I don't want to be a minority.

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you wait for christ

Get off of Sup Forums and make something of yourself

dude that will happen in like 50 years, you will be so old you wouldn´t give a fuck at that point

Uh, you kidding bro? White race isn't going anywhere. I don't know how people get this dumb shut in their heads.

Glass all of africa.

Only way to save the white race is to save itself

t. non white

Procreate with beautiful white women.

i'm Asian and I don't want whites to be a minority

seriously, if you guys don't keep shit together, you know how bad things will get?

easy 3 steps
1) buy some rope from home depot
2) tie it around one of the legs of your bed
3) tie the other end around your neck
4) jump out your window

Get off Sup Forums and make something out of your life and get yourself a nice White or Asian wife and do as the good Lord commanded and multiply.

The only way to save it is to start the holocaust when the niggers finally chimp out for their last time.

maybe check the demographics of whites 30 years ago to whites now. What's the change in overall percentage of the population? Later jew.



>White or Asian wife and do as the good Lord commanded and multiply.

Um....breeding with chinks won't help. that's for sure


no, only white

you have always been

You're talking about a change of population in America, right? Keep in mind Europe is where white people come from, not here. I'm pretty sure Europe is still like 99% white. But besides all that, can you imagine what would happen if white people started going extinct? There millions of people out there who will go out of their way to save some endangered Amazon tree frog almost no one's ever heard of, so I'm pretty sure an entire race of people is safe.

>LARPing this hard
Yeah no, I'd rather not.
I'm with a Eurasian so meh.
See above

I think people are the source of all that, not a religion.

Whites are ALREADY the minority race on Planet Earth.

We are far out-numbered by the stone-age brown races.

To survive, we must protect ourselves from the brown hordes. Tighten immigration laws, protect our borders, discourage miscegeneation with brown races, as it only creates offspring with a lower average IQ than its white parent.

Remove beaner illegals replace with white south africans/Europeans

>accusing others of larping

Asians are great and all but breeding with them won't save the white race.

well, being minority sucks. I know because I'm brown hehe


Take political power away from the brainwashed boomers.

It's not the boomers who are voting for libshits, at least not in America.

They are in places like France

Yep. LARPing.
I'm with a Eurasian so I don't know how to reply to that.

>Black hair.

She's already not white.

It's politics my dude, watch this.

Devote yourself to one woman, have babies, encourage your friends to do the same.

Anyone know why the establishment in America supports unlimited nonwhite immigration? This includes the elected officials, wealthy donors, the media, academia.

Then they'll come for you.

Might want to recheck your European stats. It's still overwhelmingly white, but the percentage has certainly changed.

what's the problem of not being white?

I'd rather not see America become like Brazil or Blade Runner. It's already happening in California (whites are leaving). It's sad.

>Whites are leaving

You mean dying.

I personally can't wait to be a minority so I can win a Gold in the Oppression Olympics

cockmongler for reference

a) Get a ton of babies
b) Be as vocal as possible and overreact to the tiniest shit, fake evidence if you have to.

what do u mean? I'm from brazil

Miten pelastamme suomenkielen, ystävät hyvät? En aio alistua käyttämään valloittajan kieltä.

A variety of reasons, none of which have anything to do with compassion like they claim

>Elected officials
Largely Democrats that want more votes and Republicans being paid off. Former could describe most of the reasons for the rest

>Wealthy donors
I'll take this to mean "corporate elite". First off, it puts an extreme downward pressure on wages, especially for the low skilled jobs that make up the majority of the workforce. It's also much easier to control a brown person on an H1-B than a white person who wants inconvenient things like pensions and benefits. Thirdly, it brings them more customers. Multinationals can't build shops in shitholes because the shops might be burnt down and no one has the money to pay for the shit anyway. But if you bring them to the first world where they can give you a check they got from government welfare programs, then you're in business and also a complete and utter scumbag.

Owned by Jews and paid for by the same people that lobby the government

Full of Cultural Marxist ideologues who would love nothing more than to destroy the cultural and ethnic identities of western civilization in order to replace their identities with a communist superstate that tells them what to do and how to think

Why should it be saved? It would be much much hotter to breed out the white race.

We should allocate one white girl to every negro in the world. If there are too many negro men, we should let a couple of them share one white girl.

Breed out racism, once and for all.


The only real, actual answer: remove dreidel

ding ding ding

We have a winner!

You lazy fucks want a white America? Get off the computer, get in shape, and find a beautiful white lady and raise a wholesome family.

But you won't because you're all shitlords.

Myself included.

Should I do that even if I'm black? Because I plan to.

YEP! Starting with this kike (pic related)

This is a classic leftist scheme.

If a white has a baby with a wetback, the baby is officially a wetback
If that kid takes a white spouse, the kids will be wetbacks.
According to you and your equally retarded friends, white can only reproduce with white. Any other color partner makes the baby into that other race.

Leftists always follow the 'one drop' rule'

I'm waiting for the tipping point when people can say they've had enough of nonwhite immigration and not care about being called racist.


>muh baganizm :D:D
Europeans were looting, pillaging raping barbarians before Rome came along, who became Christian.

