Who would you vote for, Sup Forums? Ron Paul or Donald Trump?
Who would you vote for, Sup Forums? Ron Paul or Donald Trump?
they're both rural and suburban retards, city people voted for hillary
Definitely Ron Paul
he's not a good goy like Trump
Trump is one of the only people in the world with the teeth to fight back against the media AND shitbags in the republican party
Ron Paul takes AlphaBrain by Onnitâ„¢
>Ron "Enrich america with brown people" Paul
>Donald "I legitimately lover American and want to see her shine" Trump
Tough choice.
t. sarcasm incarnate
Trump first to destroy the establishment, then Paul to rebuild it into greatness.
ron paul in a heart beat
Would have voted for Ron Paul back in 2012, but I was busy playing Halo 4 with my buddies when it came out. Now I'm a liberal.
Voted for Trump, love that he's in office, but Ron Paul was the president America needed.
Both great in their own ways.
Kek, this meme is starting to make me chuckle
neither you fuckin faggot retard
hes not winning though just a wind bag...
just like the bogpill, memes tend to grow on me lol
Ron Paul. If he won in 08 we wouldnt be in this mess.
You sound salty for losing all the time lefty scum :^)
Ron Paul outright said he wanted to disband the CIA. He wouldn't toy/equivocate with the deep state like Trump does, so he probably wouldn't last a year before getting JFK'd. Id still vote for him over Trump though.
>insulting people who insult you means you "can't take it"
There is no other meme I hate more than that one. What are you supposed to do, lay down and take your insults like a cuck?
The whole reason I hated bush and romney and mccain was that they were fucking cucks who let the media constantly insult them without ever fighting back.
100% Ron Paul. Trump is obviously /ourguy/ but Ron Paul would literally save America and the West
Donald trump. Paul could never get on the ballot
I would have a heat attack if Ron Paul ran in 2020 2024
Is this a serious question?
Paul isn't bold enough to do what needs done first, but would be great to clean up the mess later.
Joe rogan thinks he is 5'9
Definitely 5'7 tops
ron paul 2012!!!!!
Trump, easily. Ron Paul is a great guy and all, but it's hard to support a guy who wants to tear down the system all at once. We need the system to be torn down, but you help people realize that with someone more moderate. And that guy is Trump.
Ron Paul
One got cucked by by a Mormon the other is the current president.
Ron Paul is a bit of a cuck on the Islam issue as well.
I could get on board with this idea. But maybe a younger Paul. Current timeline and massive MSM hysteria is cool now though.