Or is it as based as the meme says?
Is there PC culture and cultural marxism in Russia?
You'd have to look into the really urban areas but other than that, not really.
also don't mind the flag, i've been to Russia before
no, onIy a smaII amount in the major cities Iike SpB and Moscow and that'd be it.
That being said, they stiII have a fuck ton of non-white immigrants
Which European country has most Muslims?
>Is there PC culture and cultural marxism in Russia?
No, we have our own unique problems.
What is that?
Some real gommies, tsarists, churkas, you name it.
>What is that?
Reconsidering the fact that bolsheviks had no guts to actually solve baltshits problem once and for all.
the orthodox Russians control Russia after the soviet collapse
why do you think Putin keeps on getting re-elected
Russia.....you do realise that you been better if our red strelki didn't kill tzar, russkie, putin would be a great tzar.
Depends. On the one hand, they take a lot of pride in rejecting Western degeneracy. On the other it's far from 'based' and I imagine has it's own clusterfuck of cultural marxism going on. Millennials and gen Z there would be nothing like their western counterparts but I've no clue how based they are
get out bolshie
drug abuse, alcoholism and Darwin awards
No there isnt.
However theres an art school I pass on my way from work back home and the students all look like degenerate AIDS skrillex with all those obnoxious haircut in weird colors and piercibg and shit.
The art is still the real art though, not modernism diarrhea on canvas.
>why do you think Putin keeps getting reelected
because he's KGB
No, cultural marxism was a weaponised ideology exported by the USSR through Marxist academics and political agents intended to undermine the West during the Cold War. As such they know it's ability to cause huge political problems and actually killed/exiled domestic proponents.
Nope. They just have old school ultra corrupt communism.
Russia is actually pretty cucked.
>Your women are prostitutes around the world
>Millions of your women are male order brides for Americans, arabs, turks, Iranians etc..
>15% of your population is muslim and growing rapidly
>Chechens stalk your city beating the shit out of your Slav people
>Low pathetic birthrates
>Drug addiction through the roof
>Minorities from the Caucasuses are given free college, grants, scholarships, and are exempt from many laws because you're cucked to their every will or otherwise they'll split from you
>Ethnic caucasians bully ethnic Russians in the military and make them their bitch
Trust me blyat, russia is heavily cucked. Don't believe the meme.
they are natives
No, SJW's are absent because russia is too much a hellhole outside of big cities.
Also there's a phenomena - conservative left. Full blown commies economicaly, conservative socialy and culturaly.
Yes, with an icepick
what is that?
Which European country has the most non-European land mass?
Of course it is, it's governed by (((ex-communists)))
Frankly speaking most of things you mentioned is applicable also to USA
They did once so...
>Full blown commies economicaly, conservative socialy and culturaly.
That sounds almost like that thing... You know, that thing that happen!
Cascasians. they kill russian soldiers in their mountains then they go to moscow and st.petersburg to fuck russian girls.it is very hard to find a russian girl who doesn't get fucked by a churka or a turk.
do russians see putin as corrupt? in the west you see nothing but endless propaganda calling him corrupt.
>stiII have a fuck ton of non-white immigrants
Actually I can see a cop checking some muddle-asian shitskin Churka/Tajik/Uzbek ID every day.
>Be brown
>Run into a cop
>Get ID checked
>Be me (blue eyes blonde)
>Have never talker to a cop in my life
But what worryes me is niggers.
How the fuck are we getting niggers? Are those fugees or international students or what?
Sometimes i can see freezing nigger hobos handing out fryers and working as promoters, or trying to sell anyone chink shit (We have no welfare so even they have to work)
What the fuck are they do I get here?
Why did they come here of all places?
putin is already basically a tzar
Not only Caucasians, they call anyone Eastern without slanted eyes.
You know, real difference between Hitler and Stalin is ethnic nationalism and civic/cultural nationalism.
Spoiler: Russia is too fucking big for ethnic nationalism to work.
call like this*
>Your women are prostitutes around the world
The vast majority of the porn industry is western
>Millions of your women are male order brides for Americans, arabs, turks, Iranians etc..
