He was never under surveillance.
He was never under surveillance
It don't matter. He can say 2+2 = 5 and Drumpfkins will believe it.
It's almost a 100% certainty that Trump and / or his associates were under surveillance by the previous administration of some kind or another.
The nature of the surveillance may have been perfectly legal and in accordance with standard practices, or it may have been a malicious attempt to dig up dirt on him. We don't know.
The media is making a big mistake by claiming no surveillance of any kind happened, because when the evidence turns up, regardless of how harmless or legal it is, they will suffer another blow to credibility.
Just like the tax returns, but 10x more damaging.
He is a fake.
only a leaf would believe 2+2= 5
You can't fix stupid.
Yeah he was. Everyone is.
>On Wednesday, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who was a member of the Trump transition team’s executive committee, said he doesn’t think “there was an actual tap of Trump Tower.”
>“Are you going to take the tweets literally?” Nunes said. “If you are, then clearly the president was wrong.”
I think he probably was.
FUCK Trump!!!
Stupid old fart!!!
Yes, by the FBI. Fact.
Who ordered it... CIA or Obama, up in the air.
We're all under surveillance.
How is it fact?
How did they tap his phones with Australia then, faggot? How did they wiretap General Flynn? Why did media for months chatter on about wiretapping?
You can't just change the story whenever you want jackass.
Oh yeah, and now we know the CIA has been tapping all the data from everyone in the USA...
It's alternative.
Everyone is therefore he was
>shills will defend Flynn when he was LITERALLY being paid by RT
yes he was; everybody's under surveillance
>tap his phones with Australia
leak, probably by a staffer
>wiretap General Flynn
they tapped the russian that Flynn was in contact with
He was obviously under survelliance anyone who says otherwise it's extremely naive or perverse.
and being paid by turkey, and by a the U.S. subsidiary of a Russian cybersecurity firm, and by a U.S. air cargo company affiliated with a group owned by a Russian oligarch
What is tapping foreign entities and getting caught talking to them.
Trump should produce the warrant or BTFO. If he says he can't because it is classified then that means he has disclosed classified information by tweeting about it.
The fact of the matter is that there was no warrant and he lied. He parroted fox and friends or Hannity and is being exposed.
He definitely was under surveillance shill. It's obvious.
>liberals say Russians had Trump under survelliance
>deny the previous administration did
Doesn't make sense.
You can always count on leftists to believe the exact opposite of reality. Otherwise they wouldn't be leftists.
As the president you would think he'd just call the head of the FBI, DNI, AG, CIA, NSA, etc. into his office and ask them. Seems pretty simple. They literally report to him on almost all matters.
Of course he was.
Just look at how corrupt Obama's "deep state" legacy is.
Leftists claim the high moral ground but they are the filthiest, most crooked and fascist side of the spectrum.
Look at the actions, not the words or "feelings".
Look at history.
Nice 1s and 7s my dude
If everyone is because the government does it then it means Trump is literally wiretapping everyone because he confuses intelligence agencies and presidents.
Just found out Trump is wiretapping everyone. I thought he didn't like that. Sick!
>If he says he can't because it is classified
the president has the power to declassify anything
I think its clear at this point that this is 100% based on that breitbart article
>yfw trump tweeted about the biggest presidential scandal in US history, then tweeted about celebrity apprentice, then went golfing
>leak after leak about how the us government is constantly spying on every aspect of its citizens lives
>refuse to believe they wouldn't spy on one of the most influential, powerful citizens
How can anyone be this fucking willfully ignorant to push their own agenda I will never know.
>government openly admits everyone is under surveilance
>trump wasnt though
i dont trust trump but that is a bunch of bs
we all are undersurvailance
>sources NYT and WaPo
Those are fake news sites, though.
where's the leak that would prove trump was being spied on? or the declassified intelligence? or the FISA warrent for Trump Tower?
burger education
He specifically said a court turned down a request to tap him.
No proof of that.
Then he says the tapped him.
No proof of that either.
Just produce the court document. Problem is, he can't because he is ignorant or lying.
Then why did Hillary and all the MSN report that he was being investigated for Russian connections? Why were Gen. Flynn phone calls recorded and leaked? How does anyone know about the server connected to a Russian bank? Trump made them all admit that it was a fake investigation. Check mate.
Yeah nah I'm pretty sure Deep State doesn't tell you two cent Jewposters what they get up to.
Fuck off Jamal. Go steal your neighbors bike and ride it into traffic you crack head idiot cunt.
Liberals are so stupid that they believe Obama followed laws and got a warrant or FISA request to surveil President Trump. When in fact the nigger broke every law imaginable and committed highly treasonous/illegal shit during his tenure like arm ISIS or hook up Iran with 500 million in cash. Fucking morons lololol!
I heard Donald Trump pays no income tax too.
How did that work out?
Even the best of lawyers need some evidence to make a case.
Remember, Trump specially said his phones were tapped by Obama. He has no proof that President Obama putting taps on his telephones after failing to get a warrant to do so in the past.
These general "every is under surveillance " argument is not what he claimed at all. It is irrelevant in this case.
