> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
Do you agree with Bens statement alt right fags ?/
> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
Do you agree with Bens statement alt right fags ?/
Other urls found in this thread:
are they muslim? Libs can be converted. Muslims tend to murder and rape.
i would gladly deport this fucking kike
if by american values, he means they're christian, yes
Why not deport 50 million liberals and not let in any shitskin immigrants?
dumb kike
>> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
Ask him if he'd do the same for Israel?
lol yeah bro it's all culture and values bro and those things have nothing to do with race at all I promise
fook off trudeau
>American values
Obviously not Muslim
We need White Supremacist Representation now!
We need less legitimacy and more emotions!
50 million immigrants that all shared american values would be white so I agree with him
Shapiro has the debating wits, the consolidation of values but his branch values are fucking weird, shit strawmanesque and WRONG
Literally this. These cuckservatives that think that people from non-Western countries support them is so far from reality.
That's called being a shifty Jew who is intelligent and is misleading you.
how come for thousands of years nordic and anglo races were barbarians who worshiped multiple gods and had a radically different culture than societies in the cradle of civilization, but when introduced to semitic religion, they managed to change their culture and adopt civilization and christian values from the medis then? how is it that literal barbarians are able to change their culture and values thousands of years ago but its somehow impossible for others to do so in the modern era? are you just retarded or an edgy 14 year old that just got introduced to Sup Forums and think he's totally based and redpilled?
another great /leftypol/ meme haha keep em coming, they're a riot
Libs are so deep in their shit ideology the only way to truly get them back is through physical torture... However, that sounds innificient and time consuming so we're better off forming a modern day gestapo and killi.... I mean conquering them.
if they had american values they wouldn't be on welfare or propagating miscegenation or committing crimes
but they don't
so immigrants begone
Are YOU retarded? Whites and Asians are the only people today who AREN'T literal barbarians who CAN build and maintain desirable countries. How is it that niggers in the US haven't just forsaken their culture and become ubermenschen? They've been here for hundreds of years.
This desu.
How do you explain the fact that all white majority countries on the planet are desirable while all black majority countries on the planet are not? Where are the black communities that just jumped ship because black culture sucked and other cultures are better and easy to adopt?
What a huge fucking coincidence that culture is separated so perfectly on racial lines and yet it seems to be so immutable. All across the planet.
Fucking crazy that there are Christian niggers in Africa and they haven't organized a functional, desirable society yet. Blows my mind.
you are a fucking autistic pleb. IQ has nothing to do with what I was saying; which was "what does RACE have to do with adoption of another's culture and values?"
>14 year old confirmed
why are you talking about blacks already living in the US retard? what does that have to do with OP or my questions? address my original comment or shut the fuck up with your retarded strawman bullshit. reddit is down the hall and to the left
Not true. They're stuck in their ways, and will never learn to adapt. If you can't fix it, kill it.
With the qualifier that they be European? Sure. I'm sure American liberals would be happier in Europe, and European conservatives would be happier in America. It'd be a good swap.
Faggots I lynched Snoop Dogg niggur
Yes, and anyone on here who disagrees is being retarded. If another group has more criminals, lower IQ, etc ON AVERAGE, that has doesn't matter if you're selecting top tier individuals from those groups.
I thought you were asking a legit question, then I noticed:
and now realize that op is, as always, a complete faggot
deport all jews
Race and IQ are linked so it has everything to do with accepting and assimilating into a superior culture.
Because, surprise, they were white.
Wow, great contribution to the thread Faggot. Fuck off.
here you go genius: the adoption of that semitic religion coincided with them "adopt[ing] civilization."
are you seriously insinuating that a nation can just convert and revolutionize their society, both technologically and socially? because that's a serious claim that should have ample evidence with which to verify it. you know, like the shit I used to complement my claims.
To follow up on this, I think multicultural societies could work if the immigration was hyper strict and only 130+ IQ people were allowed entry.
There's less than 9 million people in Israel, user. That said, if we could swap all our liberal Jews for conservative Jews (about 4 million or so) I'm pretty sure he'd go for it.
it depends what american values are
hmmm i wonder who could be behind this
>that share American values
I'm down for that, so long as they also respect American laws as well. Libs are a social cancer.
