Hey Sup Forums I'm a mormon. Today my mom said if I don't get married in max 1 month she will disown me and take away everything she gave me (including my phone) (I am 18 and mormons here nust be married at 18 obligatory)
Hey Sup Forums I'm a mormon...
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Your mom sounds like a total Mormon.
Get out while you still can. Mormonism is satanic.
Marry your mom, problem solved.
Leave the church faggot. It's all bullshit if you take 1 second to look into the church history. Don't get married until you have a real job, then have lots of white babies.
No it's not. You have a misconception on my religion which is most paceful you can find. I wish I had a little more time until getting married tho
Ex Mormon btw
ce fir handicapat.
stai sa-ti dau un sage.
>Most paceful you can find
Now compare that to how many Christians and Muslims killed.
Ummm I'm a Mormon 23 and not married and nobody is disowning me, you either aren't a Mormon or your mom is just uniquely deluded
A Romanian Mormon? Now I've seen it all.
I think you're the fake Mormon because you don't even know the law of chasity. Probably some altered american sect.
Idahofag here, you guys are a fucking blight.
you can overpower her, at least you should be able to if you aren't bedridden
therefore she can't do shit and you can get a job before marrying a mormon 2/10
Maybe you should step into the Church a few times before forming an opinion
The law of chastity does not require marriage, only limits sexual relationship to the bonds of marriage, looks like the church in Romania needs a visit from the GA's kek
Everyone here is a mormon and I love my religion, only need a bit more time.
Mormon is the new Jew, just like Orange is the New Black
So if Mormon is so bad why are they pushing clammo marriages at 18? Must mean clammosexuality is pretty wrong
It's to prevent people from whoring themselves
Convert and become a christian you heathen.
>altered american sect
kek, bad troll
The lie of mormonism is the same lie satan used in the garden of eden.
I thought virgins liked bearded clammos
They aren't idk what the fuck op is on about
Mormonism is the closest to what Christianity was 2000 years ago
This is why im gay
Marry a hot, blonde virgin and make a billion babies, retard.
I'm culturally Mormon and you are full of shit. There is no way you should be married before 21, when you get back from your mission.
Stop larping, faggot
Read acts and ephesians to find out the history of the early church.
And that whole native Americans being jews was lie before genetic testing was avaliable.
Honestly can't tell if troll or just ignorant
Every single religion calls themselves the most peaceful, cuck.
You are a stupid spic who has never read the bible and doesn't know about the law of chasity
I don't want to be a babysitter my whole life
But mine really is the most paceful one. We actually had guests from nederlands last year, you should at least try going to the church 3 times and decide for yourself.
so.. having multiple conservative 3.14 qts isnt working out for you user?
Holy fucking shit
Mexibro is right, why are you getting married before you complete your mission?
What sects of Mormonism are notorious for sprawling to other countries? Hoping that you know Mormons are originally from America, I'd also assume you know that is behavior typically associated with the more mainstream Christian leaning Mormons.
>calling someone a troll as an attempt to troll
Actually I'm sixth generation Mormon, my ancestor was friends with Joseph. My brother actually went on his mission to romania, obviously he fucked up because your mom doesn't know shit
Would you want to get married right when you are beautiful, just got a license drive, got fit and just got hired? There's so much more to do before getting married. I'll try talking my mom into giving me half more year.
>can marry many girls
>niggers are a cursed race, as well as other non white races
>you become a God after you die
Why is mormonism so alpha? Get a really hot girl and have many white children with her.
Hi mitt.
I really wished Sup Forums's minimum age requirement was raised to 25.
Link to me on LDS.org where it says what you claim about the law of chastity, if not you are a larping faggot who isn't a real Mormon
We cannot become gods. This is blasphemy. This is appealing to our pride.
The god of mormonism is an exaulted man which means he had a beginnimg and sinned.
The God of the Bible is Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Alpha and Omega. God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Three persons with three distinct personalities all God.
morm0n with ugly wives confirmed.. fuck they outsourced my captcha again.. jappaneese. reeeeeeeeeeee
Hear hear. You believe in serpent seed right? Check out this. youtube.com
hyoure a tard
Die in a fire you con based equivalent of a christian Muslim.
You are far from the real religion you lying sack of shit. I doubt you will even make the mission. Look at every religion in america, you even allow lgbt rights in the church
You don't even know what that means. You are just regurgitating what you have been spoonfed.
