Is Patton Oswalt right Sup Forums?
Is climate change that big of a deal?
Is Patton Oswalt right Sup Forums?
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Patton Oswalt is spitting into the wind and whistling past the graveyard.
not for us or europe
climate change is /ourguy/
Why aren't people pissed about China and India if they're such environmentalists?
Wasn't it Patton's "neglect and ignorance" that lead to his wife od'ing?
Patton Oswald's wife passed away from a drug overdose.
They love to paint verbal disagreements as terrorism but people killing others based on religious zealotry or assaulting them for political beliefs is not terrorism
>being able to do anything to the United States
>neglect and ignorance
Wasn't his wife pumping herself full of all kinds of illicit drugs? Sounds like Patton was a neglectful husband.
trump was right
climate change is a chinese conspiracy
>Denmark isn't red
If they're right about the rising sea levels, this country will pretty much cease to exist.
>India Fucked
>China Semi Fucked
>1/4 of Africa Fucked
Climate change helps all of us
Kek hey Patton. Still Keking about your wife's OD. How many black men have you whored your daughter out to so far this week?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Pablo Gomez Jr. The Deranged?
I thought not. It’s not a story the climate changers would tell you. It’s a sane people's legend. Pablo Gomez Jr. was an intern for Alliance for Climate Education, so disgusting and so disturbed he could use the Gender Card to influence the Californians to give him gibs… He had such a knowledge of Soros operations, he could even kill the white women he envied with impunity. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught the globalists everything he knew, then the globalists framed him for murder. Ironic. He could save others from jail, but not himself.
Fuck off we're full
Maybe we should put Oswalt under investigation for the sudden and "mysterious" death of his wife. How do we know he didn't poison her and give her cancer like they tried to do to Roger Stone recently? How do we know he's not the same commie shitbag who tried to poison Stone?
fucking rekt and fucking checked
Damn brutal. Fat cuck got rekt.
How about they actually prove the claims of man made global warming? Instead of trying to make it a crime to not produce goods in a certain way?
he knows a thing or two about neglect and ignorance, its why his wife killed herself.
It's okay, there won't be a Sweden worth fleeing to by then.
I should read more, was beat to it long ago.
Here's a question.
If climate change is absolutely the most dangerous thing facing humanity, then why not advocate for population control and even eugenics?
he's whistling past his wife?
so rustled he's in the new MST3K reboot. like so rustled.
Pool is OPEN for niggers.
It's a ploy to increase immigration. Notice every country except white countries are affected. Now they have another excuse to come steal your shit.
PEPE !!!
>neglect and ignorance
>"Let's put a bunch of regulations on energy production" those jobs can get shipped to China which is ten times worse with pollution, you fucking IDIOT. What a sad excuse for a comedian.
Of course it is
At a certain point this is just desperation.
What happens when the nuremberg style tribunals prosecuting high level pedophiles starts to come out?
Is this fat faggot going to call that fascism then too?
Keep America white !!!!
Should all those African countries not spending money on climate change also face international criminal court?
Should he face murder charges for neglect and ignorance towards his wife's medical problems?
>ocean rises 2cm
>build 4cm wall
Yeah look at us.
I would fight the globalist hordes that come for him if they ever did.
probably all of africa
these just isnt data
Why would anyone spend money to change the climate it's fine how it is
Just keep them out of USA, WHITE LIVES MATTER !!!
Global temps have been in a pretty narrow band for millions of years. Any competent engineer knows that means there must be powerful feedback mechanisms to enforce that. Most like that mean when CO2 rises, so does plant life to eat up the CO2. Problem solved.
Climate change is obviously a hoax.
>We're not spending money on that anymore
Holy shit where is Mulvaney and how can I suck his dick?
>mfw this fuck is in my favorite TV series ever
What we call "Climate Change" is largely a weather manipulation program perpetrated by Globalist forces. The reason that the weather has been SO crazy in the US since Trump assumed power is because he has halted these programs, and the normal weather patterns are reasserting themselves.
Global warming/climate change is a manufactured global problem created to implement the global solution of NWO/communism.
>"A New World Order is required to deal with the Climate Change crisis."
-Mikhail Gorbachev
>"The emerging 'environmentalization' of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government."
-Mikhail Gorbachev
>Why is capitalism incompatible with sustainability
>UN Climate Chief Says Communism is Best Way to Fight Global Warming
>Communist Agenda Behind Climate Change Movement
>Climate Alarmists Push Chinese Communism, Population Control
>'People’s Climate March’ Backed By Communist, Socialist Parties
I will prepare my future children for this.
Climate IS changing and the man made contribution is likely negligible.
What WILL happen is that as soon as shit hits the fan, border walls will become warzones. China and India will take over Siberia, Africa and the middle east will push for Europe in numbers 20X what they are now.
Climate change will only improve the areas white people live in and hurt the third world. Liberals only care because of their expensive beachfront properties.
We need to stop this Russian subversion
Patton and all of Hollyweird are useful idiots.
A huge part of carbon emission come from the massive ship transporting the goods around the world
By huge I mean the 16 biggest ship pollute more than the 800 millions car on the planet, and there's 100.000 of them sailing around the clock
Yet no one seems to give a fuck, or attract attention to that fact. Because these are the lifeblood of global trade, and people would rather point out the smaller, irrelevant amount of pollution created by meat farmers or else
If Trump actually succeed in slowing down globalism and instauring protectionnism he will have done more for the planet than all other presidents combined
TOPKEK. I'd love to see how they came up with that map.
