Which one of you was this?

which one of you was this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was me. I just wanted to trigger Mr. Pleasure.

>Not browsing while you go get tendies

Which board was he on though? What if it was /d/?

End twitter shit on Sup Forums. Report.

I don't think you realize that Sup Forums is a hub of information and operations. We are an intelligence agency, and we are being watched.

>random unverified nobody makes a claim on twitter


Jesus, somebody help this board

Probably /mlp/

>not superior /vp/

No shit, he didn't even have dub.s to verify.

nothing personal kid, but it was me

If we have infiltrated the executive branch than why can't we get rid of our faggot mods already?

You'd think that Trump would want us doing our investigations and would get rid of the mods getting in our way.

>tfw he was on /r9k/ whining about eating alone

Dem "Spicey" tendies

kek i just saw a cia analyst scrolling derpibooru in the annandale KFC

you think somebody would just make something up on the internet?

or those evil racists at diy, instructions or planning or projects are tools of oppression.

fucking normies, Sup Forums could be any number of unrelated topics but im sure its okay to make claims based on seeing the website format

Sup Forums is literally the only normie-tier board we have considering its traffic and general lack of graphic pornography

Columbia heights is a sketchy neighborhood where young, broke college grads live. And there are like 1000 staffers. Let me know when someone sees Spicer scrolling Sup Forums in Georgetown

The content is more graphic than porn though

sure, well the first page right now might have both a nigger hate thread and women are degenerate thread but i mean it's a walk in the park next to Sup Forums and /r9k/

most people don't go straight to the blue boards because they're not as fast and tend to be memetically inaccessible

fuk yeh

This question pleases me.



Hi Craig. :3

Reading over peoples' shoulders is rude as fuck desu

Not surprised a lefty would have no sense of personal space or privacy.

He was probably on a trap thread lookin at boipussy.

Sup Forums became our main board like last year, it's pretty weird desu but such is life


Enjoy your ban. Better than drumpf threads


I miss when Sup Forums wasn't mainstream and talked about everyday on twatter

I don't think it's a bad thing, yeah it dilutes the conversation a bit, but its still good for activating almonds, especially for the people that stumble in here and have a slightly open mind

Nigger Spicer _is_ one with Sup Forums. He doesn't even need to browse it.

Me too user, also checked

>mfw pol really does control the presidency indirectly

He was on /po/ the most innocent boa-


not to mention that those who come and stay, inevitably get hammered with redpills

which is a slippery slope to nationalist ideologies and is overall, just a good time tb h

Chick fil a is overpriced junk. McDonald's is better.

Laughed quite hard at this. It is indeed a very implausible situation isn't it?

>dat feel when you realize you will never lead the free world while shitposting in a Chick-fil-A in Columbia Heights and press SHITPOST as you take a loud annoying slurp from the bottom of your free refill...

Why live, bros?

Sup Forums has gotten Facebook tier

If the staffer is reading this please get word to Trump about the genocide and future Zimbabwe style land grab/genocide of Boers going on in South Africa. It would be a massive sign to the world that we are turning our humanitarian efforts towards those that represent western culture and values instead of 3rd world heathens.

This a million times. Contact Suidlanders.
