Reality is a simulation. Discuss.
Reality is a simulation. Discuss
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Statistically, yes.
The elites know this.
Reality is probably not a simulation. For hundreds of years humans have believed the universe worked on the model of the most complicated things we had on hand such as gears or clockwork. There is no particular reason to believe a computer simulation is any more accurate.
The likely reality is the universe is something else entirely we haven't encountered yet with many strange properties.
Stop posting unanimated gifs you fat cunt.
Also it literally doesn't change anything if this is a simulation unless it allows you to get mad Neo powers. You still have to follow all the simulations rules like you would if it was real.
does it matter?
what do we do with this information?
what difference does it make?
decent read, would recommend
Fuck off with your gay Matrix circle jerk
Prove it or fuck off with your God analogs.
>Prove it
It's implied. The argument is that:
>technology (computer power) continues to increase in the future.
>in one of these possible futures superintelligent AI emerges
>AI want to learn how it was created
>simulates all possible past scenarios
>statistically, we are one of these simulations
This is logical.
Logic means fuck all. People have logical explanations for even the most insane shit you'll ever see. People have logical explanations for anything and everything in the bible. Without proof it means nothing.
All that is required for it is be a valid prediction is that current technology trends continue.
I know this is not something easy to think about. It seems likely.
>OP isn't Hanz
really repairs the telomeres
This is a psy op.
They tell you it's a simulation, then they literally invent the laws for us to use our co-creation will manifestation to alter our reality slowly.
Notice how everything the pedophile elites feed you has something to do with being trapped?
No space travel universe trapped on a ball.
Trapped in a flat earth under a dome
Trapped in a simulation
All of these are made to make you fear. The more you fear the more power their parasitic entities gain.
Except you miss the point where artificial consciousness does not exist. There is not indication that it can exist, either. The entire "theory" that reality is a simulation requires artificial consciousness to be possible but currently no such thing exists.
If current technology trends continue we will see increased computational power. That's it. Only the power of faith allows you to believe that consciousness will somehow arise from it.
Oh dear. Consciousness is not the same as intelligence. With enough computer power you can brute force your way to solutions with huge neural networks.
It really isn't.
Enjoy your life while you've got it.
Are you self conscious?
Answer carefully. One answer proves that you aren't human. The other answer proves your entire theory wrong.
The universe is a mental construct that is being simulated within the mind of God
>Are you self conscious?
This is a retarded question. How the fuck do I know? It's a buzzword used by philosophers.
I am conscious in the sense that I can use language to communicate my common experience to other human beings, and only humans are conscious since this is own only possible frame of reference.
Can you explain the relevance please?
>Can you explain the relevance please?
Only a being possessing consciousness can have the ability to question the nature of himself and his universe. By theorizing that this universe is a simulation you are showing that you posses consciousness.
Consciousness has never been shown to arise from machines. There is nothing to prove that consciousness can arise. Only an incredible leap of faith allows one to believe such a thing. By claiming that we exist in a simulation you are making the implicit statement that consciousness can arise from machines (because if your theory were true we would be that consciousness). Without proof that consciousness can arise from machines you have nothing more that blind faith.
In other words, believing that the world is a simulation is absolutely no different from believing in God. Both require faith without proof.
>By theorizing that this universe is a simulation you are showing that you posses consciousness.
You are suggesting that computer modelling won't help an AI build a coherent view of the world. All we have to do is set up an AI that explores the predicted patterns of the past to map our its emergence in the hope of increasing the efficiency of this in the future
With enough computer power there is no reason why this would not be a worthwhile project (as opposed to the power going idle)
Does the AI here theorise what it will do next? No. It randomises and selects its actions based on a fitness function.
I've no doubt that computer modeling can and will make fairly accurate approximations of what humans could do. What I doubt is that these automatons will be conscious. If you posses consciousness and computer simulations cannot then it follows that you cannot be a computer simulation.
An accurate simulation of a consciousness means that the simulated entity will be conscious but the infrastructure for the simulation will stll not be conscious. We as conscious beings can still exist inside an intelligent simulation that itself is not conscious.
Absolutely certain this is true. Just now, I was thinking "I wish I had some pizza." and wa la, my wife's son come home with Domino's.
By our data restrictions the existence of irrational and endless numbers would fill any simulation up with huge amounts of data.
Again you make the absurd claim that consciousness can arise from a simulation. Without proof of this claim all you have is bullshit.
How does consciousness arise then?
Fuck if I know.
time is like a river of little cookie people.
>god for atheists
So then it's a separate point. The argument for simulation only project current trends into the future, it is independent of what consciousness is or how it emerges.
>>god for atheists
No, still no god. Sorry.
>wa la
It's not a separate point, I explained previously why consciousness disproves your theory but you've apparently ignored it.
Ok, so a consciousness in the future (our descendants) decides to use the computer power of the future to simulate past events.
We all know The hard problem is a ways away from being solved. But some computers ARE conscious, for example, the human brain. What casual powers it possesses to make conscious experience isn't presently known.
What changes if reality is a simulation?
It's a pointless observation to make
>Logic means fuck all.
