Single father here, I have a 6 year old daughter. How do I raise her to not be a degenerate? I want her to be quality, well mannered, and someone with strong values
What do I do Sup Forums?
Single father here, I have a 6 year old daughter. How do I raise her to not be a degenerate? I want her to be quality, well mannered, and someone with strong values
What do I do Sup Forums?
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show her the bcc
start with nazi propaganda. works every time.
don't go to europe
go to a country club
>pic related, let her know white people made almost every technological advancement and practice the best virtues
If she goes to public school around kids with different ideas and values like their parents that's not gonna happen, only true way is to raise and teach her yourself .
Always be in her life and don't be a faggot where she'll know what is and respect strong men.
If you fuck up, she'll hate you and try to fill the void in her life with drugs and various men.
I have seen it so many times bro. Always be there for her. No matter what.
Sort her out.
>single father
I don't know man, seems kinda too late already. That's why the nuclear family is best, so that you have a second opinion on shit. Just don't bring in a stranger (woman) who hates on your kid and makes her miserable.
you've already failed because you came to Sup Forums for parenting advice.
If you're a good parent you will send your kid to private school. Aside from that, just be there. Keep this in your mind: for every school recital or sports event you're "too busy" for, that's another 100 black dicks down her throat.
she already goes to a Christian school where everyone is very conservative.
I grew up in South Africa and she was born there, we're going back for Christmas hopefully. Will that be a redpill?
her mother passed away man
>be raised and taught that white people are superior
>rebellious stage in life
>meet libtard friends
>think it's cool and edgy to be against parents
>also think it's edgy to think that white people are terrible due to libtard friends
>become degenerate
Mission failed we'll get em next time
Yeah seriously what is this guy doing asking a bunch of NEETs for parenting advice?
I'm going to be honest with you, OP.
Legit advice from maybe the only other father on here.
Get her interested in something from STEM.
Little kids love space, maybe try that?
The best way to keep your daughter from becoming degenerate is to make sure she values herself and understands that she is worth something.
The whores you see popping their tits out for beads aren't holding themselves to any standards.
Make sure she knows you love her and want good things for her.
You're proud of her and she knows it kind of a thing.
Don't try to redpill her at a young age.
Let her be a child, it's fun like that.
Young kids are usually pretty liberal, and that's okay. Maybe she'll teach you something you'd never considered?
Having a child is a learning experience both ways.
Don't be afraid to admit you don't know everything.
That's it.
Oh fuck...I'm sorry for your loss...
Make sure she gets a job at 15.
Step 1) Dont ask Sup Forums for parenting advise...
Probably. I heard it best from a Sup Forumsack the other day. The only difference between a racist and a South African tourist is three hours
If I ever had a kid, I would seriously probably enroll them in a Christian school. I'm not a Christian, but I value good morals above all else.
dreadlocks on a white person is vile though.
The English Teacher is right.
Don't force conservatism down her throat. Just be a moderate. Children always try to go counter-culture. If you make her think that you're a huge conservative, she'll go liberal. If she sees all the liberal horseshit going on in the mainstream media, she'll go rightwards.
Also, don't forbid her from doing anything, just warn her. If you warn her that fire is hot, and she still burns herself, she'll put more trust into you. If you ban fire, she'll touch it just to spite you.
give her to me. I'll show her the inner workings of (((the globalists))))
Dreadlocks are vile regardless.
Besides, Spartans had dreadlocks. It's not exactly black culture when we don't know exactly when blacks developed dreads, since they never came up with a writing system (other than Ge'ez, but that was because of Christianity).
take her to a nig church/mosque? , the way they loudly sing, dance and pray will give her a fear of them.
I am going to start having children next year and I hope to raise them well too. I plan to limit time access to electronics outside of learning, maybe an hour or so per day at most, and no social media. I plan to home school them. Family meals, no fast food or junk, and we will eat at the table. I will teach them good Christian values and tell them the important things from Buddhism. We will have a strong family.
Single dad here,
what this user said:
yeah that's what I was thinking. I figure if I try too hard she'll be a complete degenerate. Like that atheist crusader whose son became a devote Christian.
Mostly what I've been doing is introducing her to cool things, we don't really watch TV or anything. But I play with lego with her, trying that mindstorm stuff out now too. We went out to the park as well and we go check out stuff around town quite often.
I just want her to be happy really.
it will red pill her if shit has not completely hit the fan in South Africa.
Pray to God together sometimes.
