Well I hope you're proud of yourselves. You've put fear into the hearts of millions of fellow Americans.
Well I hope you're proud of yourselves. You've put fear into the hearts of millions of fellow Americans
Other urls found in this thread:
>Well I hope you're proud of yourselves
One of the main components about illegal immigration is them sponging off the welfare system.
Getting them off the system and forcing them to be self sufficient the point?
Actually this makes me very proud.
Thanks for smuggy thread
>fellow Americans
doesn't sound like they're there legally senpai
If only people knew...
I knew a woman through a friend, she was here illegally for only a short time, her husband was green carded and once he became a citizen, he petitioned her. She collected food stamps and all sorts of assistance, even bought a house with government help. Years later, she's a citizen, still on food stamps and making a decent penny working for the IRS. They don't stop when they're citizens, the bad ones, they continue to take and take and take. Immigrants are, I would say, mostly good people trying to make more money than at home. But many of them are leeches and have to go back.
Fake news or image, there is no way Trump could win this hard without even doing anything.
There's free food in prison.
Oh now they're Americans?
But whenever it comes time to pay their taxes, they're not are they?
>fellow americans
you dont get a (you) because i know you're baiting for (you)s you fucking faggot
>fellow Americans
>it's also basically borderline hunger strike
This is like inventing self cutting grass
why were illegals getting food stamps in the first place REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It is way more common then you think. When I was 16 and a cashier about 20% of the people that came through my line were illegals with 4-5 kids that spoke no English. Their oldest kid would have to translate for them in broken English. They always paid with EBT cards.
>fellow Americans
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Technically they aren't your fellow Americans if they are illegal immigrants. Plus you tax paying Americans have been paying for it.
You're gonna make me blush
>hope you're proud of yourselves
the saving just keeps growing
>fellow americans
nice reading comprehension paco
I should feel sorry for criminals why exactly?
A relative of mine shot the shit with some kitchen help at the country club he works at. They thought he was a guest. He complemented one of them on a car he mentioned buying, but was puzzled, then he learns these Mexican fucks all had new cars through government assistance. They began hinting their homes were also subsidized, EBT cards, cradle to grave shit.
This was a few years ago, Obama regime. I never fathomed in a million years they could get cars and shit. Bragging about. Dumb gringos. They take whatever, it's a game to them, like a contest at Burger King. Free Pool! Send a SASE to...Uncle Sam.
Meanwhile, same-age whites are in debt out the ass for a degree in Marxism, Gender Studies and Shoah Guilt.
What's next? Illegals being afraid to steal cars and drive drunk for fear of deportation?
I hope you fucking savages are happy.
>parasites afraid to leech off their host in fear of being detected
I'll stand by trump forever because of this, if there's ever a civil war in america I'm coming down there
If they are then there's nothing to worry about being deported. If they aren't, well...
Up next:
Illegals leave country in fear of being deported
When will Trump stop winning, someone has to stop him!
This is glorious
its a sad pathetic time we live in when we all get excited that the law is being enforced.
Commiefornia and Friends and out driver's licenses to illegals which they can then use as form of verification
Well, why do you think so many whites can barely get by even though the productivity only went up in the last decades?
>illegal crossings down
>visa overstays down
>gibs use down
wow. its like they actually dont need it!
This just keeps getting better.
Let Mexico feed them.
How do one wrong and one right still make a right? Whatever the fuck ever, I'll take it.
Who makes these threads always?
Illegal immigrants are not 'fellow Americans'
They are criminals, not only because they crossed the border illegally, but also because claim benefits from a system they don't pay into. It's amazing. If the media shills anything long enough, it becomes the norm, even if its against the law, and congress. Anarchy
Time for you to go back
If i was an American, I'd feel proud that I'd be saving people tax payer money and less money for the parasites.
>wall is built.
>jobs come back
>Islam is BTFO'd.
>economy skyrockets.
>Term 2
>Isreal gets nuked.
>middle east gets nuked.
