Post southern shit here.
How're you fine gentlemen doing tonight? Anyone going to the Pikeville thing TWP and the League are putting together?
Post southern shit here.
How're you fine gentlemen doing tonight? Anyone going to the Pikeville thing TWP and the League are putting together?
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Sage, sage, sage!
Fuck off yankee trash
This is what I've been waiting for.
Redpill me on the present day confederate states, lads. How is the white community?
I counter.
Shia Lebouf?
I'm in Texas. Metro areas are bad. Downtown Houston/Austin/Dallas is poz central, packed with lefties and faggots. Inner neighborhoods are either coontowns no white man would dare set foot in, barrios, or sodomite/SWPL enclaves.
Outer suburbs are white and lean right. Pretty much the only spics out there are castizos (3/4 white blood) and they're not quite white but they speak English and vote Republican so I can't bitch too much. It's a fucking hour + commute to the office from out there though so the shit is untenable long-term.
Rural areas are a crapshoot. Some of them are nigger towns, especially out East near the Louisiana line. Down south it's 98% spic. Out west it's mixed white/mestizo.
Very little racemixing with the blacks, taboos aren't so strong with mestizos though.
Basically it sucks here and I'm thinking of escaping to Tennessee or north Alabama
Fuck off with your traitor memorabilia
>dying to protect Shlomo's right to own niggers
But the cause for which we fought was higher; our thought wider... That thought was our power.
Confederacy fucking lost bitch.
>killing 600,000 white men on behalf of tyrone
Shlomo sold niggers, planters were nearly exclusivley white. And frankly it's better for shlomo to own the slave trade than the government you zog piece of shit
Charleston here
>Tfw Forbes named us the Number 1 City in the world.
They were traitors they deserved to fucking die the north fought to keep the country Washington Jefferson Adams and Monore created the abolishing of slavery came eventually
Most of the big cities in Louisiana are fucked (as expected) and New Orleans is still the asshole of the state. The rural communities have some blacks but rural blacks out here aren't usually that different from the whites.
stop trying to reason with them. they'd sell the whole North American continent to Europe before admitting they were wrong (and nearly did)
RIP dude, prepare for your city to be flooded with degenerate carpetbagger swine. Austin and Houston are forever ruined and Nashville is nearly gone too.
Daily reminder that Abe Lincoln was going to ship the niggers back to Africa but history's greatest faggot shot him before he could
It's alright here in Georgia, aside from Atlanta
John Wilkes Booth was literally a kike. Look it up.
Iowa reporting in. We're honorary confederates.
Living in Georgia right now (miss Louisiana a little more every day t b h), fuck Atlanta. I hate everything that god damn place.
Free trips to the beach for all traitors!
Yeah. I feel bad for people who are introduced to this state by Atlanta, it may be our Capital but it's also our asshole.
Also, this is my yard
name one person convicted of treason
Imagine Immigrants coming to Florida, but replaced them with Old couples wearing Disney hats and T shirts.
crush the damn urbanite
At least Macon is nice and comfy.
You guys are liberal AF tho and your gun laws just got cucked.
You're doing the work of our enemies by engaging in these alt history fantasies.
It doesn't get any better than what we have today. this is what we have to work with. With Trump is office and republicans with all the power, the sky is the limit.
I wanna move somewhere up in Northern Georgia, not in Atlanta, but relatively close in terms of geography.
As in, up in the mountains. Live out the rest of my days sippin coffee watching the farmers pick the vineyards.
I live in Southern Georgia, which has nice places but I can't stand the temperature. I suppose it's sort of neat living somewhere where Cotton still reigns supreme though.
You aren't keeping any slaves around here are you? Boys, get the swords.
Shut up you gay double nigger traitors.
Psshhh being mad cause you didn't get your family out of that shithole when the getting was good. You should have just evacuated and given the south to the blacks.
The CSA was winning for the first half of the war
Had Stonewall survived, your ass'd be grass
I do agree that we shouldn't entice a second war though
the US is nice and bright now
but history repeats itself.
>republican in office after a crazy election cycle
>Democrats threaten to secede
listen my southern brothers, sit back, relax, and listen to what your republican leaders have to offer. Don't fuck this up for us again.
Why are they all exactly 5'8''
They (Confederates) were all pardoned, therefore they accepted that they were guilty.
>can't stand the heat
Because it was the 1800s, Americans hadn't grown to our ubermensch height yet
Republic of Louisiana reporting in
Nah, I was born and bred here, just someone who loves Winter
it snows every 10 years here man
10. years.
wouldn't move up North if my life depended on it though.
Ok...maybe Maine.
But only if it were a hard pressed situation.
Union man here, my great-great-great-great Grandpappy fought for a New York Regiment.
Just wanted to say I respect the South as worthy opponents and fellow Americans and wish them nothing but success and happiness in their daily endeavors.
I hope a coalition of rust-belt States (where I live), Western States, and the South, can work together for the next hundred years keeping the leftist menace at bay.
I expect I'll never spend more than a week or two on the other side of the Ohio.
I fucking hate the winter so goddamn much. ITS STILL TOO FUCKING COLD
not a historical argument. go read a turtledove novel
if you REEEEAAAALLLY want to go down that route, ask yourself if the world would be a better place. I'd say a Southern victory would be devastating to Southern families. It would definitely mean more war in the future.
I think the South would retard its industrialization, a strong working class would never develope. The Southern Aristocracy would rule over the working man and the nigger alike.
Pols corrupted me. I'm just looking at the black guy in this thinking "damn I wish I could read"
as a British subject, you are inclined to the Southern cause for the acquisition of wealth. fuckin hippocrites.