Small town with majority white population, and slowly expose her to cultural marxism and its brutal effects. SMALL TOWN MAJORITY WHITE DO IT
This sounds exactly like what I'm trying to do. You've summed it up quite perfectly. Thank you.
horrible advice. The only way to save her is to send her to Le Rosey in Switzerland.
Works every time.
I hope it works out for you in the end, user.
The most important thing in this world is your own people.
Raising a child to be the best you can make them is the ultimate responsibility, but you got this shit.
Small town white majority, 50% are addicted to opiates. Many such cases. Sad.
Mother here:
Teach her poetry, music and fairytales.
Remember to teach her head, heart, and hands.
She needs to know the arts, how to cook, and how to garden.
Let her follow her own interests in these areas, but encourage them.
Of course academics are important, but she can get them at school.
At home: music, fairytales, mythology, Bible, poetry.
Don't spoil her by giving her every little thing she wants: teach her responsibility and financial management.
Teach her that her heart is a private garden, and she should choose very consciously when to open the gate, and for whom.
Good luck, man.
Hey OP. It seems like I was in the position of your own daughter. My mom died when I was about a year old. It hurt my dad pretty badly (especially since he was only 20 at the time, way too young for fatherhood). My uncle helped out quite a bit as he and my dad were pretty close growing up. Anyways, I think you just need to be there for her and make sure she is your first priority. If you remarry ever, make sure your daughter is okay about it and push her on it if she acts like she doesn't care. One of my worst mistakes was not telling my dad how I felt about his wife before they married. I was miserable until the day I moved out.
I think it depends more on the company she keeps than whatever it is you do. Keeping her in Christian school is probably a good start, as is making her do other activities that pure people usually do, like gardening.
I'd give my honest opinion about anything without being forceful about it. Although, if you want her to be a political conservative, I'd get the fuck out of Canada. Canadian conservatism is a joke
This is good advice also. I would also recommend teaching her a foreign language, it's best while they're still young
Single male here.
If I was going to have children, I would want them to survive and thrive. Problem is- I can't guarantee that for them. How do you cope, knowing that your children could abandon all your values/habits and end up harming themselves?
Yes. Daughters need strong bonds with their family, and especially the men in their family. They need to feel love. It is the most important thing for a girl growing up.
Get her some video games and play them with her. Perfect way to teach her the virtues of meritocracy without having to pound it into her and risk her becoming a rebel.
Set the bar high, so she'll practice playing them until she's good enough to beat you. That way she learns how good it feels to accomplish something of your own accord. If I didn't have video games in my life early on, I wouldn't have worked 40 hours a week and gone to college full time to get a degree in business and start my own store.
most important part is to teach her she has value, and make sure she knows she is loved.
Be involved in everything she does, encourage her interests, and listen to everything she says.
Your parents felt the same way and still went through with it.
You think this is a new problem? I guarantee you that such fears have been around since Gilgamesh's time. You just have to get over the fact that your children WILL have a different political view than you, since politics comes from life experiences. They might be more racist, they might be less. They might be more successful, they might be less.
All you can do is give them a good, but challenging, life. Don't let them get lazy, but don't push them to breaking.
Tell story
She's fluent in Afrikaans and has some degree of fluency in English, it'll catch up to native level as she ages.
I've met conservative girls in Canada, I don't necessarily want her to think exactly like me. I just want her to have a good heart.
How would I cope knowing I didn't at least try to raise her properly?
Thank you, I don't think I'll consider getting married for some time. My parents passed away right when I was starting college, it was a horrible year.
I don't know if she's young enough to understand everything, I can't really remember much about what it's like at that age.
Thanks. We pray before every meal and I like to read her these old European tales that have been lost. They're usually quite cozy.
Where should I stand on discipline? I wasn't really disciplined while I grew up and I think I did ok.
It's really fucking hard to allow them independence. The first time your baby falls down, it just about kills you.
But you have to let them learn and grow.
My whole job as a parent is to prepare them to go out into the world and be strong and independent.
Just like falling down, making mistakes is important for life learning and experience.
Church, (this is most important)discipline if misbehave, word games, reading, puzzles make her smart as fuck trust me.
Spend time with her. Talk to her. Call her out on her bullshit.
Actually in my experience being in steam makes them bitter inside. My sister's a chemical engineer for this huge oil company and she started talking about how it's unfair this guy got a raise only because he's a guy and not anything else.
