Van Jones proposed tax cuts on interracial couples lol

Anyone catch The Messy Truth with Van Jones tonight?

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was on as a guest and they were discussing the racial divide in America. Van Jones sneaked in a comment about giving a tax cut to interracial couples to "ease the racial tensions." lol...

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The truth is messy...the truth is real messy lol

I meant the night before

He's not a real black man if he didn't marry a sista

Impregnate a white conservative woman and raise the children ultra liberal.

Van Jones is just being smart brah.

>vladimir melanin

>Constantly race baits
>People dying from the race baiting
>Offers a solution that discriminates based on race
>Do what we want or we riot
Holy shit leftists are literally the mob.

Or, we could offer a discount of suicide pills for blacks.

Jones is marry to a white woman. Someone related to Jimmy Carter, I believe.

Anyone trust Van Jones? Dude looks weasel like.

The tax cut would benefit him...

She's a Jewess actually.

She does look jewish as fuck.

What does Van think will happen when you race-mixing a 72% white population with a 12% black population, over multiple generations?

(((white))) woman

How can someone be so retarded as to think that such a policy would ease tensions? Even dindus with half a brain cell should be able to understand that would just further enflame tensions.

looks like she's got the stereotypical big j00bies too

no more whites

Thought this was interesting from Jones's wiki:

>After graduating from law school in 1993, Jones moved to San Francisco and became what he described as a revolutionary.[11] He became affiliated with many radical left activists, for a brief time joining a "socialist collective" called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). It protested against police brutality, held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin, and aspired to a multi-racial socialist utopia.[11]

Also funny that someone who has spent so much time talking about the value of blackness would then marry a jew. But I'm not at all surprised. All black men will aspire to marry a white woman. Not even black men want to get with black women.

To be fair, he did say it as a joke.

I would get a tax cut :)

I've got to hate on my nigga Van a little bit though. He said Drumpf became president after his state of the union speech. That was a bitch move Van.

>I would get a tax cut :)
>I've got to hate on my nigga Van a little bit though

kys. your wife first, than you.

I honestly agree with that.

There should be big incentives to mix interracially. If we can breed out racism, we'll all be better for it.

yeah i sometimes wish all these different ethnic backgrounds didn't exist.

i wish we just saw each other as humans

I could live with that, but only the white partner gets the tax cut. Need to have something to balance out that sacrifice.

>I've got to hate on my nigga Van a little bit though. He said Drumpf became president after his state of the union speech. That was a bitch move Van.

I thought that was one of the most beautiful lines from political commentary ever. To have someone like Van Jones say that just felt like for a moment a divided nation had come together

I wonder how all this shit would affect me if I didn't have Sup Forums to share in my rage.

I can't even finish this sentence what you both said, believe, etc., is so dumb, anti-nature, anti-evolution...I can't understand how one gets cucked as hard as you

sorry brah but white nationalism is just plain retarded.

even if white nationalists succeed, there's still gonna be a ton of hate among all the different ethnic/cultural divisions.

Celts hate Anglos. Nords hate Finns. Germanics hate Slavs. Balkans hate each other.

You even see this shit happen on white nationalist sites like Sup Forums

trying to divide ourselves among nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities is just killing the human race

I can't believe Van fell for it. He had such a low bar. Honestly even I was surprised how good it was. There wasn't any crooked Hillary or lying dishonest media. My head almost did a 360 when he started it by talking about black history month. Sure trump looked somewhat presidential in that moment but then he went right back to his old ways like he always goes. State of the Union was telemprompter Trump. The media needs to stop falling for it. They are always like look he's becoming presidential and then he fires off another insane tweet storm. I miss Obama.

You don't think we know that Whites hate other Whites? This is what White Nationalism is about

Racism isn't bad, and it wouldn't even be "bred-out" as you hope it would. You'd be breeding out the races themselves. Why is that bad? The next generation of children would be extremely dumbed down, as they'd become the lowest common denominator between both races involved, this would spiral into dumber and dumber people by each generation.

If you think what I said is bullshit, look at brazillian favelas. There is a huge percentage of people that are racemixed by a lot of generations (since we were colonized).

You can genuinely point out these kinds of people in a crowd, their skin is a strange brown, their face have the outline of a white person, but facial features of a black one, their hair is an absolute mess, and their character is non-existant. I could groom a dog to be more self aware than these people, and this is not an exaggeration.

Your ideal is a hollow one.

Whether both of you are trolling, are shills, or simply haven't been exposed much to this board's culture, you should seek the truth of the issue to it's very core. Although deciding to not push further towards this truth and instead choosing to believe in a happy ideal might be more alluring, that's giving in to a hollow ideal.

What would you be passing on to the future? Would society even mantain it's civilized structure? How could you rape and pillage the society that you inherited, while at the same time believing to be doing something "moral"?

huh, you're right, since celts hate anglos i guess we should all just let niggers take over our lands and impregnate our wives

Crossbreeding enhances genetics you dimwit. Interbreeding including breeding within one race harms genetic vigour.

We can and will eventually breed out racism, and you can't stop it.

