There are fascists on this board

>There are fascists on this board

Why have you not taken the snekpill yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's all the same.

Can't kill commies until they shoot first with the snekpill. That's just waiting for trouble to happen.

>sneks making demands
suck my dick wimp

No, a threat is nessisary to retaliate. Perhaps not death, but it clearly shows that commies arent responsible gun owners if they make preperations to unlawfully seize property.

>Germany thinks fascism and libertarian-ism is the same

Fascism is basically libertarianism without all that utopian anarchy bullshit that doesn't work irl.
Also, why are the helicopter memes assigned to ancap when Pinochet was a fascist?

You can blame Hoppe for that


ill bet ur mortgage that you would lose 100% of all 1v1s vs. venomous snakes

But the state's monopoly on using force is the only thing keeping me at my minimum wage job. Why would I accept a wage far short of basic food and shelter if I didn't fear a military level response to just taking what I need to survive?

>implying libertarianism is possible

>Implying authoritarism it's possible.


>implying it isnt



Not viable in an non=ethnostate


How you manage to do that, they're so different ideologies but also basically why?


You people who are unironically NatSocs are retarded. Just as bad as Communists.

"B-but we need someone to control us!"

>there are fascists on this board
No, there are not fascists on this board. Sup Forums's "fascists" are racist and Islamophobic and want to further divide and weaken their nations, unity is the last thing on their agenda. Any legitimate fascist wouldn't call themselves fascist because the word has lost its meaning.

It's not the same.

>Libertarianism = freedom, no theft via taxes, and happiness
>Fascism or Communism = death, suffering, legal theft aka taxes, and all kinds of degeneracy

>"B-but we need someone to control us!"
We do. Too much freedom is harmful to humans, look at the degeneracy it has created over the last few decades.

If you think this'll be any different now that Trump is in charge, you're wrong. One look at who surrounds him and it's pretty clear it won't be America first, but Israel first. Consider his views on niggers and spics. White birthrates will only continue to further dwindle, it's inevitable.

There still are, believe me. But we don't call Sup Forums cuckchan for no reason. Most simply avoid this place, it's pretty much Reddit 2.0 these days.

My shovel will fuckin rek your faggot cuck merican sneks

>Why have you not taken the snekpill yet?

Allow me to phrase this in a way you lolbertarians will understand:


>White birthrates will only continue to further dwindle, it's inevitable.
Asians, Arabs, and Hispanics are pretty much white in the USA, especially the youth. The USA isn't having a demographic crisis.

you can't just throw ALL your problems out of helicopters

Are you a fucking jew or what?

>checks flag
Oh, you're just a leaf. That explains it all.

I am the Snekpill! People who do not live by Non-Agression do not deserve to protected by the principle and must be seperated and physically removed!

If everyone is Roman, no one is Roman. Wait and see where it'll lead you to consider them "white".

I want small government and I want communists to be removed. Who should I pick? Fascism gets rid of the commies but has big government and libertarianism has small government but doesn't deal with commies (who don't care about muh NAP).

What do?

Oh fuck off. Shut the fuck up.
>hurr durr libertarianism is basically fascism xDDDDD
Seriously, fuck off, you fucking retard.

Here in Italy we still have fascists, we actually have 2 fascist parties (Forza Nuova and Casapound).
Some other fascists disguse themselves in other right wing parties (the kinda contain their power level but not even so much)

>basically why?
because it pisses everybody

>only has skills to work min wage job
>thinks he can just 'take what he needs to survive'


fuck fashy queens and lolbertarians! Physical Removal is the only truth!

Isn't Mussolini's granddaughter in Parliament?


I dabbled with the snek pill for a while before I thought it through properly.

Pinochet adopted Chicago School Economics with advice from Miton Friedman.
So he was economically libertarian.

She's in the Italian senate.

Because I already took the stirnpill, and am now immune to your precious little spooks.

In what way does 'degeneracy' harm you personally?

Yes, she's one "in disguise"(she's with Berlusconi's party). She told a commie tranny deputy once "better to be a fascist than a faggot" top kek!

It isn't a matter of whether it harms me personally or not, I genuinely couldn't give less of a damn what people do in the privacy of their homes. What becomes an issue however, is when such degeneracy is considered the norm, and acceptable. The impact it has on a culture and a people is too big to disregard.

Trannies are a good example. In an ideal society, we would help these people, not encourage them to mutilate themselves and praise them for embracing what is effectively a mental disorder. Pic related.

Actually she's in Europarliament but yes she was in the past elected in both Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic.

What kind of culture can't survive a couple of fags and trannies?

Also, it is government that protects them and gives them special privilege. In a libertarian society you would be free to discriminate against them however you want as long as you don't infringe on their rights.

Fuck off cuck.

>What kind of culture can't survive a couple of fags and trannies?
European culture, apparently. Or have you not been paying attention? These kinds of people play a major role in the current replacement we're experiencing. By large, they're not reproducing, thus contributing zilch to our survival as a people and a culture, only satisfying their own selfish sexual deviance. The more acceptable this becomes, the larger the problem.

>however you want as long as you don't infringe on their rights.
What rights are they allowed? Trannies defy the natural order, thus they shall be removed. Their own delusioned inner subversion subverts society as a whole.

