>disproportionate policing of blacks such as stop and frisk shows the penal system is racist
Is he right /pol?
>disproportionate policing of blacks such as stop and frisk shows the penal system is racist
Is he right /pol?
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Maybe if blacks didn't also commit a disproportionate amount of crime.
It does show racism, it should still happen though because it has been proven effective and like said the disproportionate amount of crime they commit.
No. Guliani's New York proved pro active policing works.
I wouldn't bring this up in a debate but yes, the hard truth is that stop and frisk is racist, most things are racist because humans are inherently racist.
Babies of all races do not trust blacks.
if you guys keep going, he will probably just kill himself soon, just fucking stop
So what about the non-whites that don't commit crimes and not get harassed by the police?
Better yet, how about the non-whites that get pulled over, don't talk shit to cops while their car is being searched and then not get arrested? Or better yet, why aren't those non-whites telling their communities to stop selling drugs and killing each other? Would they listen? Of course not. Non-whites want to be anything but white, and if selling drugs and killing each other means not being white, then they will do it.
Instead of "getting rid of stop and frisk" how about "don't be a fucking criminal in the first place."
Blacks are racist for committing more crimes against everyone else
Stop and frisk saved countless black lives.
We should get rid of it.
Yes. He's right about everything.
It's called proactive policing, and it's used on high risk groups
If Negros stopped being high risk, then it wouldn't happen
Is it racist? Sure, but it's based on sound reasoning and science
Stop and frisk actually statistically under-targets blacks and hispanics
When they used it in NYC, only 85% of people stopped and frisked were black or hispanic despite blacks and hispanics making up 98% of all gun crime in the city
>Majority of blacks commit crimes compared to other races
>Therefore stopping them is most likely to yield result
>Especially when their car looks like gang bang hoodtrash
>Whaddya know, the niggers had drugs
It's common sense you fucking idiot. They do it in London too
>40% white
if by kill himself you mean get increased publicity and money then yes
I wish destiny still posted on /vg/
Stop/frisk and racial profiling are just common sense and make police more efficient.
If you stop a black guy and 50% of the time it turns out they've committed a crime, and if you stop a white guy it only pays off 10% of the time, obviously the most effective and efficient way to enforce the law is to target blacks.
It's not racist it's common fucking sense. To argue against these policies is to admit you're a fucking idiot who wants more crime and to waste everyones time and tax dollars.
Racial profiling is part of the Dutch Police work, we're not even secret about it. And matter of fact is, there's a good reason it happens due to the disproportianate crime rates of Turks/Moroccans/Antillians.
so true.
Fijne worry. DENK will change that soon enough.
This is also the Yar we lose zwarte piet
Thanks Obama
>blacks commit more crime, by statistics
>which leads to police being more harsh when dealing with blacks
>which leads to blacks getting caught and convicted more often
>which leads to an increase in black crime, by statistics
>which leads to police being more harsh when dealing with blacks
>which leads to...
How does one stop this phenomenon? And don't say "get rid of blacks", that will never happen.
why do you want to talk about a LoL streamer so much?
>13% of population
>commits 50% of all homicides yearly
Discrimination isn't inherently evil or immoral, cucks.
always wondered if these cucks become redpilled as they breathe their last breathes
you'd have to be ignorant of a hell of a lot of data to believe that.
that variable is well controlled for. jaymans.wordpress.com
We need to talk about this picture. What's going on?
I will never wrap my mind around the idea of it being the white man's fault for the blacks constant murder rate.
Here is the basic run down of how it can be the whiteys faults
>segregation just ended
>blacks are put into poor neighborhoods
>poverty areas are known to have a lot of crime
>therefore, it's the white man's fault because he put us here
I do not think the when that teenage black man shoots up another black man, it's because of the white man made him do that.
Even if we were to imagine that low income earners commit more crime, there are more white low income earners than blacks. Therefore, it wouldn't make sense that blacks still dominate in the murder rate.
Here's what we really need to fix.
Get rid of this fucking annoying nigger culture. I am talking about this rap and other annoying nigger culture shit. If I went to any european country, the culture over there is nothing like that over here for the most part. Foreign Africans are actually extremely respectable people and some are actually quite intelligent. Yet, they get fucked up with this nigger culture that causes them to make gangs and shoot up other people.
The real reason why whites do not cause as much murder as blacks is simply because our culture is nothing like that. We are always peaceful and happy people.
>Blacks getting caught and convicted more often leads to an increase in black crime
But that's wrong.
>How does one stop this phenomenon?
Simple. The only language primitive, violent people understand is violence. The aborigines in australia and the nogs in africa were relatively peaceful when allowed to use their own forms of crime prevention: Harsh beatings from their tribal elders.
Bring back capital punishment. Jail clearly isn't effective at controlling nigger crime.
Niggas have lower iqs and chimp out. Hence crime rates.