>Europe gets invaded.
>USA invades Europe.
>Islam and Jews are wiped out.
>Christians disband after Israel was nuked.
>Scientific advancements increase.
>Fusion tech, FTL is discovered.
>Third Term.
Trump was right. I'm getting weary from this constant winning. It is just getting to be too much.
this makes me smile
Why the fuck were you giving welfare to illegals? Please explain
We live in a new age of yellow journalism. These Marxist fuckwads wouldn't understand truth if it bit them.
>cutting government waste
>Immigrants fearing deportation
if only you knew how bad things really were
Convert to Christianity or we will deport you
Illegal aliens you mean?
>Their food stamps
Wait, I thought that they couldn't get free stuff from the guberment?
When do they start self-deporting?
>not providing link
It's obviously breitbart but OP is still a fag
Every day it just gets better and better
What a time to be alive.
>fellow Americans
pick one.
If they are here illegally they better be working for their food if not they should be deported.
they should be deported anyway.
this makes me moist
Aww boo-hoo the illegals have to go back. Hahaha I hope they all starve to death
Oh christ, I can't stop laughing
Trump will be the greatest president of all time
Valid point.
They're not going back yet, so the work is not yet finished!
Shame on this traitorous government for giving them free food to begin with. Absolutely disgusting.
>HURR DURR you dont care about people starving
I don't even get how this is a thing. It's just fucking unreal to me. It's basically like, "Well, we're going to punish Americans (taxes) because 2 IQ80 shitskins had a kid 10-40 years ago . . . because those two morons had a kid well-knowing they couldn't bring it up properly . . . now we're gonna lay it down for The West to deal with."
Fuck that. Fuck all of you mud-blood sympathizers too.
>fellow americans
Anyways, thats sweet! Theyre helping speed up the process!
pick one
>Illegals voluntarily removing themselves from the welfare rolls out of fear of deportation.
They've already been doing that. Some have been walking north to Canada, looking for fresh gibmedats. One, I recall reading about, got severe frostbite and lost all his fingers.
Looks like Trump is ahead of schedule on tax reform after all
How do I change my vote?!
Illegal aliens are criminals (hence the term illegal) and are not entitled to government aid in the first place.
Why do you use hate language. They prefer being called undocumented citizens.
>Criminals going into hiding after realizing the host nation they've been comfortably leeching off of might get serious and send them back for illegally entering soon
We'll find them, and send them back, they can't avoid it, we're coming for you
someone with a job at the IRS can still make little enough to qualify for food stamps? i don't doubt at all that it happened but something seems really suspicious about that scenario...
it's insane how eager the benefits programs are to get the most benefits possible to minorities and immigrants while they'll completely shut out whites with an actual need for it over the most minor of technicalities
>Hurr we need immigrants - they're good for the economy.
>assuming they ever needed documents for their own country
You're being a bigot just by being alive
What the fuck, he just keeps wining
if they work seasonal at the IRS they can claim unemployment during the off season
the irs really needs to go
>Leeches willingly starve themselves and die instead of going back
>Those who don't starve themselves get deported
It's a win-win situation, I love this timeline.
>fellow Americans
Reading the image literally brought a smile to my face.
>fellow Americans.
That's a cropped title. It's illegals who've stolen or traded food stamps that aren't buying shit. Legal immigrants have literally nothing to fear about being deported for using fucking food stamps.
They have the money to pay for food, they just send it to mexico and mooch off of the cucked system.
Wait wat...they were from Europe?
under budget ahead of schedule
If they're so worried about being deported they're retarded indios and mestizos from Mexico or further south.
I am proud, their no longer forced to suck government dick and are fully independent and free just like Americans should be
Good. He won't be raping or stealing from you guys.
>this makes me both pissed and relieved
>hope more of them cancel this shit so my tax dollars don't have to pay for their families
Oh no. That sucks.
United states isn't the only America, leafy.
if i come for a holiday to america where do i go to get free food?