Libshit classmate challenged me to defend Trumpcare from a Conservative standpoint, and unless I can form an argument in ~12 hours then my dignity is forsaken.
How do?
Libshit classmate challenged me to defend Trumpcare from a Conservative standpoint, and unless I can form an argument in ~12 hours then my dignity is forsaken.
How do?
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It gets rid of poor rednecks.
> support Trumpcare
> don't actually have reasons
look there, it's an edgy teenager
You're fucked. The healthcare plan is just a ploy to get Paul Ryan to step down as speaker, it's a shitty healthcare plan.
Why did you accept, you fag?
Never said I supported it, just have to defend it.
Its actually ryancare.
Ryan has always been a rhino hack
Lel so why do you support him, regardless of how shitty that plan is?
There isn't an argument to defend it you dumbass
>Never said I supported it, just have to defend it.
Why defend it when you don't know what it is
Most rednecks have insurance as we work. The numbers are skewed down here because of the excessive numbers of niggers that live here.
"trumpcare" is shit, as stated it was a ploy to get Ryan to show his hand and push him out of the circle.
Fully repealed is the only way to go.
Agreed, from what I heard the premium charge for old people who are working would essentially garnish all their wages. Some 14,000 dollars for a 64 year old woman making 30,000 annually. Would like someone to clarify if this is true or not but it sounds ludicrous subsidizing a healthcare industry that is over-regulated and overpriced. American taxpayers deserve more fair price from insurers and healthcare providers.
Private healthcare was good in itself, and at least provided market competition.
Ryancare is a poison pill to sink Trump by alienating his base, who RINOs think will step back in line after Trump is gone. Soon as it passes, it becomes Trumpcare and the media will gleefully announce every fault and budgetary inconsistency to be found in it, with an eye on 2018 and 2020.
It's not Trumpcare, it's Ryancare
And Ryancare is just the part that can be passed through reconciliation.
What is it with you people who blindly support shit when you have no idea what's going on and then ask people for the run down.
Your dignity is forsaken, I remember the day that shit was announced, even fucking Sup Forums was badmouthing it.
Literally the best argument is trying to distance it from Trump by calling it "Ryancare" and calling it Paul Ryans baby and denying Trump would ever support it.
Which will make you look like a fool if he does.
I would just admit it's a bad plan and you will think less of Trump if he throws himself behind it.
So you're basically fucked. Think about this, you're in a thread, where everybody has told you it's indefensible, on Sup Forums, and there is not a single post calling Shill.
This is all you need. No matter what their argument is, the Constitution stands.
trumpcare costs less than obamacare.
that is the only thing it has going for it, yeah it fucking sucks
Yeah, I can see now. What did I put myself up to
By this I mean, repeal federal healthcare completely. Give it back to the states. No Obamacare, no Trumpcare, nothing from the Fed.
Umm... So you're like Republican? WOW Ok
It's shit. Paul Ryan's health care bill isn't conservative at all. Big government, taxation, regulation, and meddling in what should be a free market isn't conservative. It still has many of the fundamental flaws that the so called Affordable care act had. The main one being pre-existing conditions. Insurance works by everyone pooling their money together and hopefully not too many people use it that way when something does happen there's money to cover it while keeping premiums and deductibles low. When the government forces insurance companies to cover anyone without discrimination then a bunch of fatass smokers with diabetes and high cholesterol are going to join and increase the costs for everyone else.
The plan was always to repeal Obamacare in pieces and replace it along the way. This is done for strategic reasons, with regards to getting enough votes for each part. Paul Ryan has been talking about this for a long time, but most people don't pay attention to these things, and then get suckered in when their enemies tell them how awful it will be. Sadly, the lefties have successfully convinced many conservatives to go against this first part of the repeal, because it doesn't go far enough.
Short story: people are easily manipulated, and that's why we can't have nice things.
Trumpcare/Ryancare is basically just Obamacare with tax cuts for the rich and less benefits for the poor.
You think there would be more to it that justifies it, but nope. It's just a more regressive version of Obamacare, and Obamacare itself sucks.
You can't really attack Obamacare without attacking Ryancare. So you're stuck defending tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts for the poor. You're fucked.
Just admit Defeat.
/thread and OP is shill
Most important of all is the 10th amendment. Most of the problems in this country are because we've abandoned the Constitution.
Do your own homework.
Pet issue senpai.
You have two options: Snowball the fuck out of the definitions (what a conservative looks for, whether the full plan has been released, where the direction is) and try to touch on spots where there's an innate emotional argument (e.g. wahh the old have to pay a lot). The first is easy, the second is a bit harder.
I would primarily focus on the old. Premiums should go up - you spend 2/3 of your total life health care spendings in the last 10 years of your life. Try touching around Ben Shapiro's last few podcasts. However, this is not something to to half-ass and I will just put this as a rebuttal to a primary line of attack.
I will also say this: Republicans are now accepting that health care is a governmental issue. Conservatives should not and can not allow intervention. Do not get give weight to arguments of percentage covered: However, if you do, it's a winning battle. Medicaid expansion is what covers most of the people under Obamacare, and doctors expressly avoid it. I believe the avoidance rate for children scheduling for dental work on Medicaid is 92%. More insurance doesn't mean good insurance.
If this thread is still up and you're interested, I'll try to shoot a few more if I'm still up
At the end of the day, you got ambushed because you didn't have a coherent, competitive worldview based on factual analysis. Good luck.
Oh shit nigger, also forgot about the Oregon Medicaid experiment. Important to read up on.
Maybe try baffling them with bullshit and Jew tactics OP.
Debating isn't always about being right.
If you pray hard enough to the Jew god Benny Shapiro, you may have a chance. Good luck OP.
OP, just admit that single payer is the best way to go and the GOP is just delaying the inevitable.
Also, use dog-beating tactics. Pic related.
Personally Im more concerned about pet coverage. After Obummer made my frog swim in fluoride he's been turned gay. Any way that Pencecare could cover that? Or do I just duct tape a 9-volt to him? Should I ask /fit/?
Based chinaman does a decent job against Jewish trickery, I'm sure you're going to experience something similar
1st: I'm sorry about your frog
2nd: The 9-volt trick should work. I tried it on my hamster, Chaz, and he stopped having violent oral/anal rape tendencies toward our other male hamsters. Make sure you duct tape the battery DIRECTLY to his genitals or it will only make it worse. If you wait too long, his faggotry will be permanent. Godspeed, my friend.
Thanks m8. Will do. Also filling his tank filter up with super male vitality.
Also I moved the battery from Being taped on his back side ways straight into his nuts. Ty user
It'll put some inbred Trumptards from dirt-fuck flyover country in the ground by 2018. That's kind of a benefit.