Niggers know traps are gay

Say what you will about niggers' IQ, but at least they don't have a problem understanding traps are men and should not be encouraged...and they are most definitely gay. Why does Sup Forums struggle with this Kikery despite being smart enough to recognize the it?

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she prob has a cute fempenis :3


this shit cracks me up

Also love that Anal Queen shows up to defend "him"

Niggers are very socially conservative. They only vote left because the left promises gibsmedats. It's in their economic self interest

Can't make this shit up man.

what a fucking qtpi

The true test for these freaks is to see how long it takes them to post their new plastic / hormone bits onto social media

remove the social media, remove 30% of the problem

post more niggers reacting to the left

It's funny how society associates the term Gender with Sex.

Identify whatever you want, but I determine the Sex of a person based on their biological role not by their mental illness.

Im just wondering how many months we have left before it's 'Sexist' and 'Homophobic' for a straight male to NOT fuck a tranny

niggers do nothing but fuck each other in the ass secretly. there was a shitty movie about it.


that trap is hot tho

id live in a neighborhood of average traps than average negroes anyday

Not long.

You know what else is closeted? Sagging

she makes a cute girl :^)

>tfw blacks are the second most homophobic/transphobic groups of people next to Muslims

And yet liberals side with both of them.

Really made me think desu


kek story of pic?

What? you haven't suckled a femminine penis yet you fucking bigot?

Anyone who thinks traps aren't gay is a faggot in denial.

>she actually used 2017 as an argument

Educate yourself

bumping breety decent thread

Blacks are almost 100% gay in jail. They are not "socially conservative" retard


Black traps are the shortest lived LGB group there is.

They take the shots.
They get confident in Their looks
They go out and try and trick a man
They go in the trash.

The reason white traps last so long is becuase whites aren't able to express their disappointment as well as a nigger.

Russian riot police OMON, was probably fending off a pack of rabid Slavic fags and got cut off from his group.

someone post the greentxt story where the faggot on Sup Forums fucked a trap and everyone made fun of him for it

its a meme, bro

I feel like there's some serious shenanigans going on with twitter.
I don't see how a post like that garners 200k+ likes in a day.

Estrogen won't change the nose though. It only looks ok from side and when nose is covered with hair.

Fixing this would require heavy surgery

Except don't identify whatever you want, it's degenerate and a mental illness we don't need to accept as "normal."

I don't want to live in a world where this is normal. Send these gender bending fucks to the funny farm or let Mike Pence BBQ em. Fucking degenerate attention whores.

fucking hilarious

>Except don't identify whatever you want, it's degenerate and a mental illness we don't need to accept as "normal."

Today's society are sensitive and craves for attention. It only gets worse as Humans grow.

Niggers are instinctual, they don't intellectualize sex like you bunch of fucking autists. Deep down you know fucking a "boi pussy" is faggotry, but you want to create all kinds of excuses why it isn't.