At least they get money out of marrying foreigners and don't bring them into the country
>15% of your population is muslim and growing rapidly
No surprise here considering all the meme tribes native to the massive chunk of land
>Low pathetic birthrates
Same as Europe
>Drug addiction through the roof
Fair enough tbf
>Chechens stalk your city beating the shit out of your Slav people
>Minorities from the Caucasuses are given free college, grants, scholarships, and are exempt from many laws because you're cucked to their every will or otherwise they'll split from you
>Ethnic caucasians bully ethnic Russians in the military and make them their bitch
I'd be interested if there's any truth to these whatsoever
Cultural Marxism was the analysis of Hollywood and the MSM - Sup Forums and the alt-right does the same thing.
Everyone is corrupt, i would steal if given opportunity too, so it's pointless to replace him. new one would just steal even more. That's russian pow on government. Also exactly what happened to Ukraine after maidan, turbotheft, so we probably are right.
This. We have agreements with Angola, Guinea and a few other countries to educate their niggers.
corruption and communism
>Spoiler: Russia is too fucking big for ethnic nationalism to work.
Why would the size of the country determine whether or not ethnic nationalism would work? 80% of the population are ethnic Russians.
>Spoiler: Russia is too fucking big for ethnic nationalism to work.
I have wondered many times how a country like Russia exist as it does.
>not checking those digits
kek revealed himself and these are all the yous yall can offer?
>Russia is too fucking big for ethnic nationalism to work.
First of all Russia is an empire voluntarily and the second you could easily introduce slavic dominance but you refuse to do that
I read something once where the USSR took in a whole bunch of international students from some African countries, for some reason. It's either that or they're just passing through to the EU. I can't imagine they'd stay if there's no welfare and they need to learn Russian.
Is he actually doing good for the country though?
And 20% are not.
The parts of Russia that people actually live in are not altogether big enough to where enforcement of ethnic purity is unreasonable
He probably is. It's difficult to NOT see government as corrupt when new corruption scandal pops out almost every day (srsly).
>I have wondered many times how a country like Russia exist as it does.
As some gov guy from rus gov in 18 century have said, "I can definitely tell Russia is under direct God's protection and guidance because there's no fucking way we could exist like that with all these problems and paradoxes for a year and not fall apart otherwise."
Sure. But nobody wants actual monarchy: we already butthurt enough that our bureauocrats provide their kids, most of whom are either unexperienced or, worse, moronic scum, with warm and high-profitable seats.
They still have your socialist/social liberal nanny state laws, though.
>Everyone is corrupt, i would steal if given opportunity too,
Didn't know Russia had a lot of dindus.
I know it's a meme on here that Russia has this perfect government with no corruption and also based white Christian qt 10/10 slav girls walk around with AK47s and free handjobs if you praise the white race
But let's be real here, Russia is a kleptocracy full of corrupt politicians
>b-but so is JewSA lesbian gay transgender muslim land
No man, it's on a whole nother level.
it's almost Africa tier how corrupt it is.
I imagine people get apathetic to that after awhile.
Does this make them apathetic to politics in general or just apathetic to the scandals to the point where actually debating the positions of the politicians happens? Or does everyone just think that the entire government is nothing but Putin puppets?
Its a known fact that Russsian girls like tanned/muslim/turkish dick more than their snownigger bfs
pick one my friend
I forgot about asians as well
everyone is better than small, beta russianbois
And that's why i want merge - you help us with corruption and rule of law, we ensure that no liberal will be in power.
After horrible 1990s when people were promised riches and got fucked with economic default instead he directed oil money to social spending. For that he got huge trust of russian people (he also fucked up western oil companies in the process which made him ebil tyrant)
Now today maybe he's not so good but he still got that trust reserve, shit today is not even close to shit in 90s. Also very little political alternative here.
>bureaucratic nepotism
isn't that the case in every country?
>Tyranny from self hating, soul detroying, beta cucks or tyranny from power mad based dude.
I would still go the africa tier despot.
You think its easy to opress every 5th citizen without much fighting, outcry, bitching from the west and sympathy from the white liberals?
>If there any truth
Putin does pander to Chechens because as muslims they go batshit and chimpout if anything offended them and they are extremely tribal and naturally form gangs and shit wherever they go.
