>take every redpill
>soul-crushing loneliness
at least i have you guys
Take every redpill
i was lonely when i was blupilled tho. so it doesnt matter.
No you don't
Now you can be a Man of Action without anything to lose.
Here is a red pill. Next Vault 7 release is Aliens / ZPE ... Black Budget shit. World is about to change, and Trump is leading it.
rake yourself
Get yourself a redpilled girlfriend
kek, you're such a dumbass :)
Make like a tree and fucking leave.
ah so u became a racist fascist to belong to a group!!! very interesting... thats how they used to snare for the NF in the 70's in Britain. rethink ur life idiot...
yeh kkk nutters like u who h8 women r really gonna get a gf... jeez!
>talk about the jews in class
>professor asks why they were historically persecuted
>say that not being able to own land forced them into urban centers where they made a living off of usury which eventually turned the populace against them
>professor gives me the thousand yard stare and says something unrelated
I think he knows, lads.
>ayyyy lmao
bout damn time
i don't have to take that from a fucking burger brain
Just speaking from experience. Redpilled women are the best
I fucking despise you and everything you represent.
Of course he knows, everyone knows but no one wants to discuss it since it would be career/academic/social suicide.
>Lehman Brothers
>Bear and Stearns
All the major banks and banking dynasties have been Jewish. The last 4 decades of the Federal Reserve have been chaired by Jews, the current one is an Israeli-America dual citizen.
They all fucking know.
And this meme about "muh poor Jews forced into usury" is bullshit, usury literally drains the working class of liquidity. This is why pic related kicked them out of England, they were becoming powerful since money equals power.
Which is why the Jews fucking took to banking. One of the biggest complaints it "money influencing elections", but no one makes the Jewish connection.
You have me anony
does that make mexico canadas shit?
tfw Sup Forums is my only friend