So when are we going to liberate Germany from oppression again?
So when are we going to liberate Germany from oppression again?
>Free speech
Choose only one
fuck this woman
How can she say that Germany has free speech with a straight face?
>have free speech
>get raped by a Muslim
>report it
>go to jail for hate speech
Just fuck you germany, seriously
Because in her eyes, "free" means everything that she agrees with.
>free speech
This. I'd even go to jail if I'd refuse to watch German state TV.
What did she mean by this?
>Germans are authoritarian faggots
No surprise there
I use to laugh at Alex Jones but he is right they invert everything.
>Censor free speech, people increasingly getting in trouble with the law for social media posts
>goyim be grateful we are defending your free speech.
Muh muh muh hate speech isn't free speech
>let Germany fall
>have excuse to firebomb Mecca
>firebomb Mecca
>occupy Germany and appoint Nigel Farage or Steve Bannon as PM of Germany
>remove kebab
>retake Constantinople
>watch kebab wither and die as they pray to a crater each day
>tell Germans to become nazis or kys
please fix your fucking country fast i swear to god i don't want to see that nation degenerate into a shithole like us
You may have problems, but at least you are still free.
Why do those faggots keep talking about multiculturalism when Merkel isn't for multiculturalism? Yes, typical American interracial nigger Christians, who want to integrate every race into population as long as they are Christian. Merkel's plan isn't multiculturalism, never was, where do those morons see any cultures? All i see is interracial.
There is no culture definition by law, there's no culture definition in practice, there is no race definition in law, there's no segregation of race, so why do those retarded Christian shits keep talking about multiculturalism?
CDU's plan is interracial for 70 years, should you open your eyes by not that Jamal is inside of you?
Free how? sure I won't get arrested for saying certain things but aside from that I don't feel terribly free. Can't even get AR-15's anymore. God bless the founding fathers, but I wish they were a lot more staunch in certain respects.
this is like a parent warning their child chained in a doghouse to be grateful he has a place to live.
ironic considering they don't
>Can't get AR-15's anymore
Move to Texas faggot.
Or just move out is Massachusetts or Commiefornia.
You had your chance, Holland, and you blew it. Your people endorse EU tyranny.
Vhat's that? You refuuse? Brb callink da german police. Can't have zat, you intolerant svine.
this kind of shit makes my blood boil and if the president said we're going to war with germany to remove merkel i'd enlist in a second.
You are part of the problem. People need to stay and fight for their rights.
The last two centuries have not been kind to Deutschland. What did you all do to deserve this?
Shit like this is why I'm so glad I'm from the United States, you all can shit on us as much as you'd like but we for the most part will and always have free speech all of Europe is fucked.
Wew, never heard about this, i'll read it this weekend. Sounds like something people should know about
Spread it, while you still can!
germany is a mess
freespeech my ass
>You peasants better be grateful that you get to lick the grease off my fat fingers, or else I will lock you in the hot box.
Fuck Merkel, and fuck mass immigration.
We're not grateful to have free speech we simply demand it. It's the people that have the power, not the politicians. And they'd probably better of realizing that sooner than later.
But why do people even vote for these idiots? You are putting them into office not they themselves.
Yeah i will, i guess i have to create an anti merkel website to expose her.she goes full marxism
I read the Breitbart comment section to get all my news about Germany, thanks to the Breitbart comment section I now know all German women are whores who enjoy getting raped by Arabs, because German men are cucks.
They say the same about my country. Ignore the trolls.
I wish you were joking.
t. turk
>Free speech in Europe
Nice meme.
Mein Opas hattten beide den großen Ariernachweiß. Ebenso meine beiden Omas. Als guter Arier war ich fleißig in der Schule, in der Schule habe ich gelernt das ich Deutschland hassen muss, und immer auf den Boden schauen muss wenn Frauen mit mir sprechen.
Ich weiß gar nicht ist es denn wirklich so schlimm das die Musel die deutschen Frauen vergewaltigen wenn es den deutschen Frauen gefällt und deutsche Männer keine Vergewaltiger mehr sind wegen jüdischer Erziehung?
So bleibt wenigsten die Hälfte des arischen genetischen Materials übrig, ich mein wenn die deutschen Männer mehr seien könnten wie die Rapefugees hätten wir ja nicht das Problem mit der Geburtenrate.
You guys just had an opportunity to elect Wilders.
>Women are naturally globalist, because they like to create conflicts within a tribe, as it gives them an easy way to select the strongest mate (whoever wins the war).
>Beta males are also naturally globalist, as alphas on their side are the main obstacle of their breeding. Hence, they subconsciously take the side of anything that threatens the alphas.
It's mostly the women, though, fucking things up.