Yeah, it's just the most reliable field of human inquiry. Let's toss it out the window, because then our case for atheism is better. Next up, quantum electrodynamics.
I used to think like you on this topic, but at some point I realized that it was only sufficient to explain 6,999,999,999 of the people on the planet. It didn't explain my own perception/consciousness. (I previously just tried to define it away into non-existence, which in retro-spect was naive, since it is the one thing in the universe I can be surest about.) And the reason we conclude other people have consciousness is due to their similarity to ourselves, not because their behavior requires it.
>And the reason we conclude other people have consciousness is due to their similarity to ourselves, not because their behavior requires it.
I would agree, but the only way to articulate our isolation is with language that implies the existance of others in contrast to ourselves. It literally necessitates teh consciousness of others.
And some people never grow up from that naivety
The theory is that conciousness goes beyond this simulation. It is what renders our reality but while our consciousness is in this reality it must follow the laws.
This is based on all matter starting out as information and taking shape based off observation. The simulation argument makes sense in this case because why take up memory, processing power by rendering that which isn't observed. Kind of like a video game.
"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make sound?" - "No, there is no tree"
If we render our reality using only our brains then what rendered our brains into our reality.
"Chicken or the egg?" -
"Observable Conciousness"
Our Conciousness is the Player. We are the Character.
The Game is the Simulation.
The Computer is our Universe.
My dad works at Nintendo and he is God.
>Reality is a simulation
how is this different from laplace's demon? wasn't that disproven?
I've been trying off and on to move shit with my mind for 30 years now. no luck so far, but I can safely say it has nothing to do with flexing the right facial muscles
If you want to know more look up "delayed choice quantum eraser"
I don't know how we can begin to assert that human consciousness exists somewhere outside of the simulation.
>laplace's demon
This implies knowledge of 'all possible universes'. The simulation hypothesis works on the basis of separate or compartmentalised 'universes'.
>and wa la, my wife's son come home with Domino's.
>not understanding evo psych
>what is evolutionary selection for paternity concern in men
although i agree that a naturally occurring gondola does not in fact have arms I have found a few of the more artistic takes on this mystical creature to be rather amusing.
reality is not a fucking simulation like a game
the theory is about information being encoded on a lower dimensional boundary to the region
There's something way more insidious going on that is causing this to even be plausible. There's something affecting human perception that started fairly recently. It's not that we're in a simulation, it's just that certain aspects of reality have gone sideways and seem to be getting even more bizarre. The source of this will reveal itself in time, but it isn't as clean as "we're all in a simulation and we're going to wake up and everything will be great!" It's more along the lines of Lovecraftian Old Ones and government experiments gone awry.
ME : AUGUST 17 1995
Because in order to have reality you need conciousness to render it.
Perhaps. Maybe at this level of consciousness. I subscribe to a universal consciousness theory, involving several levels of increasingly "aware" states of being.
Right, things are complex. That is no argument. Our current understanding does imply that, at least at some level, there is a particular "arbitrary" nature of the laws of this universe. Take the speed of light for instance. Why is it 3*10^8 m/s ? Why not less or more? It's kinda arbitrary. The parameters of this system.
Its a Hologram. This was a good read even if it didnt help the author in the end with his cancer and Sai Baba shit turned out to be garbage tricks.
"Reality is a simulation" = creationism in a large wooden badger.
"the more that you fear us the bigger we get"
It's cancer.
All shall be healed eventually.
Look up on YouTube "the double slit with a quantum eraser experiment" and see for yourself . If you can understand it you know what it means.
Materialism was a mistake.
It's ok, user. Materialism is most likely false. I've come to accept dualism after reading more about Near-Death Experiences and the writings of various Non-reductive physicalist philosophers.
Haha wtf is this bullshit
Who knows...
>smoke DMT and have your own completely meaningless near-death experience
T. butthurt materialist
>"cuckold scandal"
xkcd has always been the faggiest bullshit in existence
>materialism is limited by our perceptive ability so arbitray psychedelic lunacy is real
The blog version:
Thats why any given structure will attempt to conform to the Golden Ratio if/when it can, and all variations on it are in set increments, allowing for standard expansion. If reality IS a simulation, memory itself would be the recycling bin, determining what info is truly valid and what can be discarded.
There is also no proof that the irrational or endless numbers are truly endless. There may be a pattern or system innate in the value itself that we just don't see or recognize. In a theory about reality being a simulation, the idea of memory issues because of large values can be discarded anyway.
>Now is not the time for fear.
God created universe
So does that make all of creation holy or divine? If God created everything after he himself existed (and is divine) wouldn't adding something that has sin in it make him kind of shitty as a creator?
Of course he is shitty, he doesn't know what is he doing.
Not as thicc as those digits
You can set the speed of light to 1 in natural units. The speed of light has to be something...
Arbitrary doesn't mean artificial.
As far as science is concerned, the consciousness arises from the very particular arrangement and interactions of atoms making up the brain. Ultimately it doesn't matter if those atoms are in the real world or in a simulation. As long as they are following the same rules of physics then you have the same consciousness.
You're a big guy
sin is part of the game, famalam
listen to BLACKSTAR
What if you don't fear it?