Many of my peers in college right now are your typical overly-obsessed-with-school kids who don't have any fun and focus on their work (especially math and science) Because they want to be as social accepted as possible after years of loneliness they just accept whatever gives them attention, so that's why the most elite are the most cucked into believing whiny lies.
But considering your a leaf and your on Sup Forums asking how to raise your child . I'd consider suicide
Posted it once on /n/
>be me, 17
>fuck my gf, she gets pregnant
>move to Canada with family at about the same time
>just mom at home, dad passed away, mom gets quite sick not much later and passes on
>she's obviously pretty pissed
>she's back in South Africa
>work quite a bit, pulling 70 hour weeks to send money etc
>can't afford to see our child because of the above
>talk to her pretty often, she seems fine
>start going to uni while working, studying EE
>working my ass off to keep things together
>years of this
>have no friends basically
>drink to get through work
>hardly see family any more
>all my money is spent long before I see it
>she tells me nothing about her problems, but still friendly
>never know where my money goes
>graduate uni at 23
>ex hardly talks any more
>seems to have gotten stale
>daughter is pretty awesome, always makes me smile
>ex ends up laying in front of a train at night and committing suicide
>left a note about how her dreams were crushed since she got pregnant
>bring my daughter to Canada
>pretty much stop drinking cold turkey
>things slowly getting better
dont come to Sup Forums for help
No cable, support a hobby she's interested in, read a lot, be willing to talk about anything to her even if you're uncomfortable and encourage questions, always answer with an explanation instead of a (it's this way bc I said) give a factual answer. Teach life/survival skills like growing food, farming, fishing etc
Teach her what you want, don't constantly tell her what you don't want.
Maintain a friendly, supportive relationship so that your opinion is something she values and your respect is something that she wants to keep.
Don't punish: guide.
I have a 2 year old, im just enjoying life with him and teaching him about life. And hes taught me a lot about patience and just letting things be not stressing over the big stuff.
Kids also have a natural sense to rebel for some reason, so when shes growing up, if there is something degenerate like a certain tv show or book or type of music, dont take it away from her, just dont make it a big deal, dont acknowledge it. Because if you make it a big deal that she shouldnt watch/read/listen to whatever, shes going to want to even more. You gotta go reverse psychology on their smart little asses.
This is perfect advice.
>Where should I stand on discipline?
you dont really need to use corporal discipline. i was able to do a great job by just reasoning with my kid. id always let him state his case when we disagreed on things, would state mine, and would admit if he was right. i found that it teaches them to reason and weight the consequences of their actions. worked for me but it takes patience. parents that hit their kids tend to not have the patience or reasoning skills to go through all that. its just easier to smack the kid.
Take care of her sexual urges yourself when she hits puberty, that way she can learn things in controlled enviroments instead of learning it from some teenager who makes her into his toy.
>delayed gratification vs instant gratification
Do these during her early developmental period.
>competitive sports/martial arts
Do these during her later developmental periods to expose her to social situations where she's less likely to come across leftist/sjw/modern MSM indoctrination
No black friends? :/
Haven't seen a single non-white at her school.
What are some good delayed gratification things to do as a kid? We do some basic puzzles at the moment.
Yeah, that seems about right. This was how my parents raised me and I think it was for the best. I never had a real rebellious phase.
It's so strange really, I hope I can teach her everything I want her to know though. I don't care so much about a lot of the Sup Forums stuff, I just want a good person out of it. I'm considering buying a small farm just for something to do outside of work but without a wife it'll be quite hard.
>Has her dreams crushed as she gets pregnant
>Not fulfilled
What a failure of a woman. Sorry for your loss though.
Asking /pol first was definitely the right thing to do.
I can't forgive her for leaving our daughter like this but I figure if she was that close to the edge it is better I raise her alone. I still miss her and hate myself over it.
the simple things I'm guessing?
Having a stable routine does good things for kids. Helping out with chores or making sure she cleans up after an activity before moving on to something else she wants to do etc.
Maybe practicing a sport or instrument, although she's probably too young for both, where constant dedication and effort to something pays off in being gud at it, having the admiration of your peers, etc. You could do one of those two and have her watch you sometimes so it becomes ingrained in her that working towards a good hobby is a good thing to do.
or rather, if she's too young to do some things, make sure to be a role-model so she sees you working at delayed gratification tasks and whatnot. She'll be very impressionable at this age and for a long while after, so it's not just what you can do for her or make her do, it's also very much what she'll learn from looking to you.
Be the best father you can, user
dont ever drink in front of your daughter, dont let her see you drunk, and dont tell her about her moms death until she's in her 30's.