>Can't even get AR-15's anymore
I'm from CA, and I'm building one right now. The new laws were easily circumvented. Most websites sell those little shrouds you can bolt over the pistol grip to make them compliant. If shit hits the fan, or you move to a free state, you can just take it off.
It's Wilders' fault he didn't campaign hard enough, he always chokes and he doesn't have much policies that people want. Most people that don't live near Turkroaches want more than just the kebab-removal. They want lower taxes, better schools, infrastructure, safety,etc.
no Western country has free speech. Except Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. That's because they're the least anti-catholic
God damnit, Europe. We're gonna have to go to war AGAIN to try and sort your shit out for you, aren't we?
What about Poland?
I actually understand this "non-Catholic = cucked" meme more and more.
We can blame jews in public without consequences, I'm fine with that.
This is out countrys stance on free speech.
>free speech
top jew
My little brother showed me a video of a woman who didn't pay the GEZ bill. After 5 minutes of arguing those police men broke down the door and handcuffed the woman and the one who filmed this incident.
I was shaking internally.
>can't deny holocaust
>can't insult Islam
>can't even cite crime statistics
>"free speech"
>17,50 EUR has been drawn from your banking account
>Your people endorse EU tyranny.
And yours enable Jewish tyranny just like us.
Do you have to pay that as well if you don't have TV in your house?
You forgot the US buddy unless you meant European and not Western.
Everyone has. Even Christians who never watch this propaganda bullshit, even blind and deaf.
Top lel. We have the same thing in Poland but no one is paying this shit even if it's compulsory :^)
It's because you are effectively Russia. Nobody gives af. Here it is different: corrupted pedo-judges will sent you to jail
Wew, really activated my almonds. Uprising against leftist filth when? Is there any chance in nearest future that your people will finally wake up?
fixed it
,50 EUR has been drawn from your banking account
be smart
don't give them allowance over your bank account
send them monies from different bank accounts
call the transaction "Reichspropagandasteuer"
Polizei, verhaftet diesen mann! Er ist ein Rechtspopulist!
forgot the most important thing:
don't add the silly number to the transaction
instead write "user, Anonstreet 34, user-City"
That way the fucks have to at the very least work for it, can't put you in jail either.
is that supposed to be "Shut it down!"?
Because... no.
...For now
this makes me a bit salty
>Do you have to pay that as well if you don't have TV in your house?
not only this, but you even have to pay twice in case you own 2 houses.
And when you live alone, you have to pay the same amount as a family of 10.
And your employer has to pay for this shit too (although that makes literally no sense).
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old kraut?
Please send help and vla, I can only lead a bloody revolt when I am not hungry.
>be german
>have free speech
>can't be anti immigration, pro Trump or anti EU because its racist
can't also say the truth about the Holohoax.
How can you say anything about thing that never happened?
Ferkel, you´re almost the only one who can say whatever he or she wants here. And mostly it´s bullshit.
We really need someone who cleans up this mess.
>How can you say anything about thing that never happened? would be in prison already now.
best reference.
add a caption and try to get the faces joking though, and your golden.
>with a straight face
its frozen like that since 2001
she can say whatever she wants without changing it
>I now know all German women are whores who enjoy getting raped by Arabs, because German men are cucks
At least you know the harsh truth now Hans. The redpill is always bitter.
That's an insult to uncle Adolf desu
>We really need someone who cleans up this mess.
Luckily Merkel will soon be removed from power.
Oh fuck off already.
At least read up on real marriage statistics in Germany you smelly Jew. All you have is memes you impoverished farmer's child.
Someone better assasinate him QUICK
Hurry up with hitler 2.0 already germany. There's a Wiemar republic right there for overthrowing.
Boy do I hate niggers
>Free speech
Homeschooling is illegal there because you have to be indoctrinated with German guilt.
>der einzigste grund, schwarz zu wählen
Consider my jimmies rustled
>free speech
>facebook """"""racism"""""" squad
> Germany
> free speech
pic related.
Not like this.
putting it this gay it´s pretty fucked up
Are those posters displayed for public viewing Hans ?
>15th January
freedom of speech != freedom to insult
After some research I found out that these were apperently put up for a time but then taken down because of an outrage about muh racism.
It's doubly stupid.
Do you actually go to jail for not paying GEZ? I thought you'd just be fined
Jesus. How's the interracial relationship there, is it up to 50% already?
rough translation:
our censor politics are in no way aimed against freedom of speech but rather serve to bring up the citizens to project their thoughts in the way of governmental guidelines
t. maasmännchen
>We have so much free speech
>There are things that are so true that u go to jail for questioning ist
Hitler wouldn't stand for this bullshit.