There are no successful nigger citi-
Other urls found in this thread:
Built entirely by the Chinese and based entirely upon the innovation of whites.
>the innovation of whites
Explain. Whites invented cities?
Electricity, skyscrapers, modern infrastructure, cars, running water, etc.
>Whites invented cities?
Pretty much, yeah.
How are russians european?
Which city is that?
Explain. Living in communities is an invention?
No wonder you can't even find a toilet, Pajeet.
Because ethnic Russians are descendant from peopIe from within Europe
remember that time Boko Haram (literally just some niggers with ak-47s riding around in pickup trucks) took over like 1/3 of Nigeria and caused a major crisis for their entire country?
Isn't that one of the most expensive cities in the world, funded entirely by resource extraction and populated entirely with expats?
Yeah yeah yeah, what else did i expect from pol, but surely which city is that? (Also screw you, we're like number 1 in all rankings of cricket)
>Can play cricket
Mighty white of us to build that containment city for the heathens. Give it like, 20 years and it will look like India; shit streams running through the streets and water so dirty you can contract HIV by bathing in it.
Have you ever been to Lagos? I wouldn't condemn my worst enemy to such a fate.
Lagos in Nigeria.
Technically USA conquered Japan. So by extension they should be red.
Yeah, like steve smith drs row? And sledging, out right cheating, etc? Nice try Aussies.
You are fucking retarded someone already told you to check the filename you carpet maker.
Seriously? Lagos? That shit is worse than india, i bet a 1000$, and you ask for proof, i live in india for gods sake. Nigeria had a nice run but it won't last. Hell, it's already crumbling.
>You are fucking retarded someone already told you to check the filename you carpet maker.
I'm on mobile. Can't see that. Sorry. Now can we get on?
That's Melbourne, I work in one of the buildings in frame. I'm on the shitter right now
By western standards?
Fuck off, OP. Lagos is an open toilet just like most cities in India.
Sledging is part of the game, mate. And the 'cheating' is alleged by Kohli, who has since refused repeated invitations to back his claims
Yeah yeah sure. I've seen the all of the matches and smit accepted it too. Anyways, today you're having a nice run 442-7, let's see who wins tho.
So...Melbourne is in Africa now....okay, wth did the Aussies do now
Tfw nigs have no glorious cities to their credit so (((Marvel/Disney))) has to make 'The Black Panther' movie and create one using CGI, but no blacks can CGI and sheeeit
Melbourne isn't in Africa, but Africa is in Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
The photo is taken from the crown casino , the river in frame is the Yarra and the far right of frame is Flinders Street station
It's Melbourne , OP just posted some b grade bait
>Leaf Geography
The kingdom of rus was founded by a Nordic Viking too btw...and they claim they're descendants of him so yeah...
Still 1000 times whiter than Argentina
Make me a carpet or GTFO, I can smell the fecal matter caked to the bottoms of your feet and hands even through the prominent musk of curry sweating out through your dirt clogged pores.
Every city with electricity looks fucking good from a mile away at night with neon fucking lights plastered all over skyscrapers.
That city has niggers in it, I know the way that pic looks is misleading. Nothing good ever comes from niggers.
You must have a mental disorder to think that you can smell me, someone who's a million miles away from you through a fucking website. Even Sup Forums can't do that. Goddamn american, it must be your diarrhea acting up after eating all those burgers.
he has a point, there's really no way you could have smelt him from there.
So you're not denying the fecal matter, just that I can smell it?
t. Carpet Maker
Image for comparison, It's Melbourne
Urban centres in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and the Indus Valley predate the advent of white civilization by at least two millennia.
*Claps* well played
>Muh Urban centers
We're talking about """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cities"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", maplenog. Pay attention.
But if you talk about modern cities, that is industrialised ones, then europe was where they were born (manchester, london, etc)
And now Lagos
You stupid fucking paki. This city was built by Italian and Greek immigrants. All the niggers came later and fucked it up.
Pretty much reinforces the stereotype that blacks are dumb. Even with shit tonne of god damned oil under their feet. What I would do to have that in my country...oh wait.
What a fucking mess. Seriously guys, we can't let that happen in our countries. Oh wait, Detroit.
Oh well, where shall we designate the ethnostate?
I vote Australia.
>Still majority white.
>Large enough to accommodate white refugees fleeing from North America, Europe, etc.
>Surrounded by vast oceans on all sides.
Laughed at the cricket one
>We're talking about cities.
That's just an outgrowth of a town. The difference is in scale only. That's like saying that whites invented ships when boats had existed elsewhere for millennia before that. If that's what you gotta do to feel proud about your race, I feel bad for you, son. You're not much better than those blacks who claimed to have built the pyramids.
/pol BTFO
>built by wogs
The Grollos may have ruined it with concrete and glass monstrosities, doesn't mean they built the city
>Federal government is cucked
>Every state government with the possible exception of Tasmania is cucked
>Can't go to a toilet in a university or a government building without seeing 'how to shit in a toilet' advice pinned up
>potential ethnostate
Sorry senpai, we missed that boat by 50 years
Governments rise and fall, by the time an ethnostate is a realistic idea, it's likely you'll have already had a right-wing uprising against (((them))).
I selected your otherwise wonderful nation primarily because of your unique location and geography. An ethnostate needs it's borders, and nothing compares to mother nature's seas.