The South had already begun industrialization.
It was capable of producing massive artillary when the war ended, but never got a chance to use it, plus had trouble transporting it.
As for the Aristocracy, it'd depend on what state you lived in. Thus the term Confederacy, each state handled almost all affairs within it's borders, so while there would be shared culture, each state would be independent to a degree it's hard to say whether or not all states would be aristocratic.
I imagine any war we would've gone through would be over by now.
I take interest in both sides. All of them were Christian men who should not have died. It hurt our country, but now it is a part of our history.
>Charleston here
We have a house in Liverpool England named after Charleston, we have quite a few Confed connections here
And American flag still flies outside those buildings to this day
The South was fighting for independence from what appeared to them as a foreign culture. At the time Northern and Southern culture were like Black and White.
The North was fighting to preserve a unified country, and in the process likely prevented a foreign power like Russia, Britain, or France from trying to establish or re-establish the US and CS as colonies.
they were both "right".
And heres where those buildings are, where the confederates did their European business
Did Lincoln start the war?
>they were both "right"
No the south was full of fucktards that wanted to annex Cuba and Central America (see William Walker) to expand so fat fucks slave empire without a glimmer of opposition
rebel scum
Freemantle was a charming fellow
please continue projecting
> was capable of producing massive artillary
yeah like manufacturing cast iron cannon without using the rodman method of casting resulting in the piece blowing up in your face half the time.
>As for the Aristocracy, it'd depend on what state you lived in
You know how the state of Georgia wanted to call it quits but their overlords in Richmond forced them to carry on fighting? Then the dictators went ahead and plundered Georgian wealth anyways.
The Confederacy was hypocritical and backwards. It had a very miserable future ahead of it, if it succeeded.
lmao you lost the war
The United States was very backwards in it's early years.
>Hey guys, we'll tell people they only have to pay taxes if they want to
>great idea John!
Last un-cucked flag coming through.
In Mississippi we have a lot of blacks, like 37%, but they're almost all sequestered in one part of the state, dying in poverty. The rest of the state is pretty nice. Pine trees everywhere, catfish everywhere, and quaint little redneck towns.
Yes, he unlawfully held Southern territory and even ordered federal ships to break the blockade on Fort Sumter, after repeated warnings that this would lead to hostility.
>it's a "I don't know what the Stars and Bars are" episode
look at Georgia's flag
then google "1st National Flag of the CSA"
How is it a good idea to start all over again if it takes so long to make any progress??????????
Starting off, the Confederacy was 100% more totalitarian than the US at the time of signing the constitution.
>Charleston is Liberal as fuck
I give you the fact that we're center left since we get a lot of whites from the north. (Fuck off we're full) Seriously, last I checked like 10 families a day move in.
But Charleston is still:
The same town that told Al Sharpton and BLM to fuck off when Roof shot up Mother Emmanuel.
The same town that told the IAM union to fuck off back to Seattle.
>our gun laws are cucked
Top lel.
Neato! I'm not sure about British influence remaining in down here (besides The Battery and bits of the old forts). You can hardly walk a couple yards and not run into something from the 1700s. We still keep one of the oldest Markets running.
Rednecks are cool
Secession happened because of two things
cultural differences
and Lincoln was using the South as a cash cow
the South paid the majority of the Fed's revenue, some 70% of it if I remember correctly (very totalitarian that)
between those two reasons I think the South during the 1860s had reason to want to try independence
>claims to be from the south
>isn't even below the equator
Gtfo yanks
And Georgia changed their flag in 1956 to appease Dixiecrats and changed it again between 2001-2003 to appease the niggers in Atlanta. What's your point faggo? Georgia is a bandwagon state.
My point is we have a Confederate flag as our state flag again
How is that having a cucked flag
Argentina es no blanco
Fuck off with your revisionist cra Lincoln wad sending food to the soldiers in Sumter (Federal property) in a unarmed vessels but fucking rednecks shot the ship for no good reason dammit I wish all your traitorous ancestor a had been hung instead of pardoned
>a had
>a unarmed
>wad sending
And they say Southerners have bad grammar. Atrocious. Also autistic.
Don't make us call our granddad to wreck your shit again.
It's not a bad design in my opinion, and it has history. But the state let it be changed to appease liberals, plain and simple.
spotted the butthurt yank
You lost. Get over it.
>150 YEARS
Well technically the Battle Flag one WAS supposed to only be for the centennial.
Plus it was poorly designed imo.
Like your state can rock it because you added your own stripes and shit.
But the blue stripe with our Seal and just the Battle Flag sucked.
The current flag isn't much different in terms of effort but it at least is appealing to the eye.
>Revolutionary War pic
>Civil War thread
It was all about dat cotton etc, the cotton merchants here where pretty big backers of the Confederates, had to keep the plantations ticking over so much so they were financing ships and other supplies, Liverpool alone was importing over half a million bales from you in one year.
so after rationalizing treason and knowing the results, do you think it was worth it?
600,000 lives, the largest threat to American Democracy was the Confederacy.
>Grampa had a sex change
Not surprised.
Why are southern baptists such Zionist chucks though?
t. Independent fundamental baptist
Georgia needs a Celtic flag like Alabama or Florida. Or something that reaches back to the colonial days.
Fuck those god damned traitors. Fuck you OP for even considering this post. Nothing prideful in the Confederate States.
Was it worth it? Of course not. But it was to the people living at the time because they had no idea what was going to happen, as I said, they were even winning for the first 2-3 years of it, until Gettysburg.
It's only treason because they didn't survive.
Or would you like me to turn you in to British authorities