>no wall
>no lock her up
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
>israel is our greatest ally
>no mass deportations
>no drain the swamp
>obamacare 2.0
>cabinet full of globalists and billionaires (drain the swamp FAIL)
>most hated president in history
>no reversal of the demographic shift
How are you Drumpfsters feelin'? I suppose Hillary would've been a better choice.
No wall
Other urls found in this thread:
>but he makes leftists angry so he's actually great stfu shill
>white nationalists of all stripes are utter morons and incapable of winning. News at 11!
Peoples land is being seized as we speak for wall construction. Go back to plebbit
I agree Trump promised everything, but gave U.S nothing. Hillary couldn't have been much worse.
Fuck Trump
I agree Trump was a mistake
>mfw finland is getting raped by muhammered.
every day until we like it?
You're right. Trump hasn't done any of these things.
So what are liberals so upset about? What are they resisting?
Why do all you shills congregate to the same threads? It's like all you faggots determine the time and place of your shilling and it's funny because you think nobody is going to notice that you stand out like the ugly fuckers you are.
>Draining the swamp by throwing so many crocodiles into it that you cant see the dirt anymore
>y-you're all paid to have that opinion
Remember to write "sage" into the options for CTR threads.
How many times are you going to post this stale pasta? shift+click
Hasn't even been 2 months and he's working on all those things
Right, he makes leftists mad. This fact alone is why I voted for him. I don't care about the wall, or economic policy, I just wanted to see shills and blue-haired land whales cry. And he definitely delivered there
>no mass deportations
What's all this shit about ICE we keep hearing if not mass deportations?
Thought the most hated president was Nixon? Didn't he have to resign because of some scandal? (Not Bill lying about throat fucking)
You are though.
Prove to me you're not a shill and type the word nigger.
things don't just happen over night, buddy
Look at your fucking posts, nigger. You just agreed with yourself two times.
Kill yourself and fuck off my board
I don't see the point.
How can white nationalism possibly be wrong? Examine the basic facts.
-Greatest civilizations in human history are white
-Highest standards of living, best technological progress etc
-Non white countries pale in comparison, even the resource rich ones
-Anyone with a brain can see the connection that whites are better at civilization
-WHY would we want to import those who have failed at doing what we do? What could we possibly gain?
I try to see both sides of an argument, but I am convinced white nationalism is logical.
Type the word nigger.
Everyone will stop calling you a shill.
If you don't
everyone will know you're a shill.
but you won't, because you're a shill.
He's been in for 2 months you fucking retard
Gilded my fellow /r/trumpgret subscriber!
Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick Suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick
>being German
Isn't that illegal?
Why haven't you typed "nigger" yet, shill?
no muslim ban
drumpf got cucked by some hawaii rape baby
I'm the fuck outa here...
I don't need to prove anything. Why cant you understand that there is a large range of opinions on Sup Forums
sage sage sage
Hey, the bankers and oil barons are happy too. They get more of your money, funneled right into their pockets.
Why can't you understand that we can spot you from a mile away, and you're bad at your job?
Your boss is a faggot kike.
Your workplace is horrible, and people cry in the break room.
Quit this gay job and find something with actual meaning.
I disagree with some of your points, but that isn't the basic premise for white nationalism, sounds more like white supremacy.
But even assuming what you claim is true, the question is what do you do in states that are not currently homogeneous. The people who came to these states did so for the most part by acceptance from the government. The white nationalist idea of this problem is to kick them out or worse, and that is were it becomes either a fantasy or evil.
When your reasoning is that simple, of course it seems obvious. Doesn't mean it corresponds to the actual complex reality.
>having a CTR-folder
>thinking that there are people paid to 'shill' on Sup Forums
Laffin @ your life
>fucking flag
>fucking shareblu
>mods are cancer
>nipmoot is to blame
Dark days ahead friend
Hillary still would have been worse.
It would be the same except with more corruption and Saudi Arabia instead of Russia.
Still, I am very disappointed in Trump, but for the same reason I was disappointed in Obama - his inauguration didn't end with turning around and personally arresting George W Bush to be tried for war crimes at the international court.
Obama deported more people than any president. The reason it wasn't a huge shitstorm was because he deported mostly repeat criminals, whereas Trump is overseeing the deportations of parents with young children who get a parking ticket.
