BOLO!!!! I have heard from autists on Twitter that HWNDU maybe moving down under. Plz Aussies keep your ear to the ground and watch celebrity news if Shia is seen around there. We must make it 4-0
Aussie Autist
Will do!
I'm totally going to flash my cock on the HWNDU stream if it's in Canberra
Also I will spray paint that screen solid, just pour some super glue on it and then paint it
We will find it where ever it goes!
Probably going to be in either Melbourne or Sydney.
Hes going to need a good internet connection so that's my guess too
Oh man. I hope he comes to Perth
Autism isn't a condition, it's a way of life.
If its in Melbourne its an automatic Shia win.
Melbourne actually had anti-Trump protests.
I'll buy a plane ticket just to set up a barbie in front of the stream.
Free bangers for anyone who shows up in a MAGA hat.
I don't think so, that hole is too down under.
When we are done with Shia he is going to broken
He cant protect it all the time
Is this the aus/pol/ threads for tonight lads?
>a foreign president will not divide us
i honestly doubt it. then again, members of socialist alliance would be stupid enough to chant that shit all day
also can someone make an aus/pol/ thread
nah m8 - I'm deep undercover: I got cuckborne covered. I'll take care of it if it is here
>Laboof can't divide usa
Plan B: divide usa/aus
Blame Trump
I am ususally a lurker but this came across me on twitter so I had to get the word out
Why do people think it's in Australia?
Melbourne is possibly the worst place it could come to ... .for Shia.
Any thread's an Aus/pol/ thread when if you shitpost enough
I can post the tweet I ran across. I will dox myself @TheGhostOfPutin because its just my parody account. See the retweet I did.
I refuse.
We give it power by giving it attention.
>parody account
>dox myself
fucking hell you poofter, could you be any more reddit?
thoughts on weatherills shot at the (((energy minister)))?
I don't make too many posts
Your 'parody' account is low-effort, low-humour faggot shit.
I don't give a fuck you faggot! Its makes me happy
>How will we stop people shitposting on our dumb stream
>I know Billy Bob let's move the stream to the shitpost capital of the world
American "logic"
Don't give a fuck m8. I'm just sick and tired of us not having a charismatic far right leader
Sup Forums is kind of a big deal here, I recently saw some schoolkid lurking on Sup Forums on his ipad when I was on the bus. I wasn't shocked (Melbourne).
His state is literally falling apart and he has the gall to act smug for the cameras. Labor's new "stick it to the man" schtick is really pathetic.
That said, resident jew Frydenberg whilst I don't even really hate him was tearing up because he was caught offguard, not a good look.
I got it covered.
Hoping it comes to Canberra desu, would def consider taking a road trip down under for it
You see if he does move down there I bet a leader can emerge from you cunts. Until then you are stuck with Ozzyman reviews
Mate, that IPAberal scum Frydenberg got brutally savaged. That was not just a "gotcha" moment, that was a fucking curb-stomping.
Your loss. I love seeing a grown man cry.
>His state is literally falling apart
Looks fine from my window. Been here for decades and these blackouts are really just, normal. It's happening to the inner city poofs and that's the only new thing.
M8, Don't do this. Don't ruin the live stream
I believe the camera lens is behind an easily replaceable plastic shield for this exact reason
even leftists here would troll it because none of us can resist a chance to trigger a seppo
If it's in Radeladie, he's done for
I've got Brisbane covered if it ends up here
No worries mate.
I live rural NSW so I'll keep an eye out on an autist fucking around.
Fucking normies...
Hobart = vagina of australia
perth = butthole of australia
Sydney here, most likely if its coming here it'll be in Melbourne, will take a road-trip with the boys and make Sup Forums proud.
I read "falling apart" as more of a reference to SA's failing economy than its watermelon energy policy desu
cunt's playing with fire but it distracts the leftists for a few days as they screech about "victory" for their watermelon energy policy before they join the US in handing elon musk billions in grants to keep his melon-baiting businesses afloat
I am heading out but hopefully you will make the score 4-0 if he moves it down there. The power of Autism compels us all. Good Luck #DingoTwitter
Don't be a cunt, mate. I'll be seeing you there if it is in Canberra though.
>he doesn't know how to damage a plastic shield
Lads whats the aussie facebook meme page run by therightstuff?
I'll fly down just to join in with yous mob
I'm planning to offer Shia some space on my rural property once he shows up. The only people who will know its there will be the emus and they're on my side this time.
Why would HWNDU be in Australia? Trump isn't the prime minister of Cuckstralia in the first place.
We have some loud lefties but I'd wager that on average Aussies are more conservative than Americans and 80% of us don't care about Trump, the other 20% love him.
shia for cairns!
