>Me, Austrian/scottish genetics
>blue eyes, blond hair
>Meet girl in college
>Brown eyes brown hair Jewess
>4 years later
>Unironically asking her to marry me soon
How's it feel to feel so unfulfilled, Pol?
pic related, it's what she looks like
>Me, Austrian/scottish genetics
>blue eyes, blond hair
>Meet girl in college
>Brown eyes brown hair Jewess
>4 years later
>Unironically asking her to marry me soon
How's it feel to feel so unfulfilled, Pol?
pic related, it's what she looks like
I hope she gets raped, then her throat slit and bled like a pig in front of you, then you your teeth ripped out before being given the sweet taste of death.
>falling for the vaginal Jew
Congrats on marrying a pig ugly Jewess I guess? Love must really be blind
Those poor souls inhabiting the vessels you make.
I too would like to extend my congratulations.
Congrats on your sexless relationship and consequent divorce where she leaves you for a brown dude.
oy vey, very rude
I mean, you do you
>pic related, it's what she looks like
So she looks like a total stereotype.
Either you have never met an older Jewess or you must be a true cuck to put up with her in her later years. They become unbearable past the age of 35.
>Congrats on your sexless relationship and consequent divorce where she leaves you for a brown dude.
oooh nice try i almost MGTOW'd.
Thanks, we will breed children eventually
Wew, I thought only niggers and liberals could be this spiteful and violent
The second part might be exaggerated but the first one is actually true
Two questions:
1. When did she serve in the IDF?
2. How many terrorists did she kill?
I'm guessing the answers are never and zero.
Just because Hitler would have happily given you a one-way train ride to Poland doesn't make you Jewish.
Nothing of value was lost, dont sweat it OP
According to Jewish faith, if the mother is a Jewess your kids will have to be raised Jewish. Perhaps she will allow them to not be raised Jewish (unlikely, since they will eventually gravitate back to it anyway because of in-group Jew gibs).
In essence you are either:
1) Not a Christian (which makes you a Jew anyway spiritually and in that case who fucking cares about this thread)
2) Ok with having kids who deny Christ and believe the exact opposite of what you believe about the nature of God/Logos
3) Are prepared to fight with your wife about spirituality for the rest of your waking life
4)Ignore your differences at the deepest most meaningful level, which will then manifest themselves anyways in daily life, leading you to slowly detest one another
No matter what of the above answers describes you, you've fucked up very, very badly. I hope this thread isn't real, for your sake.
not her retard. what she looks like
I don't believe in god and my kids will be raised jewish if she wishes
Then you're already a Jew spiritually and have come full circle. It's fitting that your kids be kikes.
Enjoy your shitty life.
>inb4 jelly
Nope, I'm married with kids already, my wife is traditionalist, very hot, actually white (with green eyes). She's playing piano in the background as I type this, not even lying.
But your life will be much, much different. I pity you, but you deserve what's coming.
>She's playing piano in the background as I type this, not even lying.
My girl loves piano too, she also plays violin. You'd understand once you find someone special, your poltard philosophies don't really matter
Is it me or jews do a good bj?
>Unironically asking her to marry me soon
As apposed to ironically asking her to marry you?
Enjoy losing half of everything you got, OP. Don't come bitching to us when it happens.
Would marry an burry wood.
Nice op
She's a bad jew
>once you find someone special
>your love of knowledge and truth and deepest held convictions suddenly stop mattering
You're the classic fool, user. The universe saw fit to warn you via an anonymous poster on a underground sausage mixing board, and that may very well be all the warning you are fit to receive.
>deepest help conviction
>loosely held poltard ramblings
it's not a religion, you sound like you need to lay of pol for a little bit
>Durr mgtow 4 lyf
Stop impersonating me. I'm thee real Sam Shokin!
>judaism's not a religion
>projecting about too much time spent on pol
Ok kid.
i dated a marxist kike in college. she was prettier than your gf. gave good head/handjobs. now i have an aryan gf and i'm happier.
ah u must be vry alpha
>mad that people can find happiness without having some weird form of race supremacism in them
i'm happy with my own kind :) have fun being culturally different from your children
>culturally different than your children
ahah is this what you actually believe?
are you jewish?
>religion = culture
fare you denying jews have culture separate from whites? does your girlfriend know that you do that?
I've also dated and fooled around with Jewish chicks but they always straight up say at a certain point that they could never marry a non-Jew. Gave up and am now with a non-practicing Albanian who technically could be considered Muslim. Further, I'm also Austrian and Polish with blue eyes and blonde hair. They're just mad OP.
this is the first thing that comes up when you goodle the word "jew"
1. a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.
the wikipedia article "Jews" says:
The Jews, also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance.
lol no one is mad that some user they don't know is marrying a jew. it's just banter user.
Exactly my man
Your life from now on will be an episode of Broad City.
oh ok whatever
Enjoy your ugly shitskin kids.
Blacked, one week later....
Ya i think so
remember you'll doubt whether or not she really understands you every day for the rest of your life