Why is Trump and the GOP actively fucking over their strongest demographic?
Why are we expanding defense and military spending again, paying for melania to live in NYC and Trump to golf every weekend (which costs more than many of the programs he's cutting) while he just fucks over the people who voted for him. I guess shit like this is a good thing for Democrats who want to win the 2018 midterms, but it makes me sick to constantly be amazed by how indefensible the GOP and Trump are.
Why is Trump and the GOP actively fucking over their strongest demographic?
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I'm gonna assume this isn't bait and remind you the general governments main job is defense, besides that military spending is a classic republican economy starter (see reagan), finally id rather see my money go to a vet over some nigger who needs a brand new iphone and timbs
> implying old people need more money from the government.
They should have meals on wheels for the poor as fuck hopeless millennials, not the fucking rich, entitled baby boomers. Fuck em, they don't need it. At least most of the boomers had a few children that survived and can take care of em if they need financial assistance.
I forgot how much I love it when Republicans are in charge. This is Bush 2.0 but with an even more retarded president.
>governments main job is defense
nah you fuckin goof the governments main job is to serve the people, not take from the people
even liberal snopes says its bullshit
No the states main job is to serve its people how they want it, the feds main job is protection
You fucking people are fucking stupid. The meals on wheels isn't run by the fucking federal government. Its run on a state to state level and its up too the state to appropriate the funds from the federal government to the meals on wheels programs among other programs in that category. If it fails It would be because of the state failing to appropriate the funds to continue this program. Don't be part of the uneducated liberals that believe its failure will be a direct result of Mick Mulvaney and the Trump administration.
You really think seniors who forgot to save money while working and rely solely on the government to breathe aren't democrats?
>muh gubmints not gonna doit
>meenzes it never cumin backrest oh noes
>literally every bleeding heart nonargument ever
>fed government decides how to allocate funds to state
>fed government can decide to give up funding to states if they dont agree with new federal policy
>but its up to the state governments to decide how things are run!
for wanting small government so much its funny how much the Trumpers are in agreement with his regime deciding how states should handle themselves. Sad!
>rip meals on wheels
Have you ever seen how many poor right wing retard rural freaks there are in red states?
Conservashits are well known to vote against their own interests.
Even if they were - they are so stupid they would never get it.
Meals on wheels only receive ~3% of their funding from the gov't. This is the fakest news I've seen in 2 years, why can't leftists just stop being intellectually dishonest for one minute?
He's not having taxpayers pay for his golf, he fucking owns the course.
Sometimes doing what is right for the greater good means enduring a little pain yourself.
Exercising sucks and can be painful but a lot of people do it for a greater outcome in the end.
If you feel so strongly about feeding the elderly, OP, why don't you do it on your own time and money instead of taking mine? Don't they already have social security for this?
Except the problem is that right wing retard billionaire globalist cucks think it's right to fuck over poor people in order to give the wealthy elites you worship, massive tax breaks.
I disagree.
I also think it's hilarious that christcucks call themselves Republican.
Fake billionaires are retarded soulless assholes? It's funny. I keep hearing the camel and the needle were metaphor. A gate. Or some such notion. I don't believe this was the case. I think a rich person as a camel really would need to be stuffed into an eye of needle. Same chance as selling all their possessions. Watch this. This is way better than meme pastor anderson whom puts himself before Christ. m.youtube.com
Which millionaires get the tax cuts because of the tax repeal?
The Liberal hollywood elites that I thought you guys hated.
Good for Trump. Let local churches and charities handle feeding their old and infirm. That was how it was handled for centuries before and it worked pretty well. Large national organizations are less flexible and spend massive amounts of cash just keeping their organizations running.
How much money, exactly, will Meals on Wheels lose? And what is their budget exactly?
You're going full canada right now, and I think you need to tone it down.
just tellin it like it is kiddo
I had to do meals on wheels one summer for volunteer hours. All rude, fat, and old people. Good. Let them wither away.
Why waste food on someone that contributes absolutely nothing to society?
Only fucking degenerate slime are poor in america. White, black, old, young, if you can't feed yourself and are not majorly disabled then just roll over and die.
You pay for them you leaf piece of shit.
Obama quietly stopped checking porn studios to make sure they weren't pedos.
He's not. He's cutting funding to a government program that funds 3% of Meals on Wheels. It's fake news.
States can and do collect their own taxes they are not completely dependent on the federal government for handouts as a matter of fact many of them give more to the government than they ever get back.
So I don't know faggot maybe try taking a civics class or something?
Nope. Fake sensationalist news.
>serve the people, not take from the people
>my taxes are supposed to feed boomer faggots because?