Airport Security Dog Shot

Was it the best thing to do?

>The dog, Grizz, was shot dead by police on Friday morning after he was spooked on the job and escaped about 4am. Pilots refused to risk passenger safety by taking off with the dog on the loose.

>According to the New Zealand Herald, Grizz was not on the tarmac but on the outer perimeter of the airfield. Airport staff tried to catch him for three hours without success before instructing police to shoot him.

>Trained to detect explosives, Grizz joined Avsec in May last year and was reportedly “just six months away from graduating”.


>cant catch it, shoot it....

and they allow all those nigger pitbulls to live

this means war

Dog disobeyed human. Dog must die.

I don't know how you can't catch a fucking highly trained dog in 3 hours.

>shake a bag of dog kibble.
>catch dog

Come on m8, you know all europeans countries are shitskin central.
I bet you tree diddy that they were sandniggers ( your local variety is lebanese, aight ? ).

>be shot
>get Americaned by dog

No taking the migrants is stealing your dogs

Really makes you think why they didn't try this first instead of a gang of people screaming at it.

rip doggo ;_;7

The dog was feral and already had cost the airport thousands of dollars and any businessmen on the flights were losing thousands of dollars for their companies.

This adds up to millions if the dog hadn't been caught for even longer since it would ruin all scheduling in the air control tower for flights later in the day.



That just seems like throwing a lot of training and money down the drain.

There was far more money being wasted for the reasons I posted here: wasn't even fully trained

Instructing police to shoot him? Pardon me but fuck you. The police make up their own laws to follow. No one instructs them on anything, they do whatever they want as long as the courts approve.

More like the airport workers desperately tried to catch the dog before finally relenting to the police officers demands to let them shoot it.

"Come on, flights are waiting. Let us shoot this damn thing already."

This makes me sad

How did he "escape"? What was the dog's handler doing? It's his fault the dog got loose, not the dog's, but this is a third world country, so I guess you can't expect much.

It's funny. Bill Clinton visited my city and airport and there were 2 dogs fucking in the middle of the runway preventing AF 1 from taking off. The dogs were shot. Then some commie lib woman claimed the dogs were hers and she was going to sue. Then the the MTAA and feds said, "Oh yeah, so you are the person responsible bend over and get ready! All of a sudden, they weren't her dogs anymore.
Anyway, moral of the story...they shoot dogs and deer and any critters at airports.

>escaped for 3 hours
>gone feral


I didn't know the fucking ATF operated in New Zealand.

Bork forever with Gabe in Heaven, sweet pupper.

From what the average airport employee looks like, what you had was a bunch of angry Pajeets and kebabs in high viz chasing after him and yelling, no wonder they couldn't catch him.

RIP Grizz, another victim sacrificed on the alter of multiculturalism.

If he isn't responding to commands, he is not doing the only job he has been trained for.

Would you rather a 747 full of humans fell out of the sky because it ran out of gas to save one dog?

>three hours
You could weave a giant net from grass and chase the dog into it in three hours.

I get shooting rando animals that wander onto the tarmac but your own trained drug dogs?
1) why train the dogs at an actual airport if they clearly aren't ready for that pressure?
2) IF a dog gets loose, how do they not have a system in place to easily catch it?
3) Why use lethal force instead of tranq-ing it?
4) How can it be a safety thing if a plane landing or taking off would absolutely liquify the animal on impact and just keep on trucking?

They probably put a muslim in charge of the task, dude said "fuck it go kill the dog for all I care."

...That doesn't make the dog feral

>Was it the best thing to do?


Because if the shot had passed through or missed or ricocheted and done real harm then they would have had bigger problems that a dog running around. They could have just offered him a bit of a tasty treat and he would have come right in.

Thick cunt decision maker detected + idiot handler.





disgusting and embarassing. Of course this was in cuckland

>The dog was feral
yeah that was their excuse

>Was it the best thing to do?


Because if the shot had passed through or missed or ricocheted and done real harm then they would have had bigger problems that a dog running around. They could have just offered him a bit of a tasty treat and he would have come right in.

Thick cunt decision maker detected + idiot handler.

Exactly this.

He was just a fucking puppy. I wonder why he got scared of huge aircraft engines. What a mystery.

How hard is it to put a trail of food for him to a safe place so someone can get him?

Posting has been weird ever since that Liam kid went and committed suicide in a thread earlier.


why did he kill himself

I read in an article this morning that it was just a stray dog.

Are you saying they didn't even bother to check?

he dun goofed

>Posting has been weird ever since that Liam kid went and committed suicide in a thread earlier

Wot are you on about?

Didn't actually kill himself (but he should and probably will). Dude was larping about being a white dude or something in a feud with his girl. Posts her info trying to personal army. Some LEAF ends up backing the info and dumping all the pics of him he can find online to the thread, pics of the guy, where he goes to school, social groups, all that. Alot of gay shit ensued because the kid was a fucking fag larper who stayed in the thread to argue with people instead of abandoning.