>mfw conservative but believer in climate change
>mfw considering buying a hummer, cow farm, and nigger burning facility after seeing
>underage newfag detected
get the fuck out before we dox your parents, kiddo.
It just breaks my heart that Dennis left its always sunny in Philadelphia to do a show with this piece of shit
They're all adjusting numbers, that's why Trump took that money from NASA, said get back to exploring space.
Obama had them doing "green"research.
This guy is such a flaming pussy
If we brought everyone up for criminal neglect, Patton Oswalt would be the first one up for neglecting his sick wife.
>terrorism by neglect & ignorance
gee patton, you arent thinking straight are you?
why dont you ask your wife for an opinion?
Do fascist faggots not realize how insane they are?
So a United States Citizen should face serious a FOREIGN COURT....because they aren't funding "global warming" initiatives???
If Hillary is tried and convicted, does that mean we should also prosecute the people who supported her?
Should those courts be in the USA or do we continue the international courts theme?
I wish Patton Oswalt killed himself when his (likely) cunt wife died
Removes Cheetahs
Displaces garbage humans elsewhere in legitimate crisis
it an't that great
Man has an effect on the environment, but man made global warming is played up to apocalyptic levels.
>Japan relatively intact
>Thank Poseidon my animes are safe.
Europe is probably fucked because of all the future migrants. If America builds a wall and has a good coast guard we can essentially prevent any future climate migrants.
I hope Patton Oswalt faces court for murdering his wife.
Patton is close personal friends with A. Wyatt Mann and has to repent for this by being a blubbering bitch on twitter for all eternity.
its up to voters
Looks like our efforts to stop the predicted ice age was a little too successful.
Imagine all the climate refugees from those countries and you'll realize it is very much our problem...
>Global warmi
>Sorry, Climate change
I still remember Al Gore saying almost half of Florida will be under water already by 2020.
It is already 2017.
Why has Florida not at least quarter under water?
How though?
>We need to stop this Russian subversion
New York and London Jews financed the Russian Revolution and Communism.
The world is actually cooling. (((They))) want to use the global warming hoax to establish their domination over the gentile govts. and peoples and once they have achieved their aims they will release data that proves the world is cooling and then they will claim it is due to their quick action and take credit for saving the world.
In ancient times, people that understood astronomy would capitalize on the eclipse cycles, as well. They would tell the primitive peoples that they've angered the gods or done something to bring the blackening of the sun onto themselves and that they needed to pay tribute or similar and then the sun would "magically" reappear.
Nothing new under the sun...
I watched "Climate Hustle" last night and it made a lot of good points. Science is based on skepticism, people are suppose to test, retest and test hypothesis over and over. You're not just suppose to accept something based on something you hear secondhand. So the "debate is over" talking point is bullshit.
There's also the talk about wanting to jail "Climate Deniers". Just the fact they have to use force shows they can't win the debate on its merits. If Climate Change really is the equivalent of a asteroid about to hit Earth if we dont change our behavior then they might as well declare martial law right now because we can't have both a democracy and a planetary emergency.
if ignoring climate change is terrorism by neglect, is patton oswalt a murderer because he neglected the health of his wife?
We'll actually be in a 'mini ice age' in about 15 years because of the sun's solar cycle.
patton oswalt has every right to start a study of his own. Surely there are enough bleeding heart liberals to fund such a project right?
The magnetic poles will reverse and cause a global flood before pollution based climate change does anything. Should be sometime in the next 50 years
Fuck off were full
Oswalt is kinda right as its not as big of an issue as before
Those colours wouldn't change if the earth cooled or stayed the same. It's basically a map of how intrinsically fucked-up countries are.
I hope Oswalt sees court for killing his wife.
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
lol, it's not terrorism, it's just egregious neglect and ignorance. he's using 'terrorism' for the kapow-factor. very newspeaky-feelsy. oswalt sucks even when he doesn't suck.
>international, unelected courts should take care of people i dont like
wtf is wrong with this speedball fgt?
all faked for gubment dollas
fuck weak people like you
we already got invaded and taken over by economic "refugees" (and this was before global warming)
if you let them come... they will come
its as simple as that
voters in europe will have to decide if they want to end up a 3rd world country like us
>Fat unfunny short hack comedian's opinion
Why should anyone give a fuck about the opinions of these 'entertainers'?
nah not really
a slight warming leads to longer growing seasons in the north... and killer summers at the equator
I'm pretty sure she was sacrificed to Satan to keep his fame going, OD was just a cover
>I get sick of people makin excuses for (((her))), she blew it
>[audience silence, someone coughs]
>see that nobody thinks that
>you lost to a guy who said three things a week that would torpedo anybody else's campaign, how do you do that
>that's like you're playing a football game and the other team throws 20 interceptions and you still manage to blow it
>There's also the talk about wanting to jail "Climate Deniers".
The "denier" word choice is most telling. It is associated with Holocaust denial and normies know in the same way they'll be outcasts if labeled a "denier". Also, like debating the Holocaust is illegal in many places, for the same reason they want to jail "climate change deniers" because the claim doesn't hold up under scrutiny, and therefore, they can't win an honest debate. The Holocaust and Climate Change are key linchpins in their agenda, are sacrosanct, and challenges must not be allowed.
>The science is settled, goys! And anyone who debates this is a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted conspiratard. Now gib shekels please.
Bill's nigger wife let him tell that joke?
Comedian with a dead wife? Should be grieving not tweeting