What did Snoop Dogg mean by this?
What did Snoop Dogg mean by this?
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It's a song about the camera guy in resident evil 7
Snoop dog is not relevant.
Saged. Fuck off
Bix nood mufugga, dam whitey devils!
I'm gonna write dis rap about killing whitey yo, gonna be edgy n sheeit, cause some controversy n get me sum shekels yo, ain't gonna actually kill some whiteys doe, fuck dat noise, never bite da hand dat feeds u n all
he's one of the most influential rappers of all time
that song has 5.5 million views in less than a week
Real question is when did snoop dogg become such a whiny ass bitch
And lol at this little bow wow munchkin acting tuff
he's past his prime, but he's still highly influential within the black community
Does this mean black people want a race war too? ooooooooh shit haha
ah, now the show makes sense
a lot of them do
this song was posted on Sup Forums the day it was released (the day after the Zimmerman verdict)
the original link was taken down, btw; same song tho
Made up words to put money in the pocket of an artist who hasn't had a major album in 10 years. Lost his Street cred, then he was just snoop then Snoop Lion thing, now I dunno what to call him, irrelevant I guess. To much diddntdo nuffins.
This. Why are you bringing this hoodrat to our attention.
>Bill Maher walks on stage
>"Ahem, to translate this urban poetry into something more.. coherent for the racist white audience *crowd laughs*"
>"Kill all the white people! Weapons free!"
sheeit, cof ho bix nood, watermelon
He smokes a shit load of weed and just says whatever random shit comes to his head. It doesn't even make sense. He's a terrible rapper and all of his songs in the last 10 years have been garbage.
He doesn't care about the music anymore. He just puts it out for fun.
After hours of pain staking research into the survival scrolls and the sage Dr. Dre I have come to determine that the hidden meaning of this profound work is thus.
Grape Drank Breath Stank
Grape Drank Breath Stank
My guess is "its all on camera and they still don't believe you" relates to the black people getting killed by police
yes, I was more concerned with the rest of the song tho
One is a rapper, the other is a billionaire who is now president of the most powerful country in the world. He has a motive, and thats to make money from the large amount of dumbasses who hate Donald Trump despite knowing absolutely nothing about current events in the last several years.
The pissing match is all show. Hes an entertainer, and his entire career is knowing how to manipulate for the largest audience, meaning the largest payout to him.
it's not just directed at Trump; it's directed at white people in general, it seems to me
I don't think he's just in it for the money. for one thing, Snoop has plenty of money already, and even if there is a profit motive, his words/intentions still resonate
dangerous times
>a lot of them
These 85 IQs have no idea that they exist because we allow it. All the Jews in the world couldn't protect them from us, should they try to start a race war.
they would not succeed in overthrowing the system, or anything. but there would be a lot of suffering. don't underestimate them
they're incredibly well-armed compared with the average white american. martial law would come eventually, but not right away. there would be a tremendous amount of bloodshed, etc.
you think a survey of gun ownership is going to register all the black guns?
and we're talking about a ton of guns that white people can't even get legally
automatics, etc.
Snoop dogg has been high his whole life i doubt he even knows what hes saying half the time.
That's a good point, but I'd be surprised if they even come close to owning the same amount of guns as whites. Most military vets and active military are white, most people with special forces training are white, how many milita men are out there in rural areas that train for shit like this? The real question would be what happens to whites in the cities.
snoop doog has been an uncle tom since the 90s
sure, and rural areas will be safe. black people aren't going to drive out to the country; they're going to terrorize the white people in the city and the suburbs
white people in the city are fucked. the inner suburbs will be battle zones; the outer suburbs will be safer, but there will still be a lot of violence there. I used to live in Kansas City area; the numbers of blacks moving to the outer suburbs in the last 10 years has skyrocketed
famous last words?
>ITT: 15 year olds pretend they are the go to source for all things Snoop Dogg
He has hated white people since he first became a star, and his music along with NWA, Ice Cube and "The Chronic" album praised the 1992 LA race riots and even inspired them.
Dick riding the trump train is a great way to rack up views
far from it
the whole "snoop lion" thing ruined everything he worked for
I love about 25 miles or so south of atlanta, I just moved but my old neighborhood was really nice. One of our neighbors was a middle age black couple, when we told them we had our house sold their first question was "they aren't black, are they?"
I agree. Whites would win, but urban whites are caught in a weird spot when it first starts. Assuming blacks started it, because I couldn't see whites starting a race war. I'm pretty sure urban whites are mostly unarmed, aswell. A weird out there hypothetical like a race war, may explain the attempts to demonize militias and rob white people of their desire to defend themselves:
The reporter comes off reachy af trying to paint them as evil. Inner city whites are mostly pretty submissive and they want everyone that way.
kek, well, there are a lot of good black people out there
that's not what I'm worried about
I'm worried about the ~10-30% or whatever of black males who are heavily armed and poised to go to war
yah it's ironic; inner city whites are mostly Democrats, and most of them are unarmed. they will be the most to suffer, even tho ostensibly they're on the same political side as blacks (blacks vote Democrat ~95% of the time)
recipe for tragedy, but it is what it is
>you decide your own level of involvement
means niggers laughably think they have a chance
Why is the first post always the best post?