Also, not your fault man.
>seems kinda too late already
That's the kind of thinking that lets degeneracy flourish.
Give her full custody.
As a father, does it bother you to know that Obama ended the inspection of porn studios to make sure their performers were adults?
No1. You can't do it yourself. She needs a mother figure/female role model.
Good luck mate.
I'm never doing any alcohol or drugs again and haven't had any since she's been with me.
hmm she plays some sports at school, I'll see where it goes. I think its best letting her experiment herself. I played with a midi composer with her which was quite fun so maybe piano might be nice.
>only other father on here
no, there is a lot of us.
piano's always a nice hobby to have
training a kids ears from an early age is pretty cool too.
be christian
Let her be who she wants to be when shes young. compliment her regularly about how beautiful and smart she is. As much as feminist today say they don't need or want a man, deep down they have daddy issues. Daddy didn't give them enough quality 1 on 1 time. Idk what it is about the relationship between a father and daughter but it's powerful. There is something about daddy telling her how pretty she is getting or him pretending to be so shocked at how intelligent she's become that compares to no one else in the world.
Saw on a movie once a dad gave his daughter(who was like 12 or so) a ring and said something like "only marry a man worthy enough to replace my ring". Every dad should do that in my opinion.
Bond with her. Especially through the early age. Pick up a sports activity together like learning a martial art or something. Or make her a soccer-girl. Noone ever wants to fuck those.
I love cute little girls!
Give her lots of love and cuddles
I have 4 kids
Stop parading like you're this Odin figure for Sup Forums, it's cringe
holy shit what was up with her eyes when she looked up
You're the role model so set a good idea. Take her out on little dates and show her how a guy is suppose to act and treat girls. Girls respect their fathers if they have a good relationship and will gravitate towards similar men at an older age. Just be there and be a good role model is very important.
Ayy lmao
Just be a good dad.
Don't try to brainwash or wrap her in cotton wool.
Promote independent thought by letting her know that she is an individual and master of her own reality.
Common sense and human nature will do the rest.
Single dad of 9 year old boy I slowly tell him not to trust the government watch movies like equilibrium with him. It is for when school starts to try and indoctrinate him with white guilt I can explain school is government ((they)) are lying
Teach her to appreciate loyalty, honesty, integrity, and that a good work ethic pays off. Teach her to appreciate what she's given, and not expect the world to fall on her doorstep.
And I wholeheartedly agree with the other user said - never be drunk in front of her.
I have a friend who will regularly stay up until his kids are taken to school by their mom, drinking. His kids are now late teens, and especially the boy is showing early and very worrying signs of alcoholism
Acclimate her to Sup Forums.
telling someone that they are smart when they are not is fucking stupid and cruel same goes with being beautiful, is a fine way to fuck your kid's shit right up.
just love your kid and be real with them, life isn't fair, some people have it easier because they are more beautiful, smarter, have more money, and that in life not everyone is winner.
Is she of the Nordic alien race?
Oh, and importantly, allow her to fail. You will want her to know that failing is a powerful method of learning, and that you just have to get on with it when it happens.
Nothing worse than seeing smart kids crashing upon their first real failure in life. You will want them to have the tools to deal with setbacks.
1. Stop asking Sup Forums for advice.
2. Take my advice.
3. I've never had a kid, yung cunt here, but I know what you need to do.
4. Whatever you do, try to resist developing a sexual relationship with your daughter (a lot of anons think this step is optional)
5. Water her and make sure she gets plenty of sunlight
6. Make sure you walk her at least once a weak
7. Teach her that every action has consequences.
Repeat this until she's 40 and then you can let her go on her own!
Good luck!
This thread totally reminds me of that book called The Four Agreements. It a very deep book every parent should read.
Slavic loli masterrace
What you should do, is what alot of other anons here does
Hey Bill! Nice to see you here!
Here you go, thank me later!
Aspire to be the man you would want her to fall in love with. Also buy a shotgun and a shovel
I'd say try to not get advice from this shitty place because it's filled with pedocucks.
Something like this Is what I'd suggest, become the ideal role model for her. so in the future she finds a man that is at least as good or better than you.
For the love of Christ, hide your fucking power level. Nothing burns coal faster than a racist cracker dad.
You also have to understand that you can make all the right choices, but there is always the possibility of her being a degenerate.
My parents raised me right, went to every ball game, took to me to the movies, punished me when I did something wrong, took me to church, but I still got in trouble with the law multiple times, had premarital sex and did drugs.