>Fight like a girl
>Throw like a girl
>Run like a girl
>don't you?
>Fight like a girl
>Throw like a girl
>Run like a girl
>don't you?
Why do you give a shit?
Literally who cares?
Hahahaha, nice one Australia as always.
I'm impressed how (((THEY))) keep finding ways to destroy everything I love and care about. I really can't feel any negative emotions from watching that.
Are you seriously patting yourself on the back?
So brave! I'm literally crying tears of happiness right now.
Mexican girls BTFO the cis gendered racist Drumpf voters.
>keep finding ways to destroy everything I love and care about
So you cared about the Transformers movies up til now? Are you retarded? It was shit to begin with.
In the first trailer I saw a Swastika. I wonder how the Autobots will btfo those evil nazis.
>>Fight like a girl
>>Throw like a girl
>>Run like a girl
Yea, we have that commercial too
La Migra autobots when!????
Logan did the tough little girl thing better
>samefagger doesn't even know about ID's
consider suicide reddo
Almost all those kids in this movie are going to get deported.
>screenplay written by ((((((Akiva Goldsman Rothenberg))))))
I was wondering when they'd bring Shia back.
These things that (((hollywood))) produces nowadays, they...
They don't represent any ancient collective archetype, that's why they seem devoided of soul, devoided of meaning.
People leaving the theater after having seen one these things have already forgotten it.
was this movie filmed in australia by chance?
Logos ain't free. The fields of the collective myth gotta be litterd with the blood of post-modernists. Ontario Human Rights Council AKA Kangaroo Court is NOT my moral authority. It is a nihilist council and probably totalitarian as well. Jung and Nietzsche not Derrida and Deleuze, okay? That's that.
why di boi rtalk to himself
ooh it's a mexican...
on the pic of another tread about this she looks like a paki girl plucked from a poppie field or something..
transformers in mexico now?
who plays the wall bot?
>A lowly shitposter discoverers IDs