What do you think of Anglo's Sup Forums?
They are very perfidious.
Objectively 10/10
National front is queer
Anglo diet is shit
Anglo dental care is bad
Chavs are a real problem
Anglo women are whores in general
But you have a pretty good culture i guess.
I mean National Action*
based mosely. Sup Forums is pretty retarded when it comes to him
I agree that National Action are a bunch of twats
My diet is great
My dental care is some of the best in the world
Chavs are pussies who put up a front, it's the darkies that are causing the real trouble.
Yeah, agree that the majority whores.
Best culture.
It's time for you to leave you swedecuck faggot
I think Anglos can't spell for shit.
Some seem based as fuck but there's a heavy strain of faggot contaminating the populous.
How come Mosley is considered the archetypal Anglo on here and not someone like pic related?
All the true Anglo Saxons moved to Australia. There's only cuck Welsh tier faggots in England now.
Great people.
Celto-Germanic master race.
Its hard being the master race.
When you take over 80%+ of the world, get back to us.
I suppose because of Mosley's way of speaking and presenting himself.
It was back when gentlemen were intelligent, strong and tough men.
Because somp Turk in Germany used to get assblasted about him and anglos in general
Anti-Anglo sentiment is funny. I'm convinced none of them have met an actual Anglo in their life.
We're the real master race.
I think I'm fucking awesome
I love how the response to it was just to fucking embrace it and go nuts.