Northern Europeans are highly adaptive. We had to be to survive a hostile environment. When a social system came along that was superior to the one we had, we adopted it.
Their offspring will regress to the mean of their race
Can't tell if transplanted maplefaggot or..
If only high IQ people exist in the society that shouldn't happen.
id rather not accept 50 million immigrants and then i would kill all liberals and shitskins.
Basically "Let's import 50 millions of Europeans and deport 50 millions of marxists" you would agrree burgers?
Oh I forgot about the modern honorary aryans, they share Europ...I mean American values too.
Where do you think you can find people with American values outside America? ? ?
I would rather deport 50 million liberals and fix this country instead of importing anyone.
>50 Million immigrants that share American values
good luck finding that
Do Europeans still migrate to the US? I've read that Americans evacuate to Europe.
>American values
>deport 50 million liberals
Deporting citizens for their political beliefs is un-American.
this was OP's question
> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
this was your autistic response
>lol yeah bro it's all culture and values bro and those things have nothing to do with race at all I promise
I responded by pointing out that cultures and values can be adopted by those of another race. I said nothing about IQ, I said nothing about blacks. I said nothing about what constitutes successful civilizations
you responded with a strawman response talking about blacks and posted a bunch of retarded shit about IQ and murder rates that, again, had nothing to do with OP or my original point.
all you have done so far is post Sup Forums-tier newfag infographs that every immigrant from le_donald saves. you still have yet to explain why a barbarous race of people were able to successful adopt christian values from another race of peoples. if you cannot even pass level 1, you have to go back newfag
Anyone who disagrees with the prop is just trying to be edgy. It's literally swapping right wingers for left wingers by definition.
White British people from the UK that idolize American values?
Yup i agree. Not a fag though. Import those Japs and/or Koreans so we can revive the animation industry!
Africans are ok too. But Africa has to stop overshooting their capacity.
and they all have to not follow certain religions.
why not build wall and use 50 million liberals for drug and weapons research?
I've no idea honestly, I simply translate what would happen if you make Shapiro policy in action.
if they are white immigrants from Christian countries, sure
Our immigration laws have been shit since 1965 and favor third world shitskins (because there's more of them and it's a lottery system)
We need to go back to 100% merit based immigration laws
And I responded by pointing out that your argument that race has nothing to do with culture rested on a single fucking anecdote, to which I gave multiple counterexamples that your theory could not explain.
There's no such thing as 50 million immigrants with American values, because there are not 50 million White Americans trying to immigrate here. The images I'm posting show culture differs across racial lines and culture does not change on a large scale in general. Again, one anecdote is not proof of that, you stupid fucking shitlib.
Explain why the people in the examples I gave have yet to adopt superior White culture. They have a vested interest, so your theory should have a response to that if you want to start making claims as broad and generalizing as "race has nothing to do with the adoption of another's culture and values."
>africans are okay too
literal criminals and allergic to work. It's not a meme. From African-american niggers, below 10% have evolved to decent contributors to society in 400 years.
Breaking news - kike would gladly dilute the white race for short term gain - pretends to be "conservative" but only on the economy and a few token issues - wow, what a surprise
I doubt anyone on this board describes themselves as the average American.
>another strawman
>self-reported study that has nothing to do with topic at hand
>superior white culture
>he doesn't understand that "white culture" is christian, and deeply semitic which means it originated from the middle east, which means it was fucking ADOPTED by "whites"
even ignoring the fact that there is no such thing as a single unified "white culture" and that there are several whites who have radically different cultures and religions and assuming that you mean western culture in general, you STILL have not answered my original question.
if culture differs across racial lines and does not change on a large scale, why are there numerous examples in history of just the opposite? you can't refute this original question faggot. quit embarrassing yourself
*Ad hominem intensifies*
Here's a strawman for you, faggot, straight from your cock sucking mouth:
>how is it that literal barbarians are able to change their culture and values thousands of years ago but its somehow impossible for others to do so in the modern era
And again, you dumb faggot, you have to define and quantify culture and its mechanisms in such a way that it can explain all the phenomena in all the populations on the Earth today. Not ONLY your single cherry-picked example of Whites adopting Christianity. My argument is that culture is just a racial expression, ergo culture has nothing to do with success or values or successful immigration or anything and that it is ultimately race instead, and it holds for any nation you want to throw at me. Your dumbass libshit theory doesn't stand up to my examples.
