The Last Hope of The West

Is Angela the one?

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Is this a fake screenshot?

No...It's real....

wtf is this shit, are these people deluded?

Literally who?

Isn't Merkel still better than that other kike?

7's confirm

Why is him name Angela is he gay lol

We should just say "is Politico Fake News?" on every post they have.
Or "Opinion: The leader of Fake News meets Politico" and just link to alex jones or something to trigger them.

I'd like to see trump destroying her.

"the leader of fake news is* politico"

>OPINION: The leader of the free world meets Donald Trump
>OPINION: A factual event takes place

They're doomed either way

giuseppe is the west's last, best hope fa.m

The opinion is that Merkel is the leader of the free world, which I am surprised they are acknowledging it as their opinion

I never thought Politico would stoop this low

k3k give me a sign

>the onion

Wow. I never thought that Germans loved censorship that much.
>Someone pls nuke Krautland. They've had enough.

Shes like reverse Hitler.
"The only way to save the west is to fill it with shit skins and kill the native German people, and I'm the only one that can do it."
Holy fuck.

>Why is him name Angela is he gay lol
He hasn't come out yet, but people have been suspecting this for a while now.


She's the perfect example of someone who would drink cheap Italian wine while watching a horde of sandniggers destroy a German pride parade. Initiate the gas Hans. I know it's in your blood. Let it out.

i don't even...

>can't bear to type the name "Trump"
>says Merkel is "decent and intelligent"
>says Obama and Bush were great Presidents

What fucking timeline is that guy from?!


She makes Jews out of soap.


>leader of the free world
>more censorship than north korea
>actual legislation against thought crimes

Can some Burger please shoot that cunt? DO IT!


angela confirmed qt trap

Jesus I didn't know krauts were that far gone

wait they wrote an article about Trump using a mirror?

How will Trump ever recover?

>The Last Hope of The West

Merkel is worse because she utterly corrupted the once anti-immigration conservative christian party and turned them into 'Islam belongs to Germany refugees welcome' party.

10 years ago major politicians from her party went door to door collecting signatures against dual citizenship, and were running elections on a 'children instead of immigration' platform.

Merkel systematically neutralized all these based conservative nationalist politicians and replaced them with women and cuckservatives.

How did she manage to get that ball rolling? For fucks sake Heinrich, she threw away the chance to wave her own fucking flag. Is that old lady cunt smell too much for you?

last hope of the leftiss

By saying that Merkel is more a defender of freedom than Trump is synonym to saying how the current Germany is has more liberty than America. Which is complete nonsense the German government is authoritarian in comparison, people that get locked up for voicing their opinion, children that get taken away by the government because their parents were critical of the migrant policy of Merkel, censorship, etc.

Both terrible but pre-2015 Merkel didn't used to be this bad as she is now. They're both just puppets.

Godchancellor Merkel will put on a strap-on and rape the orange out of Trump.

I need to fap.

Trump is going to be stomping all over Melted Face.

>children that get taken away by the government because their parents were critical of the migrant policy of Merke

lmao source?

Hopefully Donald gets that dog everyone has been complaining about.

zrumpf btfo

I read this on Sup Forums a long while ago.
This is the article that I found:

>Wer einmal sage, dass es ihm lieber wäre, wenn in seiner Nachbarschaft keine syrischen Flüchtlinge wohnen würden, werde damit das Kindeswohl noch nicht tangieren.

You have an odd definition of "reading". Better luck next time, though!

Last best hope for what, exactly?

Replacing our populations and cultures with people who's end goal, WRITTEN IN THEIR FUCKING DOCTRINE, is to subjugate you and your children?

It's freedom of speech. The political opinions of parents has nothing to do with the well-being of the child.

>tfw Merkel is actually the less shitty option.

You krauts are fucking retarded.

>Sexist ''''''lying''''''' racist
Isn't it funny.. Every single fucking leader lies throughout their term, and no one bats an eye, but then Trump gets one thing wrong, and everyone says "YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR"

not my symbolic leader

>The political opinions of parents has nothing to do with the well-being of the child.

Really? The anti-vaxxing movement has doomed thousands of children to death.

But I guess according to you, being alive or dead has no bearing on their well-being.

our media has declared this video fake news by the way
>"taken out of context"

I cannot think of one positive thing she could have possible done with Germany. Anyone enlighten me on why in any remote sense she can be considered the west's last hope?

