I'm a college professor. How do we uncuck colleges...

I'm a college professor. How do we uncuck colleges? How do we rid them from sjws and shift their focus back to education? Redpill me.

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What do you teach desu

To destroy any group or idea, become its leader and destroy it in from the top down.

If you're a college professor, either you fit in well enough to fly under the radar and you know what to do already or you are actually part of the problem looking to learn opposing strategies. Saged

A social science. Won't specify.

I don't fit well. That's the problem. But somehow I managed to get there.


Subvert them.

You'll have to start with the low dosages first. Small things. Since you cannot specify, I'll use an example. If you were straight up history, you could assure you find example of why multiculturalism is doomed to fail, such as with Austria Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rome.

We start by stopping our petty lies on the internet.

>college professor
>looks to Sup Forums to educate himself
what kind of shit college do u teach at mate

Start pushing Heterodox academy, for a start. Beleaguer the point that only intellectual diversity matters. Every other kind of diversity is shallow bullshit. Subvert them carefully. Show them how compassion and equality can be oppressive. Show them how hate and masculinity can be empowering.

By only giving loans to smart people.

Why are your colleges political battlegrounds? Is it because you pay for them and therefore are entitled to stay in them as long as you don't fuck up too hard? Because it's similar at English universities.

You get the different faculties to fight each other. There can only be one.

I can't say mate.
Sadly, Sup Forums anons are often better informed than most of my colleagues.

op is probably larping faggot, but the cult is strongest in academia. this is a generator for sever problems.

This. Sup Forumss average age of it's users is 17, we don't know how to help you OP we are millenials.

Email Dr. Peterson or something.

Why in the everliving fuck would you not specify which subject you teach?

i think 17 is gen z. we also got millenials and gen x fags, here and there a few boomers.

Ignore SJW, if they get rowdy either kick them out or tear their ass with arguments if you have that sort of knowledge.

Only give federal student loans for STEM degrees

There are plenty of studies showing that public goods provision doesn't work as well in multiethnic societies. However, my colleagues will dismiss anything that contradicts their political views.

>I'm a college professor
>demonstrates no capacity for independent research or learning
I'm convinced

I'm as old as you think. I'm 30 something. I think that qualifies me as a millennial.

Import more Indian and Chinese students.
That will fix a lot believe me

Lol. I'm not here to prove anything.

Can you elaborate on that?

27yr user here with an almost PhD in physics. Quite simply the 17yr old 4channer thing is a meme. I'm sure you're aware.

The other advice I've seen so far is nice too IMHO. Get SjW colleagues to eat each other, or yes use your private mail to contact a redpilled professor.

I like the idea of soft introduction. My first redpill came from a philosophy teacher who pulled me aside for an independent study on Plato's Meno. Something similar might work too.

Don't listen to the shitposters, READ THIS.

All you really need is to establish a very strict requirement of all arguments presented in your class to be logically sound and absolutely bulletproof. Don't let any of the students get away with presenting emotion-driven, guilt-tripping arguments or thesis. Always encourage your students to debate a lot with each other in a controlled environment, where you oversee the debate and ask sharp, specifying questions every time when one side seems to get too emotional or cucky. I repeat, DO NOT LET ANYONE GET AWAY with presenting emotional arguments with no basis in sound logic, such as

>we need to be progressive for the sake of being progressive
>gay marriage is a fundamental human right
>letting people use fascism as a synonym for authoritarianism (forgetting that communism is authoritarian too)
>america is a nation of immigrants

I am not saying that you need to convert them all to Sup Forums-tier or even conservative, obviously you can't risk your job, but PLEASE DO make them doubt some of the liberal bullshit they have been indocrinated into. Plant seeds of doubt in their minds. Good luck user!

Colleges aren't political battlegrounds here. There's no battle at all, all professors are liberals who share a.similar set of values.

(((Social science))) is hopeless

inb4 OP is actually Jordan Peterson.

Not entirely. There are still some good researchers there. A small minority for sure, but they exist.

Great advice.

> social
> science

It takes courage, stand for what is right and inspire your fellow teachers and students, get enough seeds planted and they can't stop you

Thanks for the great advice. I've been lecturing a lot. I restrict student-led debates, especially when teaching introductory courses. (My attention span is too short for the emotional arguments.)

There's no need. That shit is all contained to non-subjects like the humanities and social sciences. So let the retards have their toys.

Tell your students that Jews are behind all of the wars.

Everything you know and think, all your views, values, and opinions were influenced by the work of dead social scientists.

teach people how to debate better than this

That's not true.

