the fuck, i just visited oregon, i thought this state was supposed to be mostly white, but i seriously saw so may nigs its crazy. I realized how ive been jaded lately toward them tho ever since ive gotten alot more red pilled recently. i honestly just need to chill out a bit and stay off this site probably. but they make me uncomfortable desu. but i know they are just trying to live their lives too
The fuck, i just visited oregon, i thought this state was supposed to be mostly white...
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Where in Oregon?
oh boy you'd hate any other state
I grew up around Portland and my parents are still out there and I rarely ever see any blacks. We had like 5 total in my high school of like 2500. Pretty sure the Portland Trailblazers consist of 25% of the states black population.
Are you kidding? Portland is full of blacks. It's 40% niggers.
unless you went to north east portland you're not likely to see nigs
Allow me to point out why
liberals are fucking up that state so hard.
every libfuck and their mother are moving there right now.
Sucks because I have been in love with oregon since i was a kid. I will never live there now.
in portland specifically, but was also in eugene
no its not
its all mexicans asians and russians
it honestly seemed like it, i was quite suprised
You're probably just noticing them more. There are hardly any blacks in Oregon, especially the rural parts.
Jared ill see you tomorrow
things must have really changed in the past 3 years
.yes im still thinking of moving here anyway but ive got some serious thinking to do, im from the midwest but my family moved to Cali a couple years ago and i need to get the fuck out of there asap
lol mike?
I'm in Bend and theres like 2 black people here.
you ever go to oregrown?
Hey! I'm in bend!
Oregrown is for assholes
This desu.
why? ive never been but actually am interested in their top shelp flower
yeah they're good but expensive. I like Plantae.
damn we may need to do a Bend meetup soon.
My wife and I are moving there next month
Medfordfag here. I've been seeing more and more niggers lately, likely because they're coming here to deal drugs. Feels bad man.
Such a racist post
lmao i Live in Los Angeles right now.... im trying to get away from there thats why i came up to oregon to check it out
they have good jars
bunch of red pill nazis here
ya well as ive said in the OP, i am racist, and after posting on here lately ive become more jaded so fuck off, your insight is unnecessary
you're gonna love it. especially in the summer. Winter can be a bitch. This past one was kinda rough. But at least its pretty.
WWII is over, moron. Race supremacy lost.
I'm used to hard winters (Kansas City and Colorado)
fuck off back to your shithole you worthless cunt
fuck you, im not from there, i was forced to move with my family a few years ago, ill be damned if stick around there any longer
Ha ha Oregon you will be consumed by California's Mexicans and people from LA.
Black people are smarter than white people
Where do you live? Flyover country?
your right, but then neo marxism made a come back under obama administration, and now white cis males are being demonized by the media, i wasnt always racist, its a reaction, i dont want to be but i care about self preservation senpai
It's got fairly dark enclaves, it used to be in North Portland but they were chased out when the ghetto was torn down in the late 90s.
Gentrification has chased a lot more of them out towards east county, in Gresham.
Portland is, far and away the most nigger fuxated city in Oregon, though.
are you even reading the thread dumbass? your a fucking idiot thb
So many blacks in Oregon. Way too many. Just go somewhere else you'll like it more.
lmao nah not falling for your jew tricks im staying
>wahee guys, look at me I'm racist!!
NOO There are blacks here!!!
Too many in fact, never seem more of them in my life
That is cause portland is a liberal hellhole full of californians. The rest of the state is pretty good though.
Californians get out of my comfy state guys hate Californian so much up here... ive only lived in Cali for 5 years, but every time i tell people where im from the cringe a bit when i say Cali, so im just gonna tell people im from michigan where i lived untill i was 20 yrs old...thats really where im from anyway
dont worry pal we love your kind :)
So many annoying blacks and arabs in Portland...
Ya that is the problem with you non California born people. Your always telling people your from California even though you just moved there then moved away from it because you couldn't make the dream here.
i was pretty suprised to see some sort of Arabic chick in Eugene, wearing a black hijab, but normal western cloths, she was actually sexy, and i over heard her telling her friend she was going boy crazy lately..kinda confusing but well see how long she wears that hijab
I lived in two big midwestern cities. there were far more blacks there and it was dangerous. I don't feel safe and secure here, but I feel, at least, safer.
nah it has nothing to do with making the dream, it was never my dream in the first place, i moved there because of family circumstances, pursued a few of my dreams, worked on potfarms up north and indoor warehouse grows in LA, made some money, but im ready to move on, i hardly smoke weed anymore and im sick of the shady weed industry
Bendfag here as well...
