Which is worse

Would Sup Forums rather be a nigger or a faggot?



Without being aware of who I used to be?

A faggot, at least I wouldn't father future criminals

nigger so i can get dem gibsmedats

Both, so when I an hero I got rid off two filth at once.

oh wait..


I'm already a sandnigger so i guess regular nigger

What a terrible decision to have to make. Faggot only because I can hide it.

This is why whites are going to die out

would rather be a sandnigger than a regular nigger

With surrogacies? Get a job

a faggot. you don't have to act on it and you can still make babies, you just have to think about some dude when you're doing it.

if you're a nigger than you have to deal with all that shit that comes with it like violence and stupidity.

just cuz you're a fag doesn't mean you have to act like one but nigger'n is in the genes

I'm already a faggot so can I just stay the same? I would kill myself if I was black.

Black privilege is fucking awesome dude
I still get stopped by the police but there isn't any movement to give ME free things

im a spic its the same etc.
nvm nigger, so i can fuck white girls

Fag, I can just choose to be straight again before I catch anything.

Fag. Niggers are just bottom tier; the real question is

>Would you rather be an Abo or a nigger?

>Would Sup Forums rather be a nigger or a faggot?
I mean, if I had a say in the matter I'd kill myself either way, but if I was an ooga booga I'd probably be too stupid to do it.

Faggot, you can always change that, can't change being a nigger

100% faggot

I genuinely cannot think of anything worse than being black. It must be awful.

Both, then i would be too lazy to suck dick.

than i can kill myself without guilt


calling these pink haired cunts and talking shit about Muslims and Jews while watching them break down due to their caste system breaking down would be fun.

And I could probably get free college, that'd be nice.

nigger detected

I like anime and fantasy RPG's and cartoons and shit, I'm already a faggot. Its great.


>Becomes famous athlete

I'm pretty sure at least every other night gays wander the streets looking for penis. Like dick vampires or something.

You can stop being a fag.

Well I think I'm already considered a fag, so I'd be a fag over a nigger.
>tfw currently working on moving away from urges to become the eternal gf