Sup Forums what is his name?

Sup Forums what is this man name?

Jon Jafarai

Jon "Being Non-White Is Not Alright" Jafari.

JOey Boots

WTF why does Sup Forums think this guy is white? You call us Indians shitskins and poos but you accept this ugly sandnigger?!? Fucking white cuck faggots.

Jon "no rest till the spooks are gone" Jafari

fuck off Muhammad

He's Hungarian and Iranian. Literally Aryan race.

Jonathon Tronothan.

Jon "No playing around till theres boots on the ground" Jaffari

Indians hate Mudslimes more than anyone. Now SHART IN MART.

He looks like an ugly sandnigger. How come you accept him as white but not Indians?

>sandniggers are white
get off my board you fucking cuck

>white cuck faggots.
Sup Forums is hardly white, stupid bong

Jon Aryan Safari

>aryans are not aryans
Burger education.

Jon "The Third Reich" Jafari

Jon "Compton Hunting Safari" Jafari

Jon "We're Goin' on a" Safari.

Darude - Sandstorm

Jon "Never Said Anything Wrong" Jafari

poor john. he didn't take the pill, he took the suppository.


I didn't say white you inbred mongrol. I said Aryan.
"White race" is nigger race. r1b has African genes.

Hungarians are literally not Aryan. They don't even speak an Aryan language.

Jon "The Nazi" Jafari

Persians were white until the Muslim conquests when they interbred with semites, some still have white features.

Same with Northern Indians but they mixed with Dravidians and Semites too, but had a longer mixing period.

Jon Aryan Jafari

Jonathan "my middle name is literally Aryan" Jafari

He's Yugoslav too.

>not white

Looks like someone doesn't know what "Aryan" means

Youtuber who is famous on this board.

Simple man, don't you know?

His name is Jon "I lost 10,000 subs, but check these dubz" Jafari, of course.

Jon "Negro buryin' Aryan" Jafari

Jonathan Aryan Jafari
Jon "going to detroit for a Safari" Jafari
Jon "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Aryan children." Jafari
Jon "I will make the holocaust look like a fucking joke" Jafari
Jon "why would deny the greatest event in history" Jafari
Jon "Savior of the Aryans" Jafari

Jon "you better be white or ill shoot you on sight" Jafari

Jon "Aryan race all over your face" Jafari.

John "Make a darkie eat an Atari" Safari

Timothy Brentwood