I regret nothing.
8 years.
Trump said they applied for a warrant and we're turned down by the court. He has yet to prove this.
Liberals are so stupid they use Trump's own words against him
>Libtards BTFO
This. Trumpster trash will use whatever mental gymnastics necessary to trick themselves into believing their president is good.
Why was Flynn found out?
It's pretty obvious. The government tapped a Russian (which doesn't require a warrant) and Flynn got caught talking to the Russian.
Do you see the difference?
Does he have to prove to you idiots that oxygen exists? That the sun is bright? Obama illegaly surveiling Trump seems like a minor crime in comparison when your niggerpres was laundering funds from Freddie Mac and Fannie May to BLM, Antifa and a slew of other left activist groups. Shareblue is so low energy tonight it's kinda sad.
You dumb motherfucking Hill supporters don't remember Hillary and the rest of her bloody vaginal eggs running around on TV talking about Trump's connections with Russia? Obama, Hillary and the rest are dirty as fuck and you know it. Soon is gonna butt fuck all of you on live TV. Get your virgin asses ready..
>Trump tower was never wiretapped
Oddly specific denial, no?
This is your brain on Trump. Everyone is out to get you, everyone is lying except you, even as all evidence argues otherwise.
Thanks for dodging the entire issue. Does that pass for critical thinking where you come from?
take baby steps and provide proof that Obama applied to tap his phone and was denied by the court. It's just a court ruling. It's not like Trump can't produce this.
This is your brain on A fucken LEAF.
Did you use those awesome critical thinking skills of yours to deduce Putin hacked the election too?
He made an oddly specific accusation.
Obama literally lied saying that there is a wage gap and everyone fell for it. I think we know who the real idiots are.
You don't understand the argument. You're just parroting nonsense.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes says Trump Tower could have been under surveillance
People who swallow lies as fact are the idiots, whether it comes from Trump or Obama.
Do you know that it is illegal to wiretap Americans without a warrant, and that when they are wrapped up in a conversation with a foreign national, the CIA/NSA are supposed to disguise the American's name and voice?
So.... Again, how do we know what Flynn said to the Russians? Oh that's right, its because someone violated the law.
Only a Redditor deals in absolutes.
Media actually reported this. Google it faggot.
So Russian spy accusations were BS?
>How did they tap his phones with Australia then, faggot
They didn't. Those calls are always recorded and turned into transcripts for review, and it was a transcript that got leaked by someone out of the thousands of people who have access to them.
>leaf using le leaf meme
You will never be a burger, no matter how hard you try.
>He was never under surveillance.
Then you agree the CIA/FBI/NSA never suspected him of having ties to Russia?
OR do you think the Democrat party is smarter than all of our intelligence agencies combined?
>pick one faggot
You seem to think Trump is smarter than all of your intelligence agencies combined.
Yes he was and he will prove it if Congress stonewalls.
Sorry Shareblue, you're BTFO.
>You seem to think Trump is smarter than all of your intelligence agencies combined.
No, just smarter than the commie democrats.
They tapped the foreign national's phones, not the US Citizen's. A warrant is not required and it is 100% constitutional.
Trump claims his phone was tapped.
That would require a warrant under the 4th Amendment. Trump says they applied and failed. No proof.
Fuck facts dude! Fact cuck!
Like Trump not being surveiled while we know as a matter of fact we all are constantly being surveiled by the CIA and other alphabet agencies? Get real you fucking cuck!
He, and all of us were are are under surveillance. You are naive if you believe otherwise.
Obama used UK to access NSA data that is collected on everyone (every bit over the net is stored). UK do not fall under our laws, they accessed the data, transcribed it and sent to Obama, who shared it with Hillary.
His justice dept also had a FISA request in June that was denied, only 17 have been denied in history (evidence of over reach)
Obama is royally fucked.
Imagine what it must be like to be a liberal democrat, hanging out smoking pot with your ethnically-balanced group of international super friends, talking shit about NSA spying on every citizen for YEARS, talking about how all software and hardware is compromised
Now, pretending they didn't even look at Trump. Sure. What hypocrites. Desperate.
If only there was some evidence...
I keep aspiring to be a burger everyday. It's a lot better than a leaf - can't wait till President Trump walls us up or annexes our land which we don't deserve.
You have his tax records for the last 10 years?
>I keep aspiring to be a burger everyday
You are a traitor to your heritage.
Democrats are so shit, Trump can make a claim, let them run wild foaming at the mouth, and then release whatever he wants a week later after they've completely shit the bed. The uniparty and it's MSM slaves.
Am ok with that since am practically a refugee who fucks leaf bitches while their husbands praise my giant darker penis and make me a sandwich.
I COULD be a unicorn.
Gravity COULD be caused by an invisible, space turtle farting downwards.
You COULD have actual evidence.
>self-hating leaf
"Wiretap" was in quotes for a reason, but you dickheads can't see reality, so you miss every fucking beat.
Next week is going to be brutal, Maddow was only a warm up.
There will be a crater where MSM and Obama/Hillary stood.
Nixon level 1000.