Redpill me on this shit
Redpill me on this
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Because scientist didn't want to waste time on calculating everything by hand they employed some niggers to do it while they did the actual work
They were basicly glorified calculators
They were secretaries and one of them was actually white.
Jews made up some BS to push the le strong black woman agenda.
"All scientists would have died if we didnt make them food.We deserve the most credit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
They were given math work like in school and were made obsolete by calculators
Maybe they should make a movie singing the praises of the under-appreciated work of Texas Instruments next
>made obsolete by calculators
If you actually watched the movie, they learnt how to code and program the calculators, they adapted and did not become obsolete.
It's a bunch of BULLSHIT
>Redpill me on this shit
Liberal push to get blacks into STEM before they have to really change it to STEA(rts)M for the sake of social equality.
Basically, they're praying for another Black Science Man (pic related) to influence kids to get off their asses and at least do somewhat good in school.
Because black females have the highest rate of getting degrees (albeit shitty ones), I suppose they're fishing in those waters for a prodigy that they can use after pic related retires.
Doesn't really matter how hard they push education on blacks though because we're wayyyyyyyy past the assimilation quota of individuals required in a society for a demographic to successfully integrate.
They made their hoods, they're literally fucked now from associating among each other.
Human computers were using calculators to solve equations. e.g. computers during WWII to compute firing tables for artillery
The ENIAC was developed as the first* electronic, programmable computer to replace these computers. While most human computers became antiquitated, these particular women were legitimate scientists with degrees who would learn programming and some even went on to work with the ENIAC or other electronic computing projects as programmers.
The problem with this story is though that these women weren't unnecessarily discriminated against. They were given fucking scholarships to attend University as women. Competent women could attain the same positions as men and they did as computers became more commonplace. The reason why women were primarily human computers wasn't because of sexism, it was because most able-bodied men were out in the fucking war. The problem with these kinds of movies is that it implies these cases of "proud black people accomplishing something" are hidden by society when in reality they just weren't that exceptional.
I think NASA had 608 IBM programmers working on just one computing system for project Mercury. There are hundreds of white people who contributed to the space program without their story ever being told yet these Hollywood shit has to pretend like it was some combined, diverse effort. No.
Modern media is all about representing the world literally as opposite from reality as they can. In media, blacks have to be scientists or loyal fathers and women have to be strong and independent. When history is brought up, it's everyone but whites who are the contributors apparently.
Did you actually see the movie?
Counter Currents is great.
Oh and btw
I recently wrote an essay on the history of electronic computers and when trying to research human computers all I got was this social justice SHIT.
It pissed me off when they articles about how it was sexism that caused women to primarily be human computers. It's like this because all the men were fucking conscripted and these human calculation positions went to low-tier mathemticians.
I wonder privileged the young boys getting shelled in fucking France felt compared to those oppressed women who had to operate calculators all day.
Wasn't it only one woman and she was a quadroon?
>In media, blacks have to be scientists or loyal fathers and women have to be strong and independent.
It's because we're trying to give them role models so that they can do something with their lives instead of have 20 kids for welfare gains or sell some crack for a quick buck then get booked and locked up.
The problem with blacks is that they blame everyone else for their own shortcomings. Were they slaves? Yeah. But wasn't every other fucking civilization enslaved at some point? See, that's what they don't understand. They got the short end of the stick 200 years ago, now they're trying to make us pay for their shortcomings. Fuck em. We've been playing nice long enough. You can only bite the hand that feeds you so many times before its time to put down Lassie.
That's the whole modus operandi of liberals - try to elevate inferior races to at least decent level, while silencing whites, because they may discourage others from trying to succeed - "haha that nigger is trying too hard".
But shit doesn't work that way - It may work with poorer whites, where you can count on fair amount of intellectual people being held down poverty or low culture. But of your genetical basis is shitty, violent and low iq - it's pointless.
Young blacks are more interested in the monkey music videos with some black shaking dollar bills in front of a sports car and girls shaking their asses.
Blacks need parents, not movies made for parents they don't have.
Where are the Asians you racist fucks?
I don't need to see the movie to know it has agenda, and is clearly leftist propaganda from (((Hollywood)))
Movie takes place 15 years after you got nuked.
One of these women has a penis.
>Hollywood pushing bluepill faggoty as usual.
You couldn't work this out on your own?
I agree, if i do not see at least one asian. Then we can confirm that the movie is fake and gay.