It would be a desert shit hole like Alice Springs if it were not for the wogs.
Does your surname end with a vowel?
Easy there, pal. I'm white, and we share a common language/culture. Not to mention, I work for a living.
Le "fuck off, we're full" meme only applies to shitskins.
Does yours end in "potato nigger"?
Pick one & FULL
>Afghanistan never conquered
That's right faggots
It's most of the landmass uninhabitable desert wasteland?
Tha-- I'm pretty sure that's Melbourne?
I mean, I don't live anywhere near Melbourne. But I've been there a few times. That looks like that bridge right near the center of the city. I think it's called Princess Bridge or some shit?
I'll let you in on a little secret....
The satellite images are fake, it's just a big camoflauge net and underneath it is a giant strip club
no you are not
australia's already a chinese colony
Ever look at a map of Israhell? Notice how it's a little green speck surrounded by desert? We can terreform Ozland just like the kikes did Israhell.
Those cunts will flee once our economy collapses, shouldn't be more than 5 years off
I'd suggest doing it away from the NT.
I live up here, and when it's not on Permanent Cyclone watch, it's 40-50 degrees.
Like it or not Baltimore is successful FOR black people. They won a Super Bowl this decade out of nowhere, they have the Orioles, and John Hopkins and for some reason tourist still go there for the inner harbor. Its ironic one of the worse nigga cities is the most successful
Nobody is going to take political advice from somebody that thinks their country is better than anybody else's, when your population is so high, can't use a toilet, have designated shitting streets, and can't control the maggots living in your skin or double headed children with tails or worship wagon wheels.
No wonder your great country has become a shortest, allowing so many indians into your country. It's simple just send all of them back to india and watch your nation burn. Man you must be living in the 40s because since a long time for 90% of the pop of india all the shit that you've written hasnt been happening.
Oh, not to mention trump becoming our minion and continuing Obama's policy of being friendly with indians. Just risus the news came in that trump supports indias entry into the NSG. Sucks to be you doesn't it?
>being this delusional
Hate to burst your bubble, Pajeet, but we don't need or want you. The world would be better off without your kind. You're almost as bad as nigger, and certainly more annoying.
>worship cows
>2/3 of your country can't figure out how to use a toilet.
>skin as dark as niggers.
>most obnoxious accent on the face of the planet.
>women smell like curry.
>men smell like they've been walking around wearing soiled diaper their whole lives.
>overachieve academically because you people have no other redeeming qualities.
You're fucking genetic trash and you know it.
Two thirds is generous & Indians cheat during testing as they only value the title that education provides not knowledge
Except for the skin as dark as a nigger most facts are something you just pulled outta your ass. At least we can rest assure that shit comes out of our butthole, like normal humans. You should get checked by a doctor, who has a high chance of being indian. So you can screw off from here.
Ok pudoo by your own logic if we send back your anus sore rotten scum shitskin fuck. America will burn? Go roll in some more fecal matter you genetic deficient monkey fucking wagon wheel nog
Oh god Americans, don't even try pronouncing our names. Hate to break it for you but they're too complicated for shit faced, retarded, incest byproducts like you.
Also, like seriously, I'm not sikh or punjabi to wear a turban all the time. May as well try a bit you know.
Assholes exist in all countries, i can't deny that.
I tought that they came from another place or even developed right there, at least I'm sure that they reject the out of africa theory.
I really hope your rotten nigger asses have enough power to propel you scum in to space by 2030 because you people wont make by intelligence alone.
But there is only one country that puts one on the flag, along with an orange bar that represents an ass and a green bar that represents the grass they shit on.
Hey red cross, at least make some effort to save your fellow Europeans if another world war breaks out at least pls.
Don't shit on my country when you're too busy shitting all over your own as a giant toilet, shitskin.
Says an American. Damn son, are you mentally fine? You just said we're intelligent to the point we have no other redeeming quality and now say this. Don't waste your time on me, pls go and spend that in developing a culture at least.
I thought Americans were native English speakers, but you've proved me wrong.
>Indian phones don't even have Smell-O-Vision™ yet
Why do you even come here, you masochistic fuck? You know you're just going to get bombarded with poo bantz. You probably fantasize about white nationalist men sodomizing you and your whore mother.
> your fellow Europeans
You mean the leftist cucks who come here for gibs because their own countries have run out? No thanks.
But we will save what really matters, which is their money. Indefinitely.
I came here, just to ask the cities name. And then proceeded on to talk about nigeria. Then Australians and Americans attack me, but I make fun of myself. Then the 2nd wave of southern Americans come and they did what they're good at, showing the barbaric part of the white 'culture' that they have. What you've said is true. I'll kick myself outta here, more honour in that then talk with fucking Americans who voted for trump thinking he'd actually fulfill his promises.
You know I actually agree with that. Switzerland's the last sane place left in western europe.
>implying it isn't a straight up """white""" man using a proxy
>nice city
>where is it?
>aw pic name
>go to google maps
>street view
>it looks like shit
>nice bait mate
We Americans have the best white culture ever made. You dung jews will never have the pleasure of cruising downtown in your rod while jamming beach boys.
Yep, it's Melbourne.
I thought you would, because unlike here, where everyone gets a medal, India actually requires you to be somewhat competitive unless you want to starve in the ghettoes.