team to renegotiating the whole military budget including the boring everyday maintenance. Paying $10 a pop for a steel bolt that should cost .10 cents really adds up when you're buying hundreds of thousands of them for the Navy.

Good points in terms of renegotiating contracts and refocusing priories. I would hope more is being spent on things like cyberwar fare. Nonetheless, trump is pushing for a big bump in the military budget and it's not clear as to why?

Hell yes. We only spend 50% on income taxes now. Looks like we could still achieve 90% world domination if we tried harder.


I mean he ran as a Republican.

Saying, 'lets increase military' spending plays well with the Neo Cons in the party establishment, the lobbyists in the military industrial complex, voters in the military, military families, and anyone who just generally supports the military and hasn't thought through the fact that throwing money at military spending isn't an inherently good idea.

The only people on the Republican side who would oppose it are your Rand Paul Libertarian leaning types who really care about the national debt and are open to all spending cuts.

Its politically wise, even if its not fiscally responsible. As are many policies.

I hadn't thought about the bump in the military budget as a pure political play. Even in those terms, the proposed budget seems to be fragmenting the house republicans and seems unlikely to get past the senate. As so much of this drama, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

So you let the Dems fight you on military spending then you give ground by cutting spending which is what you wanted anyway.

The Dems score very few points with their supporters for being fiscally responsible and you get to blame them for not increasing spending and thus shut up the neo cons.

If that's Trumps plan, then its a good one.

drop Israel you stupid fucks

It's not so clear that trump really wants to decrease spending or that he is thinking about shaping policy in such a strategic manner (but I follow the logic). At this point, what ever happens is going to rest pretty squarely on the republicans. I do wonder if trump is planning to go balls deep into Syria (more likely) or North Korea (less likely) and wants to build up the military ahead of time. Doing so would allow him to muzzle the press and would give a popularity boast if a full on war was declared.

The only true victory is world domination

Why exactly?

Jesus Christ thats a lot of money

Actually, that is an interesting site

Why in the fuck would the US want to deal with governing the 50% of the plant that is a 3rd world shithole?

Why not just increase welfare are payments

Everyone supports cutting military spending everyone

>defending Israel
Remember when JIDF was a thing?

why did I read the cut off filename as "operation finnish(...)
and associate that picture immediately with Finland

We're not at half yet, so yes. yes we do

We make so much we dont need to worry about percentage of gdp

Snow and ice, a fish, a nude hairy man with a mustache.

Seems pretty finish.

>It's not like we're in the middle of a war.
You're not seeing the big picture
We're going to be in the middle of a war
Depending on which side gives more oil, Iran or South China Sea

Most other nations' spending is so small because ours is so big. It contributes to world stability; why waste the money on a defensive army when the USA can park a carrier group off your coast and ward off literally anyone else? Spend the money on gibsmedats instead, and don't bother building up an army which you might be tempted to use offensively. Be sure to stay smug and self-righteous about your nonexistent army and piles of social welfare money at the same time.

>defending Israel
Remember when JIDF was a thing?

If the US stopped defending Israel and shit broke out in a serious way, we would be dragged back in. The bigger downside would be that doing so would allow Russia to have a significantly greater influence in the region.


The navy

No. If he's gonna cut spending on liberal shit might as well make a dent in the deficit. This doesn't make anything better.

Why not use that money for better "effective welfare", like funding infrastructure jobs or training programs

US may spend more but China and Russia get more for their money
US soldiers are paid way better than Chinese and Russian soldiers in the forms of benefits, pensions and salary
US equipment costs more to make due to safety regulations and higher costs of labor

Sure on paper USA spends way more but its not as much as you think

>Percentage of GDP
4.35% of 18,004,000,000 is 783,174,000
10.32% of 9,002,000 is 929,006

At 4.35% we spend roughly 843 times as much.

Learn some basic math, you fucking retard

>we're going to be in a war

Yeah I agree that's a possibility

>I do wonder if trump is planning to go balls deep into Syria (more likely) or North Korea (less likely) and wants to build up the military ahead of time.

The US should spend more on procurement of jets and vessels and less on wages.

US military wages were $138.6 billion last year, which would make it third most if it were own country.

No. And why the fuck does trump want more nukes. He's a populist, but no one was saying they want more nukes. He's like the only the person in the country who was even considering this as an option. We have enough nukes to blow up the world 10 times over, why the fuck would we need to blow it up an 11th time? Wtf is his problem?

The US could easily invade Syria or North Korea with their current military, the only problem would be finding enough people

The thing about North Korea is that the longer we wait the worse it is going to be. Were eventually going to have to invade so we shouldn't wait until they have nuclear weapons. US should have invaded North Korea the day USSR fell.