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Let's trigger a nigger.
General nigger hate thread
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say alex is a stupid nigger and you'll get digits
Can anyone give me the rundown on Moonman? is he a friend of Pepe?
>Says nigger hate thread
>Posts picture of silverback gorilla
Are you even trying?
why are you people like this?
Is there anything worse than somali niggers? They act like they have single digit IQs and would probably kill you for less than a dollar.
I know someone from Kenia who told me that in Africa which is already a giant shithole by itself somalis are considered to be the true bottom of the barrel. They're basically the niggers of niggers.
somalis all look retarded and like theyre a clone of the same alien nigger
Blacks just seem to be tribal destructive evil beasts. You ever see that collection of white people murdered or raped "or both" by blacks? Sad thing is it looked like mostly old people and kids.
lol wut
Why do we hate blacks again
I mean like seriously. It is 2017
stay here a while. In time, you will learn
She do porn?
Because they are evil and the source of 50% of the worlds misery. The other 50% is muslims and their bullshit and a lot of them are niggers.
we wuz
that bitch has more white dna in her than a white supremacist fleshlight
Praise Kek!
I mean like seriously. It is 1877
Niggers are beautiful
because of pancake nipples
Lets see the nigger bitch without the hair weave,contouring,heavy makeup,false lashes,blue contacts and photoshop. You'd have this.
Rapper Bow Wow gives great blowjobs
Didn't it come out that that was forged?
News nigger reports false news.
nips are at it again
Imagine if you tried to animate that in the west
stop sliding faggot
Reported for posting negrophilia
After college I briefly worked in the insurance industry. Whenever one of our customers got in an accident with a black person we'd immediately be on guard. Blacks are notorious in that industry for suing for "pain and suffering" and "emotional damage"...whatever that is supposed to mean. The smarter nigs don't only live on welfare but have learned how to scam the insurance industry as well.
checked and praised
I fucking HATE Somalia. This cunts are the main niggers still poaching animals, chopping off elephants faces with machetes and unloading AKs into them for their ivory.
I also hate them fucking chinks who are buying all the ivory, but that's another thread.
You ever notice how they have to shoehorn them into EVERYTHING?!
mad bro?
Tyrone, can you spell?
yes faggot it's a nigger hate thread not a nigger museum
alex is a nigger
Bob's Burgers is still on?
>majority of people are retarded
praise kek!
I think this is the episode where Tina got raped at school by a nigger nerd.
Lololol visiting Portland, beautiful new construction everywhere but that Street is nigger town
>that Manson tattoo
>reminder that 99% of US "blacks" had one or more ancestors get BLEACHED
You're about as "african" as mexicans are spanish.
He has spoken. Do as he commands and be accepted as our brother.
Oy vey goyim, no its because us whites have kept them down since they were freed from being slaves. They have to try hard every day to not steal, kill, or rape. And sometimes it can really tough to not steal, kill, or rape because of us whites.
Are you honkeys over there honking again?
Egyptians didn't actually enslave Jews. The only "recording" of that anywhere is the bible.
say it with me..we wuzz,,,,
Blacks actually saved Jerusalem from the Assyrians. King Taharka to be exact
How do you know? Assuming the Bible is a complete fabrication, how do you know the Egyptians didn't enslave the Jews
Right on time!
Peckerwoods pecking!
Damn, Barack better hold the brothers back because she is primed for breeding
notice how the father is actually in the picture?
>Where did daddy went nigger?