He is the new Mitch.



Don't cry, he's gone to a better place now.

>losing thousands of dollars for their companies.
It could be a crawling baby and they would have sent in the SWATs

Only goodbois go to heaven


>shoot random dog that you can't be assed to check if it belongs to someone
>oh shit, this is our dog
>make up story on how he went feral and you desperately tried to get him back for 3 hours to save your asses
Wew lad.


A complete loss in so many ways.

Love doggos? Fuck you.

Took the fucking time to train a dog to sniff out bombs and drugs? Fuck you.

Get your shit together you fuck towels.

Auckland might aswell be an entirely different country. Nothing but gooks, islanders and pajeets there.

>Would you rather a 747 full of humans fell out of the sky because it ran out of gas to save one dog
Yes, I would.


>Airport staff tried to catch him for three hours without success
Either they're fucking retards or they had previously treated the dog so badly it was afraid of them. Fuck those people.

>The dog, Grizz, was shot dead by police on Friday morning

For fuck's sake your post made me upset. I've got a cat and chickens. Pic is my cat.

4am its dark. Partly trained doggo runs out of airside building out into open area. Can't find doggo in dark. Curfew about to finish, planes will start landing and taking off soon.

Sun starting to rise. Pupper spotted! Come here little pupper, its all good! Puppa refuses. Come on mate, its getting busy come back inside. Heres a treat. Doggo growly, snarly and runs away. Cathay Pacific from Hong Kong requesting clearance to land. Air New Zealand from Tahiti requesting clearance to land. United Airlines from Houston requesting clearance to land. Korean Airlines from ... Blah blah blah etc etc etc.

Air traffic control starts freaking out. These planes can't circle the airport forever. Peeps is gonna die.

That one dude in aviation security mans up. Stand back everyone, I've got this. Cocks rifle, sets sights, click, kapow.

Normal service resumes. 1800 people don't die in a major happening after aircraft dont crash into 7 different Auckland suburbs.

Purdy much this.

> Would you rather a 747 full of humans...

Depends where that 747 has come from. Melbourne? Yes. Shanghai? Yes. Tel Aviv? Noooo!!!!!

I like your cat user.

RIP doggo..

fuck up cunt id rather that pupper be alive than those dumb ass planes

Could this post be any more reddit?

Followed by a reddit reply.

Fuck off reddit niggers.

Planes full of immigrant doggos, kittehs and wunnie wabbits in the cargo hold all coming to NZ for a new life.

That breed is skittish as fuck.
Still, fucking useless jaffa cunts

I've worked at a small city airport and I had to get a cow out of the field but we were lucky that it was such a small airport that nobody landed or had to take off. At a larger airport it's more of a concern because your are dealing with a possible loss of hundreds if the dog were to run out onto the runway and get hit by a plane they let people try to catch it for 3 hours until it was 7am when a majority of flights will start coming in and the dog becomes more of a hazard to the safety of others. They couldn't tranquilize it because the sting of the needle would startle the animal and it could go running onto the tarmac even if it was slowing down the tranqs don't knock the animal out immediately especially when the animal is spooked
TLDR they did what was right at an airport

Immigrant animals coming to New Zealand to raep our own cats and dogs.

Those planes could crash I don't care.

New Zealand (dogs) First

They also get these drug dogs hooked on narcotics as part of their training. Dog was probably having an episode.

Doggo is the best friendo a man can have, and a basic test of your humanity is how you treat dogs. All white men keep dogs.

If you eat doggo then you are Gook tier.
If you kill or abuse doggo then you are Sand Nigger tier.
If you fuck doggo then you are Nigger tier.

And if you set up a shelf company which attributes all of the debts from your ponzi scheme to doggo and then go live in Israel you are probably a fucking Jew.

I caught a chink couple dumping dog skulls in a creek out in Mangere last week. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
Vote NZF

What this guy said.

Besides its one dog. Probably later than morning at the Auckland SPCA 50 dogs were put down that no one gave two fucks about.

What the fuck? You should have taken photos of that shit

Fuck off, Reddits for faggots, cunt.

I asked wtf going on? and the guy did the "no speker ingrish" thing and started making some hostile noises. I didn't even get the plate number

Tell someone at NZME or the Herald. Give them the location, tell em what you saw. Surely there'll still be a trace.

Coz nothing happens in NZ it'll be headline news for the next three weeks straight.

This is a country in which the transport hub wifi of our largest city is banned for posting CP.
What do you think we do to doggos that don't listen to us.
We pretty much Kenya.


Also thanks for reminding me why I will never eat chink takeaways

RIP pupper

Hahahaha. Seriously, sounds way dodgy and pretty believable. Dog skulls? I bet Koreans or Vietnamese disposing of today's specials leftovers.

Poor doggo, bad Kiwis, you could have avoided your next earthquake.


does australia not have ketamine darts or what? yall always seem fucked up on some sort of downer