How can you have gotten the qualifications to be a professor of social sciences and still be stupid enough to come to Sup Forums and use terms like "uncuck" and "sjw"?

Do you teach at a community college or something? Do they hand out PhDs to anyone willing to pay in America?

Is this shit for real?

There's a lot of demand for social science research (good research, at least). E.g., economics. I don't really relate to the 'humanities', which have become obsolete for the most part, indeed.

Are you a SJW cuck?

>humanities obsolete
go fuck yourself

>social science
I am also a college professor
choose one
You guys are worse than multi media

Your welcome. In my experience, lots of student-led debates get overwhelmingly leftist very quick, because young people are very open to emotional arguments like

>"Here on this slide you see a young refugee family starving in Syria. They are fellow human beings, just like us! We are living in a rich country, it's our responsibility as a humble human beings to help the other human beings!"

While completely ignoring the factors such as how different cultures relate to each other, and not even discussing the option of helping them without bringing them over to the west, for example.

May I ask, in which state are you teaching at?

Sup Forums is an amazing creative force on the internet. What's the problem with using their neologisms? Are you one of those who thinks education is about learning what words one should not use?

Community, city, state, private?

Sorry, it is. That's why we have the 'digital humanities' now. They are trying to catch up with big data because they understand that the humanities have become obsolete.

Uh? Are you saying that human societies can't be studied empirically?

Expel or arrest the agitators, defund Gender and Racial studies departments and stop letting Masters and PhD level students of their ilk graduate when they present ridiculous thesis/dissertations. Seriously, getting tough with these people isn't hard. Most of them are mentally ill on some level and are used to being coddled. We should have dealt with them in the 60s with force back when academia wasn't quite as pozzed as it is now.

Failing this the right should cut funding for non-research universities. Starve them out.

Im at a crossroads on what degree I want to major in.

I've been told I have good public speaking skills and am very persuasive, is it worth trying to become a teacher?

I like the idea, what degree do you major in to become a teacher or professor?

>Sociology can be studied empirically
With dating methods and archaeology, maybe
It still seems pretty hand wavy

Go ahead and ask the hard questions
But don't hate on the skeptics

>Im at a crossroads on what degree I want to major in.
>I've been told I have good public speaking skills and am very persuasive, is it worth trying to become a teacher?

Yes, definitely. You have what it takes.

>I like the idea, what degree do you major in to become a teacher or professor?

Get a PhD in something you feel passionate about.

Boys need to boycott college for a couple of years. When colleges lose the revenue from male students and donors they will have to wake up!

So you excavate some ruins, count the number of artifacts and sherds, and use radiocarbon dating (etc) to measure variation in their distribution through time. Aside from this, there isn't much archaeologists can say about past societies without relying data from contemporary humans. The use of sciency methods doesn't make something necessarily scientific.

Stop governmental support of student loans and make defaulting on them easy for students.
This will make student loans into risky investment, rather than safe long term deposit, forcing banks to give them only to students who have chance to repay them.
As result no money will be loaned to junk studies students, and without loan money junk studies departments will wither and shrink back to their natural role (containment for dumb kids with rich parents).

(continuing my own post)
+ less state expenses
+ will benefit useful students
+ purely market solution
+ no censorship, coercion, political enforcing
It's will healing cancer with herbal tea. Except it has chance to work.

This is rather genius.

Based Igor. This would probably work.

that doesn't make it 'science', genius

>be engineering student
> Post on yik yak about how art students are dumb
>this sparks a 2 week long shit posting spree from engineers making fun of art students
>art department eventually closes for a day
>yik yak was banned from campus IP

Have a chat with Jordan Peterson on Skype


>comes to hungarian elitist agriculture forum to be educated
>wont even swallow the intro pill

never post my OC ever again

he could start pushing for the multiculturism of racist israel

You dont, you convince them not to waste time and money on college.

let them fail. watch as they cry about their failure and blame everything but themselves.

No safe spaces.
Make everything open to argue.

Possibly offer counterpoints.
Never back down. Never say sorry.

And humour. SJWs hate laughter.

These kids are deliberately taught to unlearn critical thinking so I would start there. Critical thinking is an incredibly important skill not to mention a nonfashy redpill that won't throw up any red flags to sjws and will protect against 90% of their bullshit.

After that start using examples of mainstream media lies as excercises. Nothing controversial, just plant the seeds in their heads that voices of authority are lying to them.

Create new college, dont allow cuck shit. Be an example. Then create franchises.

>Do you even ancap?

haha is that a tesseract??? who the hell comes up with these?

Certainly not gypsies.