There isn't a single fucking difference between describing a country using the words multicultural and multiethnic. See pic related.
>if culture differs across racial lines and does not change on a large scale, why are there numerous examples in history of just the opposite?
Such as? You're not just going to give me more religious examples, as if religion is all there is to culture and there aren't a myriad of other values, right? Who am I kidding, I know you're not going to go down my post responding point by point, you're too much of a retarded newfaggot trying too hard to fit in.
>>superior white culture
Also, go ahead and name some examples of black high culture for me. After all, race has nothing to do with culture, so we should see analogous expressions in different racial populations according to you.
whys this kikeservative not on a plane to tel aviv asap?
>How is it that niggers in the US haven't just forsaken their culture and become ubermenschen? They've been here for hundreds of years.
>Where are the black communities that just jumped ship because black culture sucked and other cultures are better and easy to adopt?
I would accept immigration from the entire planet if they shared American values. The fact is, they don't. Oh, and USA isn't nearly large enough.
Not alt-right fag here but if it were me I would deport 50 million liberals, including Ben Sharpie, and refuse entry to all non-white immigrants.
>culture is a racial expression
>IQ is what separates the races
>a high IQ person is still bound to his races culture and cannot change because....reasons
>by this logic there should only be as many cultures in the world as there are races
you keep self-btfo'ing yourself and you still have yet to address me or the OP's original question. keep going on about tangents and setting up strawmen though you plebbit-cuck. it's clear you cannot answer the question without trying to go off into retarded lefist mental gymnastics, so I'll just make it easy for you. you lose. its time to go back user.
No. First of all, they don't accept "American values". Second of all, keep the brown people out and have the liberals shot.
>>a high IQ person is still bound to his races culture and cannot change because....reasons
Hey you drooled out another strawman, I think you're finally making some argumentative headway here.
So am I missing some majority black countries or majority black cities that are your shining exemplars of the fluidity of culture? What about in Latin countries or cities? Asian ones? Sure you have your black guy in a suit here and the Asian who plays a White string instrument there, but why is it that foreign cultures don't seem to permeate different races at the higher levels of organization?
Am I just arguing with an insecure liberal shitskin?
>he still refuses to answer the original question
>he is still talking about blacks even though OP nor I has mentioned them once
cuckold detected
>if culture differs across racial lines and does not change on a large scale, why are there numerous examples in history of just the opposite?
>Differs across racial lines
It does
>does not change on a large scale
It does change on a large scale over long periods of time, obviously, otherwise we wouldn't be civilised now.
>how come for thousands of years nordic and anglo races were barbarians who worshiped multiple gods and had a radically different culture than societies in the cradle of civilization, but when introduced to semitic religion, they managed to change their culture and adopt civilization and christian values from the medis then?
Mediterraneans were polytheistic too. Peoples change their culture, but it takes hundreds/thousands of years of intense conflicts, wars, genocides and difficulty. It is not a smooth process, it wasn't so long ago that the Teutonic Knights were exterminating the last of the pagans.
People divide naturally, along ideology, racial, ethnic, cultural, geographical lines and more. It doesn't make sense to bring in people of different races, religions and ideologies and just expect them to slowly integrate, you are guaranteeing conflicts. Absolute homogeneity can lead to stagnation but it also offers stability. Forcing us into heterogeneity guarantees fluidity but also ensures conflict.
We should have a reasonable balance, right now we don't.
>how come for thousands of years nordic and anglo races were barbarians
They weren't barbaric, surely more warring, but not barbaric.
Without liberals in our way we'd be able to put the smackdown on Muslims. This is a great trade.
> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million NON WHITES that share (((American, JUDEO-Christian values))) and deport 50 million white liberals who despise Israel
I hear you Benji, loud and clear. The Jewish divide-and-conquer of whites is working.
> It doesn't make sense to bring in people of different races, religions and ideologies and just expect them to slowly integrate, you are guaranteeing conflicts.
it's another strawman argument episode. the question is about allowing immigrants who SHARE religion and ideology to come to this country. OP never even specified race and I only countered the newfag with the fact that culture is not beholden to race, which you just admitted by saying that peoples can change their cultures to mirror our own values. No one is arguing to take in the unwashed masses and then try to assimilate them.
>the question is about allowing immigrants who SHARE religion and ideology to come to this country
you completely ignored my voting and self-identification statistics
>the fact that culture is not beholden to race
I showed this and you did not show otherwise
you know you're tacitly conceding by refusing to argue my points :^)
I would gladly accept immigration of 50 million Africans to Israel
>the question is about allowing immigrants who SHARE religion and ideology to come to this country
Sure, but it's asinine to ignore the direct link between race and culture.
>culture is not beholden to race
Then what creates culture? Different ethnic groups created different cultures, again, it's retarded to ignore that.
Culture can be transmitted but that takes centuries of contact, usually with a lot of genocide and subjugation mixed in, so that is not desirable from our perspective, if it's other cultures being forced on us.
I'm not trying to strawman you, your conversation was difficult to follow and I probably missed a bunch of it.
Wait, wait, wait.
Are you saying that we adopted mediterranean culture because Christianity spread?
Is that your argument?
Because that's not exactly true.
We didn't give up things like rule of law, etc. just because we got christcucked. The democratic assemblies didn't go away just because they were Christians now.
Culture is not the same as religion.
you did miss a lot. the retard I'm arguing with was talking about whites in generalities. he was saying the white race, the asian race, the black race.
of course ethnic groups created different cultures. we are talking about RACE which encompasses many different ethnicities. and your point completely contradicts your earlier point.
>race and culture have a direct link
>ethnic groups create different cultures
>several ethnics groups with radically different cultures can be classified as one race
a white chechen has a radically different culture and religion compared to a white anglo
>how come for thousands of years nordic and anglo races
Oh look, a leaf. Acting as if he's American.
Displace Liberals with people with -American- values? Sure, it can't make the country worse. It would be worth a shot so yeah, I guess I "agree" with (((Shapiro)))
weird how all the whites that immigrated to america assimilated into the anglo-american culture and the shitskins haven't across the same time period
but that can't be a racial thing tho :^) it's ad hoc explanations and magic
>deporting fellow citizens who disagree
>American values
What kind of jew morons are you listening to?
>a white chechen has a radically different culture and religion compared to a white anglo
Fair cop, but an anglo and a slav share a lot more than an anglo and a sub-saharan African and it's reasonable to say they mix better.
More shared history, more similar genetically, more similar culturally, more similar geographically, more similar religiously etc.
Also got you there m8.
By liberals I hope he means idiots
general white culture doesn't exist but if it did it would be equally accessible and desirable to everyone
You don't understand what you are writing, and that goes against any understanding of what regression is.
a conservative christian anglo and a radical muslim chechen mix better than a conservative christian african and a conservative christian anglo. you can't honestly believe this, can you? if so, you're just stupid lad. muslim chechens have aligned themselves with ISIL and commit acts of terrorism in Russia and around the world (Boston, France) how are they more suited for integration when they are literally bombing and massacring and killing fellow white people?
as to you other point
not really. in historical context nords and anglos were seen as different racially. especially in the era I'm talking about. even into the 20th century the concept of "white" was still divided into subgroups of medis/alpines/nordics and it's a burger concept of this all encompassing title of white.
he's a newfag and can't argue for shit
Italian-Americans would like a word with you.
50 million white christians then yes.
>general white culture doesn't exist
That's like saying there's no human culture, even though all humans banged shit with rocks and had creation stories and mythologies and were monogamous and a bunch of other shit.
Of course there's a general European culture, things specific to Europeans. It's just our cultue has become so ubiquitous at this point through globalisation we don't get credit for shit like denim or guitars anymore.