>be a marxist
>be constantly straw-maned about beliefs
>wth Sup Forums cant be much worse than irl
Do your worst!...or ask me actual questions if you're curious.
>be a marxist
>be constantly straw-maned about beliefs
>wth Sup Forums cant be much worse than irl
Do your worst!...or ask me actual questions if you're curious.
Socialist Internationalist
When did you become a Marxist?
How do you incentivize people to work hard without the use of coercion or force if they know their needs will be met regardless of how hard they work?
How do you reconcile the total inaccuracy of Marx's predictions compared to the real-life development of socialism and socialist thought?
How do you explain the existence of the middle class in a capitalist society with Marxist dialectic?
How can Communism (classless society) exist without the presence of a police force having authority (and therefore higher class) over the proletariat?
When do you think Marxism will be implemented?
You are a stupid edgy teen that doesn't get enough attention IRL so you beg for attention here.
Dabbled in socialism for a while before settling on Marxism. Got fed up with Social Democrats being pussies. Started calling myself a Marxist about 6 months ago, but read Marx years ago.
Why aren't you a proper socialist?
Why haven't you hanged yourself yet?
Are you an atheist too?
Why would people take the risks in pursueing high risk things that would generally offer high reward.. Take for example starting a buisness, inventing something, etc. When theres no incentive anymore? This goes for finding ways to cure things aswell.
How does this ideal society work? Everyone just drones that make the same thing and sharing the wealth? Should the walmart founder and internet inventor have their wealth redistributed?
How do you reconcile the fact that Hitler is demonized in history books for (questionably) killing 11 million, while Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong have killed well over 108 million but this receives net to no mention in history books?
What aren't you a national socialist?
>not being a national socialist
What force would drive innovation and encourage work in an international socialist society? National pride and monetary reward are obviously out of the question.
>Central Planning doesn't work
>The LTV is absolute hogwash
The far left needs to reconcile these facts with it's ideology
>not being well read
This is actually a huge misconception about Marxism. There is still incentive to work hard, those who are highly educated and skilled are still compensated at a higher rate. The difference is nobody falls through the cracks, and there is a decent living standard for all. Those who are able to work are required to, but they may choose the type of work (ideally). All corporations still run as corporations, except their production is planned and their directing bodies are elected by the workers. Its workers' management combined with state control.
Why do you believe that your system won't inventively fall to state capitalism?
The only good socialist is a National Socialist.
Okay so hypothetically marxism is implemented
Where do you personally fall within this system?
What is your day to day life like?
Whoa... Hitler was pretty based.
Marxism is not the absence of authority, but rather the democratization of authority. The workers elect their leaders on the level of the workplace, state, and international, to represent their interests. Unlike current democracy, these leaders are subject to recall with majority approval.
Are humans not naturally tribalistic, and can you prove that primitive communism ever existed?
Ok so you are going to force people to work against their will and all companies will be run by the state?
>There is still incentive to work hard, those who are highly educated and skilled are still compensated at a higher rate. The difference is nobody falls through the cracks, and there is a decent living standard for all. Those who are able to work are required to, but they may choose the type of work (ideally)
Literally everything that is said here sounds exactly like fascism. Only part that is different is the democracy.
so if the workers are so intelligent to run corporations correctly then why were there CEO's and managers in the first place?
also have you ever had a job in a small business?
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
cool meme
If you had the opportunity, would you kill the upper 1%?
depends on whether a socialist revolutionary movement springs up in the next financial crisis...
Marxists should be shot with a 50 cal.
>Be a marxist
>Believe in some utopian drivel
>Attempting to implement results in millions dying miserable deaths
>Unironically still a marxist
What about the workers who don't agree with the leader who was picked by the majority? There will always be division and class in Marxism
Communism killed more than Hitler. Look up Jordan Peterson
>Production is planned
Oh boi, you know this doesn't work at all right?
Cool argument
But doesn't communism need to be implemented globally for it to work? Especially since any communist nation will receive heavy resistance from the capitalist nations. But the chances of communism taking over the majority of nations in an economic crisis are pretty slim.
>ask me actual questions if you're curious.
I have learned all I care to know about this horror story of an ideology. Anyone who doesn't read the Communist Manifesto and have a horror filled panic attack over the over hatred of mankind described in it's pages is possible a psychopath, and at the least monstrously naive.
we can have all of that withouth destroying culture, family, nation and faith.
Its called national socialism.
Can you name a single example of a successful Marxist society?
do you enderstand the point of a republic?
also do you believe in government corruption and propaganda?
how can you ignore such basic parts of government?
The existence of the middle class does not contradict Marxist theory. By Marx's definition, anyone who does not own means of production is working class, and those who cooperate with the capitalists are simply seeking to become capitalists themselves. Marx recognized this.
As far as the real life applications of socialism, most countries where it has been tried did not have the initial material conditions for socialism to succeed. In Russia, for example, the working class did not make up the majority of the pop when the revolution came.