You yourself are responsible for maintaining culture. Adding people to do mix doesn't harm your culture. And if it does, it is because someone doesn't care about his/her culture. So what's the problem here? As long as the ones who value culture so much keep it alive, it's fine.

There is no such thing as society, only individuals. Blaming whatever failures you perceive on a bunch of trannies rather than the power structures supporting them is pathetic.


Also please define 'European culture' and also explain how you can claim that you don't care what someone does in their bedroom, but care what many people do in their bedroom?

>For the past few millenias humans have shown to turn weak and feeble when ever in a state of abundance
>Rather than trying to fix that by making man better we will just hope and pray to what ever deity that it won't turn in the same ordeal the millionth time around.

I want her to yell at me for stupid shit in italian because we've been married for too long

>freedom is the cause for degeneracy and not manipulative and indoctrinative propaganda engineered by your cultural enemies

lol dumb fucking retard can't think for himself, figures he needs someone to hold his hand and tell him what he's allowed to do. pussy.

What is society but the collection of individuals? Still the individual does not exist in a vacuum. He is affected by the influence of the larger mass of individuals known as the collective.

If a government or power structure holds the minority over the majority, then it is right to criticize it. The criticism must be made. Though the criticism will only be a criticism until action is made. Discrimination will only get you so far when the problem still remains. The state holds the solution to that problem. And that solution is action.

>circular logic

The state is the problem you dingus, because it is forcing you to associate with whatever you deem degenerate.


Which part of this do you not understand?

My shovel will fuckin rek your faggot cuck merican sneks.

My gunz will wreck your shovel.

full on far right wing economics don't create happiness for everyone

At the end of the day our two ideologies aren't that different, assuming we are talking about AnCapism and not faggy libertarianism with muh (((democracy))).

The final redpill is having barbecues and eating steak while having AR-15s slung over your shoulders with your buds in a voluntarily homogeneous society in a walled nation with a strong military to keep the foreign authoritarian retards at bay. 1 American is worth infinite foreigners.

Nationalist Libertarianism with Americana culture of might and mercy is the final redpill, degeneracy comes from government programs, psychopaths naturally desire power and will achieve it.

If you disagree you are indoctrinated, a basement dweller, or both. Simple as that faggots. You foreigners are literally too retarded and low IQ to have a traditional American society, that's why we have Trump and you are STILL voting your liberty away and voting for niggers to be paid to rape your families.

>Non-agression principle
>Physical removal and helicopters

Commies violated the NAP in the first place through taxation and restriction of free speech. Killing them is morally justifyed since it is only self defense.

You have to throw yourself out of the helicopter too afterwards

Pick one.

Who provides the helicopters and who pays the pilots?

Checkmate lolbertarians

We all started as libertarians, I was one from 18-34 years old. I finally realized that only whites care about that autism and if we keep acting as individuals we will lose to their groups.

great b& colgate

You offer your body to the local warlord for sexual pleasure in exchange for a limited commie removal contract.

>implying they're mutually exclusive

I know that feel


the sneak libertanism represents american libertaanism which is fucking cancer.

(slighty regulated) capitalism + nationalism + monarchy = GOAT.


Its true that they are the opposites. Communism and fascism are almost the same.

> I started as white and turned into a nigger
Pretty sad desu.

>open borders
>gun control

Weld is a massive faggot and diaper man at the Libertarian convention embarrassed the entire party, glad you didn't get your 5%

Honestly, these days fascism doesn't have a definition.

Also, explain how the name sake of fascism, the fasces, is all over American gov't buildings.

If it truly is against liberty, then why do we have so many of them all over the place.


As a warning sign?

The fasces was a Roman symbol of authority. Mussolini wasn't the only one to draw inspiration from that. Buildings that demonstrate authority, such as law courts, often have the fasces symbol somewhere. In particular buildings built before fascism gave the fasces a bad rep.

cant take this snek shit seriously its like some kind of peak of autism

I win by staying an individual and watching my country turn into a third world shithole

>atleast I still have the constitution

Why not both?

If I had to take a real guess, it's from the "E Pluribus Unam" motto.

Mein nigga!

It's not just an American thing. Some old government buildings here are also adorned with fasces.

Not adapting is how species go extinct

Wasn't implying it's purely an American thing, just was talking about it in America


> i live in a meme country without proper democratic institutions
That is really sad for you. Maybe it's a good thing you'll be part of the German caliphate soon. Also, just because your politicians are shit doesn't mean you need to become a nigger.
Then go knock up a nigress and make sure your female relatives get inseminated by niggers every day. After all, you have to adapt, right?

Are you trying to imply don't tread on me is a authoritarian statement?


There are unironic libertarians who are fine with people fucking animals,race mixing being gay allowing transsexual surgeries selling and the manufacturing of hard addictive drugs and lessening the grasp the Media has on the nation

Pro tip muh rights only exists because muh gun and the communities spirit to allow such a thing. If outside forces though the Media and the manipluation of race reality and the fate of "free" sociteys or though shee conquest. IE all countries after 9-11 and the ability for you to shove a gun right up another nations arse protects your right to even exist as a people and a culture, and a libertarian nation will have a sucky military and allow degeneracy which will eventually destroy. Maybe when Libertarians stop being Commies and realize how and why human communities,nations form.

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