There is only one sect of Mormonism with any international presence the (basically only) sect which is the LDS Church. Which Op is completely misrepresenting
You have been lied the whole time and now just missed the context.
How do European Mormons view America?
How do you even get to be Mormon in Europe? Doesn't this create an inferiority complex in re: your nationality not being American?
The "LDS Church" is an "altered american sect," but OP is misrepresenting it, yes... which is what makes it a bad troll.
Not to side with fake Mormon op but read king follet discourse. Big red pill
So good mormons dont become gods of their own planet and have a bunch of spirit children?
What about the thousand year old quakers on the moon smith talked about?
You know nothing. You're one of those eh. Tell me Einstein. Why is hetero so amazing and vaulted when the serpent and a woman caused the fall by having sex? That wasn't Adam and Steve. And the 144,000 are virgins of only females
You need to be redpilled and leave this shitty fascist religion.
God doesn't do the existing
Kek mormonism originated from America? There are no international sects This is so faggot I can't even believe it
>altered American sect
So... the original Mormons?
Kek my sides
OP stop being a mormon take the orthodox fuckboi pill
They were near perfection but slowly faded away. Look at them now, all they want is being trendy and fashionate like those who know nothing of religion. But I'm not accusing everyone, it's idiots like this who give us a bad name.
This is the most redpilled religion, check it out for yourself.
There are Mormons in Romania?
Just study the Bible at home or check out the youtube link I supplied
It's called infinity..... Eternal life without any progress is an exact definition of damnation. Stupid or malicious people interpret these concepts wrong
The Crusades were a direct reaction to Islamic conquest. Whether Europe was Christian, Pagan, or Buddhist, the response would have been the same. And the East would have still launched constant invasions of Europe with or without Islam.
Well shit just get married lol.
Planet(s) FTFW. It's not about the planets it's about becoming a perfected being through self improvement. Also not a historically reliable quote.
You're fucked. What a pushover
>There is only one sect of Mormonism with any international presence
>international presence
Did you so quickly forget your own words? Low quality trolling.
Read this idiot
Or at least attend the service.
Most gypsies get married before 15, so yeah you're a bit late.
So brainwashed
No, Muslims are the closest thing comparable to what christianity was 2000 years ago.
You know, when they actively killed what their religion labels heathens and non believers, actively controlled their women and actively worship?
God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret
King Follet sermon
This is blasphemy.
God cannot be an exaulted man because the Bible says He has existed as God from eternity past.
Not at all, spend some hours in the church before talking.
Salvation through works is self- righteousness.
Out greatest works are nothing but dirty rags.
No chance to find a good girl in your mor(m)onic community? Are all shit or what? And if there are no options - why the fuck your mom even gives you such and impossible task?
Still, it does not place. A requirement. To be married by a certain age. And DESU you oughta be out on a mission instead of larping on Sup Forums
Why would you think I haven't? Also that is not necessary. Also they have all been corrupted. Also. Go back to your vagina planet
I meant exclusively international dumbass not that hard to read between the lines
"I sounded stupid so I'll say >implying"
And before that?
It's just a cosmology, an origin story. I realize that about EVERY religion. Mormon story does the best job of getting people to strive to be better. Not proud, like you are being and projecting onto Mormons
Why do you need a hat and a special viewing stone
Tell your mom that it would be unfair to your future wife to marry before you do your mission (in Brazil, pic). Now go pack your white shirts and magic underwear and get ready for some hot conversion action.
Nice one dude
All of you faggots took the bait,kek he is bored as fuck and is fucking with you(i dont want to belive that there are actual
romainian mormons,nobody can be that retarde,only muricans).
Now you're just making fun of a religion so I'll leave you. If you reconsider your thoughts and want to find the truth, go to your local church and never listen to online retards like this guy
who will induce you into confussion. Hope the best for you.
No it doesn't. Salvation through grace alone breeds apathy. Mormons believe in grace AND effort. Not accomplishment, effort.
I dont care what I make fun of. Answer me on the 144,000. They are virgins of females. Why do you not wanna be a part of them?
where does the magic underwear meme stem from?
why does Sup Forums hate mormons so much?
i was raised on it and my understanding of it is "treat others how you would like to be treated: the religion"
Read further, Joseph uses the bible to prove what he says, also where in the bible does it say that because it's probably just some flawed interpretation