Redpill me, whats actually wrong with israel?
Redpill me, whats actually wrong with israel?
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They are the only non-Sharia city state in the area.
Youve been milking the west for gibs for 70 years. Germany even still pays you compensation money for WWII
>Redpill me, whats actually wrong with israel?
They can't even afford their own military.
Saged, Sup Forums topic.
apart from being full of jews and being on land they were consistently kicked out of for thousands of years with good reason?
can;tthink of any
i-iit's okay senpai we deserve it. please don't be mad at us anymore isreal-san.
you're occupying Palestinian land
get out
It exist
Milking the western world especially Germany (Merkel is weak af) and spending this money that is ment as an "excuse for our terrible actions" in slaughtering Muslims, taking their land. Morals 404
The State is intentionally ushering in the apocalypse.
There's a few dudes that are trying to summon extra-dimensional deities by subverting the world to their whim.
Not politics tho.
Redline is a great anime.
i hate to be that guy but the jap audio sounded way better
I couldn't find the clip with the original VA unfortunately.
Redline clips are sparse in jewtube because they are removed so quickly due to copyright claims.
Actually agree
The only ones being mad, are the greedy assholes.
The past is done, I prefer it if Israel began to actually be self-sustainable.
Maybe it will make people actually give a crap about things, and start being a nation instead of "America, but for Jews".
it's not brown enough
It does not kill enough mudslimes and libtards
T. Kike shill
nothing. Sup Forums is just resistant to change and it used to have a lot of stormfags who hate israel so it became the norm to just hate israel even though now basically 99% of Sup Forums does it ironically.
T. Achmed
Israel is a Jewish ethnostate. Their diaspora is full of leftists trying to make sure no other country is an ethnostate. They peddle multiculturalism and ruin cultures.
Israel is an example to the west. Apart of being based af, Israel is all full of tech companies and well trained population. 10/10 country if you forget about all the crazy orthodox people.
inadequate gas-line infrastructure
its pretty good
Israel is a shit show.
It's not about what uou know but who.
Most Israelis are fucking stupid and function with a negative balance. Streets are filthy.
Impossible to marry someone of a different faith or marry at all in some cases (not even talking about gay marriage here).
Israel claims to be a victim but almost always demands USD and help from the USA then bitches about the goyim.
Russians move in for a better life and the natives are fucked because israel has no infastructure to help their own. Lotsa private schools.
Sex trafficking
Lone soldiers living in squalor
Cockroaches, the non biped types
Filthy people
I learned to hate people in Israel. Being a kind and helpful person is not a virtue there. It makes you a "frier" or basically "sucker."
No shit, Israel is so fucked up EVERYTIME i go there within 100ft of departing the plane i get "eeehhh your passport" by security. Only when i bitch, non compliance is a sign of israeli behavior, to i get anywhere.
No shit NONCOMPLIANCE is a virtue. "Yes ma'am" or sir, etc makes you look like a terrorist in their eyes.
There is some good there. Kind Druze, some Jews, some goyim, but the tribal nature of most is off putting
What I didn't like changed was the scene were machine head enters the bar. In the jap he seems just a bit annoyed and tries going around the crying guy before the crying guy snaps and attacks him.
In the English dub he talks a bunch of shit at the crying guy and its made to look like he is provoked into attacking him.
Top kek my Jewish allies.
STFU ABOUT israel having a great army. They're fighting savages. It's a second world army with 1st world tech, fighting 3rd world armies with 2nd world tech.
And the discipline in the IDF? A fucking joke. There are good people in Israel, but the whole tech and start up world as well as politics is full of shekelsteins who give no fuck whatsoever.
That said, the Jews who are awake want to GTFO of Israel.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was posted from a beit chayal, that's how fucked i think Israel is.
it's very existence, that's what's wrong with it
oh.. and not multicultural enough, you need more niggers and sandpeople and gender confused people too
came here because of this