Would Polish people on average be more genetically Aryan/Nordic or Slavic...

Would Polish people on average be more genetically Aryan/Nordic or Slavic? I know the culture is much more Slavic but not so sure about the genetics, let me know what you guys think.


>American flag

Genetically Poles are, on average, more Slavic than anyone. As for culture, it depends on what you consider Slavic really.

The R1a classifies Slavic and Aryan in the same category, interesting

Poles are what happens when Nords and Slavs breed.

Because Slavs are Aryan. In real meaning, not some stupid-ass racist "muh arian!"

What it's doing is saying that this gene appears in both those designations of people.

Look up Europedia. Poles are about 60% Slavic, with increasing Germanic admixture (10% to 30%) in the former German regions, such as Pomerania and Silesia.

Actually, that would be the Belorussians. You guys have too much Germanic inter-mixture.

...and that's because both designations of people have same source. It means they're part of same family.

To think Polish people were considered untermensch, sad

Slavic with a lot of viking blood, (from rape & peacefull exchange) like all tribes from baltic sea area.
Also some polonised Germans (mostly in Wielkopolska).

Poles are Sarmatian.

We have lots of Poles here and they are generally pretty easy to spot.

If you can't tell they're slavic by just looking at them, then you need to work on your race game.

It's the oafish brow and vacant eyes that give it away.

Reason why they were considered untemensch by nazis was purely political (polish goverment refused to cooperate with nazis). Same nazis made alliance with italian fasists (who were proud of their mixed-race heritage) and called japs "honorary aryan".

this t b q h

>Would Polish people on average be more genetically Aryan/Nordic or Slavic?
on avarage they are pure chochols.


>muh haplogroups


Fuck off we are full



>Because Slavs are Aryan

I'd like to eat her pierogie.

Slavs aren't white, you shouldn't come here, you shouldn't mix with us, etc.

Go fuck a nigger or whatever bestiality you westerners are into

This qt gets me everytime. Would waste my precious life years working a dead end job so that she could piss and spit in my face.

I bet. Japs like taste of rotten fish.




Sarmatian masterrace reporting in

>Slavic and Aryan in the same category

I don't get you. Slavs are Indoeuropean and that's it.

He's 1/256th Danish, hence he considers himself true viking bloodline.

Like all of these fucking mutts

It just annoys me when people like him talk about "aryans" and don't know anything about the term.

Poland is culturally very Slavic, but they have many "Germanic" genes aswell, thanks to the German Eastward Expansion. Same for Slovenia and Czechia.

European nations are very mixed, because of the feudal past

mmmm, the gibs

This. They look like inbred retards.

Only white by American euromutt standards.

Poles are SLAVIC and are NOT WHITE

End of story

Fuck off we arent white
We arent saving you this time

well i guess i'm not white, being mostly polish. how do i be awesome?

don't care/10, would breed that cutie.

Honestly it doesn't matter what exactly they are, those who would wish to destroy our collective western culture would view them in the same way.

This in fighting is fucking retarded, we're all in this the same whether you're slavic or nordic, ALL OF OUR CULTURES AND PEOPLES ARE AT RISK OF ANNIHILATION.

And why is that bad?

Because whites (And yes im using that term referring to Europeans) have the right to self determination.

fuck you, thats why.

More slavic than russians, actually. Russians have lots of finno-ugric blood in them.

Go eat a burger and die to cholesterol you fat fuck

Whites are subhumans

You're not making an argument or making a point in any way.

The people who would want to see the destruction of my people and my culture (Which i include your people but for the sake of this argument i wont) would also see the destruction of your people for the same reason.

Can you not see we're threatened by the same people?

Ofc I see, I just want to see the world burn already. Most of people are ignorant, blue pilled fucks and you can't explain reality to them, no matter how much will you try. Jews always win user, it's pointless to defend at this point.


I see your nihilistic perspective and i understand it,

I just want you to know i'll gladly die before i see us completely swept under the rug.

WTF is that?? Why the fuck do you have mosques in Poland? Poles, im dissapoint

Because we have fucking tatars who live here since always

polish are predominantly reduced cromagnoids
pic related what it looks like , that's your average polish woman

pic related the gorid male

Fuck them.
What? Not just one?? Poles, you need to stop being such cucks, or youll succumb to the evil, that is killslam

Ofc they look like this. This meme about muh qt polish waifu was made by people who never went abroad. Average girl without tons of make-up looks like literal ogre

A sweet ogre, mind you!
My beloved monster and me... We go everywhere together...

well they are blonde etc. but that's not what matters, the point is , they have a racially heavily infantilized make up compared to other countries/groups/ethnicities

it could be much worse though , but eastern euros are far from what you should aim for if you have a brain

God damn I want an eastern European girlfriend so badly.

>slav with a kolovrat tattoo and an undercut
Where the fuck did they come up with that kolovrat? "Oh, look! It looks like a swastika! Oh, gee, Ivan, we are nationalists, right? Why don't we use it and pretend it is a slavis symbol?"

Perfidious poles not to be trusted.

Your mom is not to be trusted. I literally fucked her last night, and she LITERALLY stole my wallet. Like, how much of a whore she can be?