so, im confused, can you be alt-right while being non-white?
Alt-right, non-white?
Sure you can. You just have to be a race aware nationalist in your own damn country.
No. Most of what the media calls the alt-right is in fact the "alt-lite." You can be alt-lite and nonwhite however.
Only after you've slain enough liberal cucks.
Duh. Look at Sup Forums
Of course faggot. We are not racist we are a religion of peace. And we hate the religion of Jews because they're evil and we're the good guys.
No. It's specifically a white identitarian movement.
Yes but keep in mind that if and when the alt-right gets into power, non-whites will have to leave.
Yes it's called being Jewish
how about honorary ones?
As long as you stay in a non white country. Leave Canada, make your own land great.
Why would you want to be a nazi
its nice being here, as a functional member of the society
>hey white people I hate jews too, let's be friends
These white trash faggots hate us both you dumb
>Implying the US is a white country
Yes. If you think that you belong in a racially homogeneous nation then you are pretty much already alt-right. There is no specifically white only label on it.
Alt-right isn't a real thing! why do people keep falling for this meme!?
You don't belong here and you never will. Nobody will ever see you as Candian. You'll always be a nigger/chink first.
What is wrong with national socialism? It's not an ideology that is anti semantic one for the 10 commandments by Gobbles makes that clear
That logo is fucking awful.
It was. It was founded as one. And it remained one, functionally, for almost 200 years. It's only been the last 50 years or so where we let it slip. We can make it great again. We just need more people on our team.
We've seriously got to turn this shit around. Diluting the white population of this planet is a surefire way to destroy civilization as we know it. Although I'll give the Asians props for keeping their countries free of filth. They might become the torchbearers of civilization if we don't sort our shit out.
Sure why not.
They will be cannon fodder against their own when the times comes.
Whites like self-respecting blacks, (((you))) like the degenerate ones, so you can pimp them with (((record deals))) to make impressionable white children take the wayward path, thus decreasing the master race's threat to your planned global takeover.
It is but it refers to people like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor not Milo or Lauren Southern.
If the people building this country intended it to be a sanctuary for white people they wouldn't have imported literally millions of shitskins and then fought a war over them.
It wasn't just shitskins either, the "give me your poor, your huddle masses" didn't start 50 years ago.
When I say US isn't a white country I'm talking about explicit racialism not the culture associated with white or anything like that. It is white in that sense.
Everyone else here is nonwhite. I'm the only white guy.
Yes. Separate but equal is a thing.
Its just racial identity politics.
That's what nation-states and their borders are for. Having a bunch of different groups within a country, under one government, isn't a good thing.
Speaking of the devil. Don't want to thread jack but
white man here. sure you can. but will you REALLY be one of us deep down? think about it. you can collect all the knowledge and acquire whatever label but at the end of the day its about being white, and the 14 words
If you agree with Richard Spencer's ideas you are alt right. He coined the term, branded it and even said Depeche Mode is the official music of the alt right. If that's your thing, go for it.
I was wondering myself.
I believe Whites are Superior.
They're not Animals like the Blacks in the "nigger meme" threads are.
They invent shit and are generally nice people.
I defend whenever those "White People" memes pop up because...well it's racist.
They are becoming a minority and understand why their pissed with my "people" Tacos.
Only disagreement i have is, this country of ours will never be just for Whites. It's in the Constitution and Statue so i think Alt-Right- Sup Forums loses trying to convince us America should be for Whites only.
It is and will always be for anyone that comes here,assimilates and defends it and fellow comrades (citizens) to the death.
Had a few beers and buzzing, sorry if i make no sense fgs
alt-right is a meme for fags
I am and I'm brown. Being dark not always means you're stupid :D
Its actually fucking brilliant
Alt right that uses that logo are whire identitarians. Richard Spencer is their de facto leader.
Well you are a faggot
Poo in the loo and lurk more faggot
this faggot discussion makes me throw up
Why user do you get a stiffy and god is watching?
wanna grab my brown dick?
That top-heavy R.
what race are you
I dont care about race, I just hate Muslims with a passion
and nonwhites should stay out of Europe
I'm brown and in Europe. Any problem?