OP is a nigger faggot but he's also correct, evem though he may very well be a shill. you are also a nigger faggot
You haven't proved you aren't a shill yet.
Type "I condone racism"
are you FUCKING serious? jesus holy FUCK that is so unfunny that it's making me angry
goddamnit this is exactly how a post would look like if my dad found out how to use a keyboard
>Obama deported more people than any president.
For now...
>Trump is overseeing the deportations of parents with young children who get a parking ticket.
Good. It should include everyone, though.
I condone racism
It has not even been a year yet nigguh, what are you talking about?
He has brought thousands and thousands of jobs back already in only a couple of months, but you don't include that in your shitty post.
Having a meltdown over Trump?
>How are you Drumpfsters feelin'?
I am very grateful to President Trump for stopping spending US taxpayers money via the state department in funding leftist abortionist lobbyists here. It was the first thing he signed in as an executive order. God Bless President Trump, his family and the people in the USA who voted for him.
Happy St.Patrick's day to you good people. Don't let the leftist MSM tell you we here in Ireland don't like President Trump. Well done on electing him and enjoy your holiday day.
>I agree Trump was a mistake
You're an idiot then. He's been brilliant.
These shill threads are so obvious. Is this the best the CIA can do? At least the posts have syntax, unlike previous threads.
Trump has been in office for less than 2 months. If you can judge so quickly you are an idiot.
In fact, CIA? You do realise that with these threads you are only going to recuit morons, right? Why have an army of morons to deal with?
Still waiting on a reply.
Don't ask it complex questions, Nip.
You might break it.
>no wall
Funding has already been given to the wall
>no lock her up
Isn't the Clinton foundation under investigation?
>muslim ban
It's gonna eventually happen
The US as a whole likes Israel.
>no mass deportations
Ice has doubled their deportations and less immigrants are comming in.
>obamacare 2.0
That has nothing to do with Trump as he has no legislative power
>cabinet full of globalists and billionaires (drain the swamp FAIL)
Name a globalist and Trump himself is a billionaire did you expect him to put in Lashanqua with her 8 negroid kids?
>no reversal of the demographic shift
>literally 2 months in office.
Are fins trying to match Canada in the level of retard?
They're just being concerned about possible actions
It already is broken
>If you can judge so quickly you are an idiot.
I can. President Trump in the first thing he signed was the ending of US taxpayer money being used to subvert a democratically voted part of our constitution. Although I love the USA for defeating the USA I had loathed the US governments and hillary clintons determination to undermine our constitution democratically voted text by throwing US taxpayers money to leftist lunatics here via the state department. First thing he did was pick up a pen and stop it. Great man.
God Bless President Trump! Happy St.Patrick's day to all the good people of the USA who voted for him,.
>Expecting intelligence from the CIA
CIA is the most incompetent Intelligence Agency in history, it's only a miracle that the KGB didn't take over the CIA, or maybe they did and we don't know yet.
>Although I love the USA for defeating the USSR
Sorry anons corrected
>I am very grateful to President Trump for stopping spending US taxpayers money via the state department in funding leftist abortionist lobbyists here. It was the first thing he signed in as an executive order.
What the fuck are you talking about? His first executive order (barring the one making his inauguration day a fake holiday) was that incredibly vague "minimizing the economic burden" of Obamacare.
>Funding has already been given to the wall
Dude what the fuck. How are you so clueless? You obviously have the internet.
>Islam ban
He did it. Did it wrong. Gets shut down every time. He's an idiot and our president.
Not an argument
Anyone edgy enough to write "Drumpf" was never a Trump supporter to begin with lmao
I can't be the only person who regrets voting for Trump can I?
>kangaroo flag
>kys niggerfaggot
You just did.
>obamacare 2.0
If you're paying attention, you'll see that this paves the way towards the elimination of social security, medicare and medicaid by the end of Trump's second term.
Think of it--by the end of the President's second term in office, he's going to accomplish what literally no other president in history has had the balls to accomplish--the complete end of FDR's New Deal and the end of the welfare state in this country.
>TFW social maladaptates and nonproductive leeches are allowed to wither away and die quietly
This is truly a great time to be alive.
you fucking retarded cunt. go back to 9gag
>comitted a crime (illegal entry)
>suprised they get deported
>1 post by this ID