They would only allow this for couples where the male was black

This doesn't make sense. Tribalism is human nature. It's ironically a diversity that creates different cultures. Without separation of races we wouldn't have Western Civilization's advancements like the Internet or the English language

>You can genuinely point out these kinds of people in a crowd, their skin is a strange brown, their face have the outline of a white person, but facial features of a black one, their hair is an absolute mess, and their character is non-existant. I could groom a dog to be more self aware than these people, and this is not an exaggeration.

That's because Iberian colonies are garbage. Even Iberia itself is a shithole.

If you look at Anglo/Dutch colonies though like South Africa, the mixed race people in Cape Town are intelligent and very productive

If that were true we would have super niggers. Instead we just have niggers. Even though I know you are Jewish or trolling...

But it's the pure Whites who keep it running. Without them it would be like Haiti where the Whites were forced to mix.

So that would litterally be marrying up.
And also
Where da white women at

Mixed race people are healthier though since they have less lines of homozygosity in their chromosomes.

Genetic variety is also associated with facial symmetry.

Lol Australia bringing the bantz like always

You understand that you've made a full circle with your hypothesis, right? Let's assume that everyone in the USA successfully managed to racemix, and this next generation is 100% a mix of black/white, and somehow they manage to mantain the structure of civilization with hospitals, politics, education and all that (this is the biggest stretch in your ideal, and ridiculously unlikely, btw).

Okay, so these people are now the "american" people. Now some other race comes to parasitize off of their prosperity, and these aliens lower the healthcare efficiency, the salaries, and education. It'd be racist, obviously, to condemn these people to be destroying what YOUR people built, so YOUR children could inherit it. You'd be "promoting diviseness" by standing for what you built for your tribe. It's invasion.

There is no need for any of that to happen, this is what the ideology of nationalism believes in and strives for. For everyone (mexicans, blacks, and americans alike) stays to their own tribe, to help it grow and improve instead of abandoning it to leave off of exploitation of a more prosperous tribe (bringing that tribe down in the process).

This is Trump, by the way. Bannon hold these very same beliefs, word by word.

wrong, kill yourself mutt


without division, their is no culture. Seperation is true diversity. You want to smash all cultures and identities together rendering them meaningless, leaving us with nothing but blind consumerism the technocrats can control.

this is a bait thread by the way

indeed, they are even more dangerous than blacks

That's kinda gross.
Who the fuck could say that kind of shit with a straight face? If the sheer slimy cunt of the guy doesn't register with you the same way it does with me, just imagine it was some white guy who you knew had an Asian fetish.

So is that why Brazil is so great....oh wait

You are basing this idea on the scientific studies that point out how breeding between two very different gene sets can bring out a child that contains strong genetics from different fields. This is true.

However, you are insinuating that blacks make up, in a way, for what white people lack. This is false, they don't.

But Brazilians are less likely to inherit diseases compared to more inbred populations like the Finns or the Irish.

This is a "wololo the shills" thread, you cunt. Come help.

So getting a cold marginally more easily is worse than a complete lack of societal strucutre?

higher genetic diversity within than between the races homie, you're basically inbreeding if you race mix

>Van Jones proposed tax cuts on interracial couples

So, white males and asian females get tax cuts?

I don't know about you, but I think having almost zero chance of inheriting horrible diseases like cystic fibrosis or having your newborn child die from Tay Sach's is worth the race-mixing.

Especially when there are some insanely beautiful mixed race women out there.

u think ur so clever dont u

what he said is true though.

also nice gif. mad max is an awesome movie.

ur race is your extended family, but so are other races to some degree.

Set your priorities straight, then. Having an extremely low percentage of your people dying from a complex disease is still better than not being able to mantain social structure.

>Especially when there are some insanely beautiful mixed race women out there.

Fuck you, there is a certain shade of darkened skin that makes my heart go diamonds.

Fuck this cuck! He probably let's his boyfriend fucks his wife.

yea woops. i think he meant to say outbreeding


>don't die from random rare disease
>instead die from fat nigger on scooter robbing you for your doritos and water bottle

This is like a parody of neoliberalism and free market economics by a pro socialist.
There is no tax on interracial marriage, this is not a sphere here tax cuts even influence?

These are dumb people that can't look at multiple issues at the same time and weigh them accordingly. Instead, they are only capable of looking at one thing at a time, and their solution to said problem is 90% of the time detrimental to basically everything else.


How long before this actually happens?

"Hey guys lets ease the racial tension by making it worse lol im smart because im on tv btw so you shoud do it haha lol"


By that logic, black men are tricking white women, yes?

They are. These women will become single mothers


Brazil tried that you dipshit.

Look at them now

Amazing. Look hard enough, and you'll find a Jew or a commie (or both) under never bed. McCarthy was right.

>taking homo shitpostius seriously
Read the flag before giving a (You)


well...brazilian women are better-looking than british women...

literally "ayo where da whit wimmen @ pham" on national t.v, niggers are truly subhuman.

brazil is a 3rd world shithole with the highest murder rates on earth while, the brazilian people are genetic waste. Meanwhile Brits have a rich history and great empires as well as great contributions to scientific advancement and currently reside in a 1st world country.

>This type of political and social climate inherently represses a group of people while one group dominated the other. In the case of Brazil, the white man rose to the top of the social ladder, which left the African slaves and the future Afro-Brazilians repressed for generations to come.

Funny shit, kind of like america niggers and spics do shit work and slave labor in jails.