>tfw to intelligent to come up with any more

i drew the op, this one, and a few others

They don't dismiss it if you quiz them on it

>I'm a college professor.

You can always take hints from what the ancient masons did back when Christianity didn't approve of anything non-biblical being taught.

Spot the more intelligent kids, and create codes with them... They'll learn it, and will teach other smart children, until you create an effective way to undermine the SJW insanity.

If indeed you can't teach what you want- Teach something that'll form a new platform for freedom of speech.

Code language isn't gone, people just haven't felt enough oppression to utilize it once more.

Through having a counter to SJW through code language, is probably something that in the modern age, when the wrong word can lose your occupation, is needed.

You're alright in my book, Sweden.

There isn't anything you can really do about it, unless you're will to go off the grid or be arrested.

Teach about how color revolutions worked. Outside groups agitating for a coup coupled with propaganda supplied by external agencies to stir up the population and cover for the manipulation.

Underrated comment.

Private colleges being the norm, especially as the average fee gets more expensive, turn humble students into needy costumers.

Economics. Must be. Only social science worthy of the name, and hence, also, the only one where conservatives are tolerated to some extent.

To answer your question: university is already a waste of time and money for most white males. Remove the SJW's as well and you'd be left with close to zero students. The universities are not reformable.

My advice? If you have outside options in the private sector, start looking into them. Life's too short to spend any more of it dealing with SJW's than absolutely necessary, and President Trump and his successors won't be willing to throw money down this rathole forever.

And there is your issue. "Social" science. Calling it a science.... More like social pseudoscience. Admit that to yourself and your students, and we will be on the way to the uncucking...

Based leaf.

The whole system has become so infested with corruption that saving it is basically impossible. Execute all professor and major influencers espousing anti white sentiment, then burn it down and start again.

Make tenure for publicly funded colleges illegal. Force professors to compete or go away. Require high level civics and constitutional coursework.

I'm an Econ PhD student and I'm extremely glad Econ is not cucked. Our economist forum is like a smaller Sup Forums, cancerous but shows you economists are not virtue signaling cucks(for the most part). I don't have a good solution, OP, just do your job without SJW lingo and teach students that there is no one true narrative. Always two sides. Social science doesn't teach kids how to think critically anymore, and if you replicate the profs arguments in say anthro, you go far without making a cogent paragraph. Fuck social science and the brainless, emotion-driven leftists

Encourage open debate. Free speech is extremely important to crushing the sjw movement. Most sjw crash and burn under their own words and it highlights how retarded they're.

Soooo ... like Women's Studies then? I smell a rat.

Econ not cucked? LOL. They are the ones fucking us all. Economics is a pseudoscience. Sadly you're lost as you stated you're a PHD candidate. Mathematics, biology, chemistry, geology. Those are "science". Economics..... Hahahahahahah, you're so fucking cucked

The problem is that the value of being "college educated" in society is too high an unhinged from the type of education. We push the "college education" aspect. Not the quality and tangible value of the actual field of study. Listen to how the media frames a poll "x% of COLLEGE EDUCATED" meaning "if you are smart you'll think this way". When these people are voluntarily going into debt they don't comprehend while pursuing degrees in basket weaving that can't possibly pay off that debt. And people are supposed to value their opinion? It's the blind leading the blind. So we need two categories: "College educated" and "College Educated in a non Shit Field" or STEM. Then raise the social value of trade schools to save everyone from useless diploma mill liberal arts degrees that put them behind the register of Starbucks.

You have to somehow fit some kind of traditionalist ideals into your course.

Do everything in your power to make sure the students have to grasp quantitative methods in order to graduate. As a sociology major I've seen too many airheads running around who hardly passed the very superficial mandatory courses on statistics. They keep surrounding themselves with anecdotal evidence which can be used to support or debunk any viewpoint based on their existing line of thinking.
tl.dr make them do regression analysis until they cry and then continue doing it until they run out of tears

you cant , the decline has already started and cannot be stopped

I have a feeling people who say this stuff never have a course on econometrics.

Free speech + ''not an argument'' each time there's a non argument.

Should be enough

Organize a classwide redpilling exercise, similar to pic related
>these hands-on events are the lessons that people truly remember

If you can't think of a course specific one for your subject, you CAN just use a normal assignment.
However, at the end say "everyone gets the same grade today... because equality is the most important thing we can achieve right class?".
>That'll get their neurons firing.

He has nothing to do with finances. He's a professor.

Actually you're wrong. Those clases disgusted me... Detaching yourself from reality and humanity, to speculate about how things work in a bubble, is a bullshit science. It only does a disservice to... Everyone.