I'd spread my mystery goo for shia
There's no way we're more conservative than Americans, more (((racist))) perhaps, but not more conservative.
Hahahahahaha. The flag wouldn't last being hoisted up. If it's in the city it'd be found straight away. In the country some Abbo will take it for toilet paper
Australia = "Arse end of the world"
>easily replaceable
I'll be in Canberra in a few weeks hopefully it habbens then.
Have to disagree. I've lived in America or ten years and am Australian. They're way more conservative there (around gun rights, abortion, religious rights, etc.). About 80 percent of Australians hate Trump and think he's an embarrassment. Maybe two to five percent support him. The rest don't care. Australia loves a high minimum wage, national health coverage, gun restrictions, strict road rules, immunizations for all kids, and protection for native animals and birds. Australia is way more left than America.
ya think m8? If that were so we would have our own Trump and not all those cucks we have now. Cuckstralia is just warm Canada.
More racist- yes
More conservative - fuck no
I honestly don't care. I'd still love you guys if you were nuts while you were crazy.
I can't wait to see what y'all put together.
the dickhead just had a hissyfit. If he cant stand the heat he should get out the kitchen, the simple fact of the matter is he and his energy minister cocked up 'bigly'.
Also, this was just posted by Mark McGowan on facebook:
"I always said that from Day 1 of a Government I lead that we'll put WA jobs first.
And I'm keeping my word.
I've just sent Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull a letter requesting that Perth is immediately removed from the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme, and have given notice that we've started reviewing the West Australian Skilled Migration Occupation List."
A-are we actually going to be okay perth fags? looks like Marky is getting rid of the immigrants, maybe he's actually /ourguy/?
>two to five percent
maybe in the cuck capitals
Which is where almost all Australians live, since it's the most urbanized society in the whole fucking world that isn't a city state (like Singapore or Monaco or Hong Kong). Almost no one lives in rural Australia.
Tfw Perth is further north than both Sydney and Melbourne
Why are we incapable of running a consistent general lads?
>Why are we incapable of running a consistent general lads?
And no one will move out to rural Australia either, it's too harsh, no jobs, full of old cunts. I'm going bush when I get the chance, in my ute, finding the flag :D
Alright bois its time to go on a mission, and its gonna be fucking skitz, who's in?
I grew up in remote rural Australia and it fucking sucked. More people killed themselves than you can shake a stick at. Drugs, booze, violence, teen pregnancy, abuse, and welfare dependency. And those were the nice people in town. Rural Australia is depopulating and soon there will be almost no one in the remote areas. Sucks to be stuck there still.
Labor going back to their roots? Colour me surprised.
Let's dress up as emus and attack him
The fuck is this shit mate.
SE QLD reporting in
/qanda/ chav chick came back m8
Fuck off am I gonna find links no one gives a fuck abotu
It'd be cool to kidnap the web cam and take it on a Alby Mangles road trip around Australia. Telstra 4g dongles should provide a fair stable and strong connection, even in far away places.
We can take it on a pub crawl, point it at random flags and hot women, and then post it on to our brothers around the world. Man that cam is going to have the best working holiday in Australia everr
True that when you're young, I'm sick of the bs and drama of the city now that I'm an old fag so I just want to buy a farm, build a dirt bike jump and grow a mullet.
If Shia puts the flag in remote Australia it will never be found.
If it is found the cunt who finds it will kill himself from depression before he does anything.
helo australians i was told in another thread that if an australian woman sees my circumcised weewee she will laugh.
but will the relations cease? thanks
If he goes to sydney I'll be there.
I'll throw eggs at the cunt.
yeah, you're fucked. Keep your mutilated wiener to Amerifats who can't see it under your collective guts as it goes inside the slophole.
calling it now
I'll fly down and back you up. We'll be modern day ANZACs fighting the enemy from the trenches.
There is an army base within an hours drive of every city in Australia.
Each base is full of soldiers who shitpost all day and have nothing but time and tactics.
Don't worry we got this.
OP here ok people say they have seen Shia at museums in Aus. TRS may have some more info
It's funny because it's true.
Although most of the military men I've met Have been brick-head, violence mongering dipshits.
I hope it comes to my shithole town. Mostly cause the abos will mob it
Go to the abandon factory warehouses near sydney central station, Tell them Shia is coming to town and is giving away heaps of money to the homeless where he's doing his live stream.
Watch from a distance as abo's beat the shit out of him for not giving them a dollar for the bus.
What if he has a brain and puts it inside??
Thats a brilliant idea. Move it to the greatest corner of the world, known for goons, shitposters, druggos, abbos and autistralians. Wonderful. Please do.