the lyrics don't mean shit, i can't even tell what OP's pic is supposed to mean, people are just listening for the musical entertainment, not for the political influence or whatever
this is what denial looks like
this is the reason they've become so emboldened. cucks like you keep making excuses because dealing with the reality is too much to deal with, apparently.
it's bait bro
lol fags everyone will forget about it within a week or two, it has almost no significance whatsoever, and even if it does, what does it matter to you and what are you going to do about it
what are you going to do
police brutality
reference to shootings caught on camera /thread
snoop is a lefty dude weed lmao cuck
why don't you make a pro-trump or anti-obama song if it's so important, lol it's fucking nothing
lol it's fucking nothing
Oh you white bois dun fucked up, snoopity snoop going to induce a slave revolution a few centuries late.
what is even your point
you even say here >means niggers laughably think they have a chance
so you think yourself that it's fucking nothing?
Snoop Dogg thought Game of Thrones was a historical drama
it's fucking nothing
5.5 million views in 4 days
it's affecting people
black people look up to snoop
this is dangerous
warn you guys, for starters
I live in a >90% white city. the black population in my city is .6%
there could still be trouble here, but that risk is very small compared with somebody who lives in pretty much any major urban area
this goes beyond just trump; he's talking about white people in general
>"This is the final call"
This lyric at the end is a popular motto in the Nation of Islam; for instance, the radio show of NoL leader Louis Farrakhan is called 'The Final Call' and frequently discusses a race war against whites and (((them)))
bro its just music lol
this is how colored people express themselves
you sound like a bigot
it's fucking nothing
>whites and (them)
can niggers get any conspiracy right?
violent nigger bix nood type shit
We really should just kill off all the niggers. Take a week to kill the majority. Solve most of our problems.
>He doesn't care about the music anymore. He just puts it out for fun.
That's a contradiction.
It's sad that such uninspired drivel gets and attention whatsoever. Literally any 14-year-old halfwit could write better lyrics.
More people will hear Snoop Dogg's verbal diarrhea than will hear something like this,
>you sound like a bigot
you sound like a fucking moron
Someone should add this Nation of Islam x lyric connection to the headline etc. I doubt the MSM even realizes it yet.
This is a true race war song. Never figured Snoop for a gd traitor.
I said a boo jigga, jigga
I must be a nigga
because every time I rap
my lips get bigga
Only niggers can find this high guy inspiring.
>What did Snoop Dogg mean by this?
He phoned it in to get a fat paycheck from Soros, which he is now smoking.
>homie don't play that
>Too much a dindu 'bout nuffins.
It's an important connection to make. make a new thread :)
>be irrelevant
>the media, politicians and POTUS are all talking about you
I'm not racist, and am intolerant of those who are legitimately racist, but that is fucking hilarious
its not about just having a gun.
it's knowing how to use the weapon well, maintain it properly and use so you don't unintentionally kill your team mates
>what happens to whites in the cities.
evac out the conservatives, liberals can stay
Such a 90s joke, I had to force myself to remember how the fuck it went.
>it's knowing how to use the weapon well
what do you think young black men spend their time doing?
they're already at war with each other
don't underestimate them
lol isn't he 45 years old now?
Wonder how long he'll be safe in his big mansion if the popo weren't there for him
L-left wing death squads?
They're not that good at it unfortunately,last year there were almost 5000 shootings in chicago yet only around 700 muders.
If niggers were capable of using a gun then you wouldn't have a problem to begin with,since it would solve itself.
Black people may cuck you but they're too dumb to kike you(rule the world for all you reddit fucks)
He's a 45-year-old rapper. The only thing more pathetic than that is his name: Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr. Yeah, his likely single mother thought there should be no than one human named Cordozar Calvin Broadus. Niggers gonna nig.
who you calling a reddit fuck?
Isn't he a convicted felon? Motherfucker can't even vote and we are suppose to listen to his political opinions.
>average white american
Surely you mean the city dwelling average white american?
You don't even know what you're talking about. Whites can get any gun and even explosives legally. It's called a fucking ATF tax stamp. Look it up you ignorant cunt.
yes, that's what I mean
most don't tho
because white people generally do things by the book, and the hurdles you have to jump through to get advanced weaponry are more trouble than they're worth
whereas on the inner city black market, if you have the cash you get full auto, etc. easy peasy
No it isn't. Study more english.
You don't know what you are talking about. You're going off of what you read on the internet. Only gang members or rich drug dealers have any access to fully auto weapons. Do you think that some EBT kangz can afford a black market automatic? You have no first-hand experience with that lifestyle and it's abundantly clear.
He is a liar because the phrase "colored people".
Real lefty fags sau "people of color".
>im not gonna tell ((yall)) niggaz what we gonna do, but whatever ((yall)) did put two on it
two whites need to be killed for every black
>when the nighttime falls
when blacks are ready and willing to start a war (civil)
>this is death to you all
kill whitey, kill the cops
>this is the final call
sleeper cells of blacks are soon to be activated just finishing up the final preparations to get as many blacks on board as possible
> call, call, call
could be nothing, but repitition is a known tactic for hypnosis
not first-hand, but I am still well-educated on the matter
you underestimate the quality and quantity of black-market guns in the black community
remember, the same drug dealers getting pounds of heroin and cocaine from narco druglords are also buying weapons from them
think about it