If you have two Chechens in one room you get a gang of Chechens.
They are like Muslim niggers, but We just cant let them be independent.
Basicly imagine that some magic happened and instead of California Somalia teleported to US and became a US state, that would be Chechnya analogue. And this shit is an ass pain to keep but cant let them go either
This girl is a churka.
So it's 30 million people, it's a lot.
She is not Russian, she is caucasian. Probably Chechen.
but i thought you killed them all?
>it is very hard to find a russian girl who doesn't get fucked by a churka or a turk.
Except the ones that do are social pariahs in most circles. It's more of a Moscow thing, and that entire city should be scrubbed off of the face of the earth for how far it's fallen into degeneracy.
>He thinks we're not corrupt
Do you have any idea how close Hillary came to winning?
WTF I love Chechens now!
Yeap, but it's setting asses of even many governtment supporters on fire.
>Also very little political alternative here.
Oh yeah, nobody but (((him))) in 140 million country. Give me a break.
Russkies are so fucking hopeless. Not only they didnt leave Caucaus countries as autonomies, they also live with gooks, yakuts, tartars which are basically in the center of the Russia. Why wont you just make them sovereign, and just kick all the mudslimes back to where they came?
They are social pariahs even in moscow. Solntsevo here.
You know how we have states here
Russia has states too, they call them oblasts
But they also have legit republics that they made specifically for the minorities
It works well as a system, imagine if all our niggers were located in the Nigger Republic of Detroit and they still answered to us, but they did their own thing on the municipal level
what do rusbros think of format18? are they bassed or just klan tier white trash?
>USSR took in a whole bunch of international students from some African countries,
Taking care of opressed working class bullied by evil capitalism/emerializm.
Political virtue signalling and so on.
Who else are you seriously going to vote for? Zhirinovsky?
"Hadi yallah, Masha. I show you my private zoo."
slavs colonized germany kinda
>You think its easy to opress every 5th citizen without much fighting, outcry, bitching from the west and sympathy from the white liberals?
There was no problem during Russian Empire times
remember Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality? During these times Russians were only 50% of the population and it worked then, so it should be able to work with ease when Russians are 80% of the population in the much, much smaller Russian Federation
think logically friends. the only way a Russian state can persevere is if it is organized for the express benefit of the Russian people and no other. there isn't another option that doesn't eventually result in full-scale disaster
They are indeed very hot, but they grow old early.
No way shes a chechen. Why the guy is so dark, then?
Literally a joke created by jew.
>However theres an art school I pass on my way from work back home and the students all look like degenerate AIDS skrillex with all those obnoxious haircut in weird colors and piercibg and shit.
Yeah... Personally, i already miss esthetic goths and messed up but brutal looking punks.
>but cant let them go either
But whyyyyyy
I get there's no chance they can hold their own country together, but can't you just give them to one of those -stan countries and build a wall?
Its not even a meme, its a fact that russian women get old and fat very fast
We have different understaning of what is "white". This girl is "black" in russia. The guy is probably a turkroach or something.
Got to checkum
>actually believing millennial men aren't red pilled or aren't pretending to get laid
Gee, I sure wish gen x and millennial women would stop associating being well informed with being a neckbeard sperglord, btw both those memes came from tumblr. Anti intellectualism is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, without women preferring idiots because idiots are cooler and more urban and more likely to be fun, exciting drug lords like they see on their fun, hip hop infused tv shows, there is no PC culture. None. Degenerates become extra hated because the regular condition of women is to lividly hate losers, which they already do if they're white.
There is no PC culture in the west, the fact it effects women but not men proves it's simply tied into feminism. Only western women are lacking, western men (besides gen x, betacucks all of them) are fine.
>black in Russia
You mean cause of a dark hair and tanned skin? If the russian girl is a brunette is she also consider black? I just dont know your standarts, thats why im asking
Because most of these small nationalities are integrated in the society and aren't really different from Russians in everything apart from culture.
Based tatar ITT.
based russia is meme.
Yeah I know, it just seems more common.
Pretty much. I mean I live in St.Petes which means we have our own problem with the younger population of the city looking like AIDS Skrillex.