This. Running a company is incredibly hard and requires a lot of effort, knowledge and time to be put in. If everyone could run a company there would have been a lot more successful companies.
>be a marxist
>fail at every argument
>resort to censoring everybody that doesn't agree with you
How is a shoemaker not working class? Why cant he possess his own machinery?
But then you end up with terrible hierarchy. I work as an analyst for a company. I have no idea what qualifications the boss or directors should have. The best way to earn the most votes in that case is nepotism, corruption, or focussing on appeasing the workers instead of running a functioning business.
Cuba didn't have the resources? Venezuela didn't have the resources?
If true Marxism is achieved somehow (a society of stateless decentralized, communes based on common ownership and needs fulfillment) would you tolerate a Anarcho-Capitalist community existing so long as they didn't interfere with the commies and people could come and go as they please?
I have a question. Could you please leave this place and never post about your shit tier ideology ever again? Thanks.
Under Marxism individuals can still own property, just not the means of production. An important distinction. Marxists do not want to take away your house or individuality.
answer this
in china you can't own your own house. you pay more than it costs to buy a house in a market economy, but you only get to lease it for 70 years.
they won't let you own your own shitty house.
then we will have conflict
We are also socialist.
National Socialist
Do you consider Socialism/Communism/Marxism to be an obtainable goal or do you just consider it a nice idea?
Where do you live?
its not about the resources, its about the level of education and the advancement in society. Before socialism these countries were not advanced in the same way that the US or Canada are. If the revolution happened in the US, there would be far more skilled and competent people to help it along. Of course the revolution can not happen without the consent of the masses.
read a book, marxists
Why are you such a massive faggot?
What is the incentive to work harder than minimum?
Seeing so many NatSocs united together from all over the world is a good feeling, we swallowed the redpill hard.
>instead of the equal distribution of wealth in society, substitute the distribution of fitness
>imagine a society where any time you work out, the gains are distributed equally to everyone
>working out as hard as you can merits gains divided by 350,000,000 in terms of weight loss, strength gains, and all other benefits
>working out twice a day for your entire life benefits you less than a single day's work out in our current system
>virtually no one is willing to invest the time/effort necessary to do something that amounts to zero benefit
>whole society becomes morbidly out of shape, far worse than even burgerland is already, and quite literally not a single person is fit
Do you think your revolutions happen just randomly? Or do you think they happen where gullible peasants/non whites believe your stupid lies?
I'm a marxist not an AnCom. Society doesn't work without government. Government must be centralized and democratically accountable.
How do you prevent violent recolution from devolving into autocracy when you need generals for armies?
If you haven't swallowed the SowellPill, you're still a pleb.
>he didnt take the bogpill
literally LMAO'ing @ ur life
So what if the majority votes do restore property rights?
What then?
Funny how all people from eastern europe had communism and don't want it no more, hate it more than hitler. And western cultures, who didn't deal with communism are fine with the ideology.
You got no idea what you are getting yourself into retard.
It doesn't work on so many levels, that I don't know where to start. How goes it in your DIY space btw, you homeless faggot
>be a marxist
>check flag
What specific policies need to be implemented for you to consider that an attempt at Marxism has been made? i.e. once policies X, Y, and Z have been put into practice then it's officially the real Marxism.
Who administrates those policies? Who enforces those policies?
i can bogpill you on the sowellpill
Also answer my questions.
How many individual shoemakers do you know of? What is the point of having an individual shoemaker with his own business? this is highly inefficient. Better to allow him to be a part of a worker controlled factory where he can make shoes with more efficiency, and be paid what he's worth. Anyway, robots will be making shoes in the future so we humans wont have to worry about such labour much longer, unless you are talking custom made shoes.
Communism is cancer, a cancer that fascism must eliminate
>Who administrates those policies? Who enforces those policies?
an extremely inefficient government system.
the bigger government becomes, it becomes exponentially more inefficient.
this is true. managing a corporation is hard, and not everyone is cut out for it. But the leaders of productive forces should be democratically elected, and distribution of the created wealth should be decided democratically. Also, with free education, more people will become competent at running businesses.
alone in my town I know that there are three and I was a customer of 2 of them. They make fine leather boots a modern plant can not ever produce and certainly not your forced pleb collective.
The point is that he can make the pattern of shoes he seems fit and put all of his own skill into his product.
> Better to allow him
You fucking piece of garbage you think people are thankful for you "allowing" them to work on your slave farm?
And that makes 7 fascists on this thread. Welcome to the party.
If we're going to be talking about efficiency, it is far more efficient to have hierarchy and leaders rather than workplace democracy, anyone who's had to work on a group project can see the excessive waste it causes.
Why is equality a virtue?
This is the #1 question they can never answer. They assume everything will be nicely set up beforehand by the market, because otherwise there is no way for the state/worker-owners to know what needs to be produced outside of basic necessities
No there isnt. In a Marxist society, the local group (basically a tribe) would have communal rights to property.
You havent even opened up the Commy Manifesto. You can't even get part 1 correct.