I hope many people think logically about this and can see through the obvious shilling. She has destroyed Germany. We are seeing it slowly happen, but in 10 years Germany will not exist in its current state. RIP the once great nation.

You German people owe the downfall of Germany to this woman.

literally repeating almost verbatim what the kike newspaper wants him to

I don't even like women, but I'd motorboat the shit out of these titties.

Trump probably has bigger tits though, so I can certainly see why some people would prefer him over Merkel.

>Is Angela the one?

No she is a bank clerk or the ECB who work for the EU commission who are a tyranny by undemocratic leftist nobodies distinguished by incompetence and mediocrity

>one thing wrong
Now you're deluding yourself

Is Merkel is playing the long game against the Jews? Lay the groundwork for Europe to become massive Muslim majority and one day come at Israel from all sides?

>the EU commission who are a tyranny


0/10 m8.
There is a difference between voicing an opinion and to neglect it by choosing to not vaccinate your child.

>EU commission who are a tyranny
We found the meme-spouting retard

She's the one. If she keeps getting elected and bringing mudslime terrorists into Germany, the remaining whites will get so fed up with it and start killing them, therefore saving the west.

It's the inevitable outcome of having a certain political opinion, which you claim has no effect on a child's well-being.

And it's disappointing to see you support anti-vaxxers. You literally have children's blood on your hands.

And she breastfeeds lampsades until they turn into rabbis

>Is Angela the one?
reality strikes back...

This is actually how the media wants to see the world. This is actually their dream.


it's either the jew or her, sadly afd is too far behind both of them.

AfD has even less support in Germany than Geert does in the Netherlands lmao

This is probably the first and only time I'm proud of my country

Wheres adolf when u need him?

You're not funny

can someone tell the germans that it's ok to switch slightly between the middle of the politcal spectrum every few years and that you don't have to set in stone whatever spectrum their neighbors are on x10 for the rest of their lives

She didn't, she (like her party) just obey orders from their masters and that's actually sad.

Ruf die Polizei an, Achmed, someone's gonna steal your citizenship.

That German needs to shown the next shower Room. Its also funny that he says Berlin is a beacon of Freedom Hope etc when its literally a horrible Place with Turks and Holocaust Crap

I dont even know how she was elected 3 times..she has no Charisma at all, cant speak one sentence without looking at her papers, sounds like a retard and is fucking ugly

I've not laughed this hard in a good while.

That btw is Kraut and Tea i think. A weirdo

Hahahahaha glaubst du den Umfragen? Hahahaha

No. Getting rid of her soon is only way Germany will survive.

The man's a germophobe. I love dogs, but they do get dirty, they jump in mud, eat their vomit and eat their pop.

The God Emperor cannot ever own a dog and these liberals are being very ablist

Merkel is slowly boiling the German frog. Schulz will try to stab it and might miss. If he does miss, it will be pissed.

There is literally no way to take that out of context, she took a German flag and tossed it away like it was a piece of trash. Context is irrelevant.

He needs only pretend to have one to cheer up Merkel as Angela was bitten by a dog as kid and does seriously fear them.


I have the hope that Schulz is so polarizing that it will destroy the German government.

To be fair Merkel does have a few good policies

like free entrance to germany for anyone that is not german. whatever plus she has it is drowned out by the major minuses her refugee policy has brought the entirety of our continent.

yea like drown the country in taxes and then replace them with muslims/africans

I said a few, not all

it is true though, prior to the refugee crisis i didn't hear anything special from germany.
The last decade has ruined future europe though, there is no getting around it.
Either there will be a major race war or something shitty in a few decades or europe will slowly be out-bred by the "new europeans"

And that is no conspiracy theory, europe has a low birth rate overall, like most civilized countries that has reached the standard of living we have. These people do not, and i would not be shocked to hear a good few share the sentiment that they need to outbreed us to conquer us. That too is an aspect of jihad.

It's all so depressing.

Read up about politico and all will be revealed.

I want to believe.

kys kike.

Triggered? :^)

Does qt stand for quite terrifying?

Eating your pop is weird. I would only drink mine when I was still drinking the carbonated jew.

>muh free world
when will this meme end