(((Sup Forums/-related))) orthodox Jew AMA
(((Sup Forums/-related))) orthodox Jew AMA
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Your opinion on
Both of them are shitty countries with shitty people
Deep down you know he's right.
what did you dress up as for purim?
Would you please kill yourself?
Why do you want to bring down white countries by bringing in shitskins?
When will you jump into an oven?
Do you think Hitler was at least an OK guy, in terms of getting shit done? Bias because Jew aside.
what do orthodox jews think of the roman catholic church
just told my jew my mom, 6 million didnt die and they should all be gassed
Gas yourself
He kept shoving his nose in strategies his generals were working on and continuously fucked over his own people
What are your honest opinions about circumcision? Are you against it, or for it?
Are you circumcised, and does it feel any different when attempting to masturbate?
also gas yourself desu baka smd
milk and chicken- allowed or not allow?
who's your richest/most famous irl jewfriend?
6 million chemical weapons
Bunch of idiot Goyim being idiot Goyim whilst chasing everyone around
Have you ever intentionally used a goy and do you think it was right to do so....
fun to say now but our 80-100 yrs in one place is almost up..
>mfw Israel is secretly under roman catholic control
Why Mathias Rex do you start this and bugger off
I dressed Chassideshe and wore a talis katen on the outside of my clothes
no he was a MK mind controlled faggot
Catholics are our friends
Youre right, your mom is a cuck
Circumcsion is beloved by G-d
Yes I am circumcised. It makes masturbating difficult but I last longer when having sex.
Assur (Forbidden to Jews)
I dont have friends with money
I dont think so, if I did, it was a sin
Im back. sorry Im writing my personality mid-term case study on CWC
less radical Sup Forumstard here. what do you think of Pinochet?
on a scale of 1 to Yemenite how sandnigger are you?
and milk and BEEF is forbidden, chicken is a point of contention. and "doing extra" is nice but not technically a miztvah.
If you have sex you are married, a Rabbi? Or you have a beshert?
Do you stay off social media during passover and do you fast during that time?
Bad boi Mathias Rex
What's your thoughts on politics?
Circumcission is banned for goy, because it is body mutilation stop encouraging it
giving men erectile dysfunction
by the way, if you wear a condom for a week, your penus becomes sensitive again
Looks like a try-hard
We dont pasken according to Rabbi Yose Ha"galili, you heretic
Not married, I have assur sex cause I hate my life
I dont use electricity on Shabbat and Yom Tov so no internet
Political "correctness" and reddit are cancer
my family is from Iran
oh neat you know any good jewkinos?
Don't hate your life it's the only one you have I'm old I know what I'm talking about
Thank you, Ill remember that
I hope so Matty
>forgetting about the gilgul
We are not our gilgulim (This I heard in a shiyur from R' Zechariah Wallerstein)...the proof is that there are sources that say Avraham and Yaakov were gilgulim of Adam Ha'Rishon, and I heard another thing that all Jews are gilgulim of Avraham.....so yeah its a fail to say we believe in "reincarnation" because that is a dumbing down of the Kabbalistic concept of Gilgulei ha'neshamot
Oh I looked it up reincarnation I'm not sure sounds good but I don't know....I hope really