I know the fucking feel. I wish Oregon had the same slant as Texas. Fuck the people's republic of Portland Salem Eugene and Medford.
Stay out of any city.
So you move to Oregon weed capital sure right. I hope you buy some guns and get a job as a logger or you are destroying Oregon like the rest of the limp wristed Californians moving there.
Kitzhaber destroyed the logging industry many years ago..
What logger jobs, out dyke of a governor recently signed an order last year putting a stop to timber
Medford is California now they even had to build an in n out burger to feed them. Oregon is lost.
Hey Lars!
already got one, fuck logging im gonna farm, but for now going back to school
Portland is a city full of screeching, ugly misanthropes who prioritize bizarre and unique over good taste and common sense. Living here makes me feel like the end of humanity might not be the worst thing that could happen.
OK fine get on unemployment like a real Oregonian. I doubt Oregon needed another pot farmer.
So many Bend fags, wtf.... I was born there. Moving back home with family after college.
In Eugene, Winco is full of racemixing coalburner sluts. Every second or third couple is a nigger and white woman.
Everyone I talk to in Bend is from California
That explains it. We're getting a bigger influx of commiefornians and chicago and new mexico garbage.
t. Someone who lives within Springfield/Eugene
im gonna farm anything but that actually im over it, trying to get back to living off the land.
Seriously, maybe only 5% of women are lesbians, but half look like they could be in Portland. This is the ugliest fucking city in America. They could start fixing the place by banning purple hair dye and pixie cuts.
Oregon is getting the white flight from California but with that comes the blacks and Mexicans for some reason.
We need to purge about half the population of Portland.
I must unite the Oregonian peoples under one flag.
so much short hair every where
And property is selling on the same day listed now in many cases. China.
Schooling in KY, atm. Lived with my Dad while he worked at a hospital. Plus college is cheaper in this shit state. Graduating in Dec so I'll be back in OR afterwards then deciding where I'm going to actually work afterwards, either WA or OR, haven't decided yet cause of pay.
There are some nice farms for sale cheap in the Midwest. Oregon property prices are crazy now. just like California.
Property is selling one the same day listed in many cases recently. China.
do you even live in Oregon
Honestly I don't even recognize Bend anymore. It's always been popular with real estate developers but the high density stuff sucks traffic is a nightmare now.
Beaverton user here, Winco in Wash. Co. is full of derka derka mohamed jihads and migrants from shithole states. Blacks that are old and grew up in Oregon know how shit is run here, but niggers from Chicago need to go back.
Oregon is getting worse year by year, rent rates have gone up 33% in 2-3 years. Californians move up here because they hear "how trendy" Portland is.
I pray to God to make Oregon the promise land it once was, instead of becoming another Kalifornia.
Oregon Blacks, Japs, Whites, and non-liberal Jews know what's up, and it is (the liberals and globalist shills who move here are) destroying our State.
Ya Ashland it's full of San Francisco retirees and wanna be hippies oh and bums lots and lots of bums. I also have a place in Bend and a place in Santa Barbara.
I work for the Oregon Judicial Department. Ask me anything.
When are you going to start persecuting Commiefornian politicians that's ruining our state?
Lewis and Clark work going to or super liberal?
you should stay off this site.
dont get too jaded. theyre people too.
racism is not a redpill.
>Oregon Blacks, Japs, Whites, and non-liberal Jews know what's up, and it is (the liberals and globalist shills who move here are) destroying our State.
It's hard to find those like-minded people, and rally up. What can we do about the Californication of our state?
M-Make Oregon great again
Most cities have blacks even in "white" states. You have to go to the country.
Bitch I am an accountant here. You think I'm some faggot hippy?
im anti liberal moving here, trying to help shift the balance back the other way
so your rich, what do you do then?
Lewis and Clark is pretty damn liberal. Especially their Econ department.
Oregon doesn't put up with nigger mentality, try that shit in Bandon. However, Oregonians don't hate black people. We hate invaders, Californians bringing their "values" regardless of race have to go back. Anyone regardless of race who want to fuck up Oregon has to go back.
Shit man I thought you were the pot farmer from California who was really from Michigan that moved to Oregon to get away from pot and live off the land on a homestead like the rest of people moving there want to do. My bad.
Northwestfirearms has some people, but because of deepcover shills, you have no choice but to become vocal enough to bring out the passive-aggressive flaky types. Not easy.
>owns property in santa barbara
> bitches about people from california