Christianity is what civilized the West and encouraged it to glory. It is what created traditionalism and what it is based on now.

And it is the prime target of Marxism because Western identity largely draws from the culture Christianity created, so the destruction of Christianity will only rot Europe to the core further. Christ is not the enemy because Christ was and is and forever will be the enemy of the Judaism you claim to hate. They crucified him, and the end of days ate explicitly mentioned as having Jews that are not really Jews running the show.

Please, stop your retardation and return to the loving arms of Christ.

Is Obama black? His mother was white. But the white just magically vanished.
How about Jeb! Bush. Ultimate white guy. Hispanic wife. So...his kids are hispanic. If they take white spouses, they have...hispanic kids. Even when they pop out blonde and blue eyed...hispanic. It's like magic!1!
You're saying that a drop of non-Aryan blood makes you 'other'. There's no way to win.

>Christ was and is and forever will be the enemy of the Judaism
The jews were an integral part of God's plan.
Hating jews means you hate God, you off-topic thread-sliding mememaster.

God is omnipotent and omniscient, everything is by definition part of his plan.


I see no problem with this so long as she's a Jew

No, she will be white, innocent, traditional and gorgeous. Ideally blonde hair and blue eyes.

Humble yourself. Imagine your a minority. Your white brother just gets internet. He abuses it. You see, white ppl are not being ganged up on for past actions. Infact, race relation werent so bad before the internet. They were steadily improving. But when the white man got the internet his real colors started to show. And though he remained anonymous, he was always there. Everyday. Loud. Hateful. The worst. Evil.

Theres no way out of this without repentance and asking for forgiveness for your online actions. The more you troll people. The more there will be hate for the white race and the easier it will be for the Jews to extinguish you.

You have to better brother to your fellow man pol. The underdog is always going to win, its the human spirit. It rises and overcomes all obstacles.


Jesus ate fish

Also, he would have actually been pretty /fit/ since carpentry is a physically demanding job

These are not the kind of women that race mix
Hooknose will have no problem with you though. They have no morals or ideals

>tfw found a shy, submissive, white, qt gf with green eyes and clingy


By not trying to connect it to hate and racism like controlled opposition such as Spencer and Duke are trying to do. These idiots are the reason why we're so cucked right now. Seriously how is that smart?

Actually those are the type of girls who love black cock the most.

Sorry to hurt your feelings. You can't stop me from fucking white girls and eventually marrying one.

>God is omnipotent and omniscient,
The Book of Genesis says otherwise.
Maybe you should read the Bible first?

Why senpai, black girls have the best genetics anyways. I have a black gf but I plan to leave her for a black or very dark skinned brown woman some day. Their is power in the Sun. The plants know it. My kids are going to know it too.

Africans are pure black, except when they get some white genes.
Mexicans are dark brown, except when they get white genes.
Mixing with them is diluting their gene pools and making them go extinct.
Equal and opposite.
But maybe that doesn't give you nazis that good 'victim feel' that you crave?

No, BMWF doesn't just have twice the divorce rate of WMWF because of the men. Any woman who's a coalburner is 100% guaranteed to be degenerate trash

That's why I keep recommending Jews. If you're going after garbage women, you may as well go after one that at least has a lot of money

Quit being a pissy pussy and fight for your race and exterminate other races

Take all the black girls you want mate, more white girls for me.

Get rich white people to put money into mass production in creating white people.

I mean white gf. Trust me brother. If you are black, you want a black wife and black children. Being black is the genetic lottery. Do you want your kid to have bbc or naw. Original obsidian Black is perfection. Humanity at its peak. The rest of humanity is tainted by albinism, a disease.

Jewish women are ugly, white women are gorgeous and beautiful.

I don't want a Jew. I want a beautiful white woman to impregnate.

We don't.
Whites are too empathetic and soft.
Asians will take over and consume the earth. They will wipe out blacks once there's no whites to protect them and their pathetic countries. Asians will show no mercy on blacks as they genocide them and consume their natural resources.

2017, we are all ass men now. White girl ass will never compare to black girl ass.

Pale white booty is the best booty there is.

white girls dont want to be "saved"

surely not by pathetic whites


The white race is killing itself willfully; it doesn't deserve to be saved.

>Muh Jews

A race so easily subjugated by a super minority is not strong enough to exist.

White babies.

Nah senpai, asians will realize they are blacks and the world will heal. Whites are blacks too. Albinos of dravidians.

Races dont exist, its albinism that separates us. Everyone is related by blood.






sauce, plss man..I SUCK YO DICK

I think the trick is to get the best of both worlds. The thing about white skin is that is just albinism. Which is a deficiency. Its a pretty big coverup that goes into their make believe races. Easier to divide you that way. Otherwise you unite, and create the tower of babel.

They got the booty

Assuming she's not wearing contacts, that woman's eyes also indicate a melanin deficiency.

desu that black guy is too good looking for her lmao.

I agree

speaking of. Here are some Dravidian Indians. You know India, where the Swastika orginated from as well as the Sanskrit word Arya. That country southwest of Iran, a country which derives its name from Aryan.

You won't be a minority if everyone's a minority everywhere

Make white babies and Hail Odin.

They don't have white features..they look like albinos.