Non-anglos: give me one good reason why anglos shouldn't get together and colonize the whole non-anglo world and make you our slaves?
Non-anglos: give me one good reason why anglos shouldn't get together and colonize the whole non-anglo world and make...
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you already have
Why shouldn't we do it again and this time make it permanent? It's the nature of the anglo to rule the world. With the empire gone, this void has been taken over by Jews.
I have no objections. Do it.
>US of A
>56% white
i'd appreciate that, but if you fuck up again there won't be another chance
Because you are all sandnigger cucked colonies full of SJW bullshit that cannot even control migration to their countries or the rape and terrorism is causing.
We gave you everything cool about your culture and you had nothing to give back lol
Because you've already been colonised by Africans, Muslims, Asians and Hispanics.
Tell ya what, if you let America have Canada and your Carribbean holdings, we'll help you conquer Europe. Australia can take Indonesia up through Asia.
Your food sucks and I don't want it
One NoPooInTheLoo country in the world is not enough for you faggot? You brits already disgraced the human race with fucking up India. do you want to turn the rest of the world into more of 'em?
The French are worse than Brownies leaf.
>colonize the world
>thus become the colony of your former colonies governed by jewish oligarchs
How can anglo gois even compete?
What's the one on the right?
The Quebecois are not 'French' my 56% burger.
Slavery is wrong
New Zealand
>not an arguemrnt
>You will never fight the Zulus
reminder to all australians that turnbull will probably start a republic referendum between now and the next federal elections
do not let Turnbull win, vote pro-monarchy
No, Australia has to be republic eventually, monarchy members will be beheaded in Place de la Concorde. ;)
t. Chang
How about we focus on cleaning up what we already have before acquiring more shit?
Everywhere is rightful clay
Portugal can come too.
Because your masters don't care what color the slaves are. You're delusional thinking you're in control.
Is there any actual argument as to why all our laws have to be approved by the fucking BRITISH QUEEN's delegate before they are enacted
Fuck em
arguement ( )
not an arguement (x)
Who's the elf?
Honestly if we were to do it again we need to go the Aus/US route of decimating local population or you will end up with another Angola,Mozambique,Rhodesia,SA etc situation. Modern multicult problems exist because of the british empire. The majority of Indians in the UK were oroginally brought there after Kenya gained independence and immediately kicked out any non monkeys.
Just remember finish the fucking job this time or Pic related is what awaits.
How do anglos view the dutch? Arent we like nordic + celtic + germanic?
youre pretty honourable, almost if not on par with anglos
what about SA?
You're dutch diaspora.
very good
fuck off with this meme. they're just as much kraut, polish and nordcuck, as much as anglo.
Also, we wouldn't want them in a union as their country if filled with spics, niggers, SJWs and coalburners. Fuck having them integrate to white countries.
>When your are white, but a anglo.
Why keep living?
Dont they got mostly a shit ton of Irish? as far as i know Massacheusets is fucked with Irish diaspora. Michigan has alot of Dutch i think.
Brudi dont.
No Ireland?
yeah but we cant get a commonwealth or union with just those states, thats why the US cannot be considered anglo
there there kiwibro
*pats you on back*
Accurate version
New Zealand. Kiwis.
Hey nice!
You'll catch cuckery from Britain and Canada. Australia and the US are the only respectable anglo countries and the US has so many kikes and niggers they're constantly dangling over the abyss.
Why not add the commonwealth countries to that map? They speak Angleish too. In for a penny in for a pound.
If only Zealandia hadn't sunk into the fucking ocean you cuntts would't be so nonchalant about us
first remove all the niggers/muslims from your own countries
also this
Not a word
The US is about as Anglo as South Africa at this point.
if the sea levels lowered then every country is gonna get more land, PNG would be a lot easier to annex
I saw that video in my feed and i was just fucking like
"Oh boy that video is gonna stroke all the fucking Kiwi's egos and make them full of themselves"
How do Anglos feel about becoming Muslim majority countries?
Is someone stopping you?
The US have more German ancestry in their blood than English.
it was the same when they made the one about Australia never being colonised
"wow so youre saying abos would be the same now like they were 200 years ago? thats racist dude"
Still culturally Anglo plus most German,Irish etc Americans have Anglo blood
Nice Digits.
>Facts are racist now
I mean they've been there for 40,000 years and they've literally been the fucking same since they still used sticks and grass huts. Zero Technological Advancement.
What difference is 200 years gonna make?? Nothing.
So the plague of feminazi and LGBT could spread further? HELL NO, WE NUKE YOU!
How it really is.
New Zealand has won 2 more world wars than you
Krauts are weak
..which comes from 'culturemixing' (lmao).
But then, the US should worry more about the hispanics which are about to take over.
>Under Jew Control
It upsets me to see the state of you guys and new Zealand now. I know we dropped the ball after world war one, and we're not much now, but even 30 years ago, kiwis/ozzies would describe themselves as British. I'm not saying you can't have your own identity, but they should be able to co-exist. Republicanism is SNP nationalism tier, wanting to forget your history to become another generic liberal democracy. ;_;
T. Not even a little Englander 2bh
Are there any Irish people left in Ireland?
Yeah, the potatos.
whew lads, top tier banter
What fucking race are the Irish. Honestly i find most Irish people incredibly ugly.
fuck off pasta ireland
The Irish are mix of the native basque settlers, Danish and Norwegian vikings, Norman and Anglo invaders. Thank you for your question polder friend, hope the sea comes in to swallow you soon.
I prefer being colonised by Barbosas and Luigis and Pierres than by anglos
So basically cuckoo island.
>Implying we wont use the flooding to expand our territory like we keep doing. Plus our dams are so good we got 3 days time to evacuate when the floods come. What will save you from a potato famine though?
>So basically cuckoo island.
Life is good here on cuckoo island mate, you should visit sometime.
>What will save you from a potato famine though?
Probably all the other food that's being farmed, produced, harvested and imported here.
Good luck with your dams bro, I unironically admire the engineering feats behind them.
>I like your dams.
Thanks mate, Its one of our current day prides.
Its a shame this country has lost most of its identity though something the Irish do have. Also my opinion on most Irish wasnt a personal attack but just an observation. The skull shape of many irish males is quite diffrent from Anglo's and often they have bushy eyebrows. But ofcourse not everyone is like that. Plus i envy your nature. Imagine living in a small overpopulated country that once had dence forests and swamps and now barely has none.
You're missing the prime points, MATE.
Anglos founded the US and have been the majority of the population for the majority of the countrys existence.
Anglos have run the government and been the main figureheads for the majority of the countrys existence.
The population has been immigrants and colonists of Anglo origin for the majority of the countrys existence.
We've only been dealing with this forced multicultural shit for like 3 fucking generations and nobody here likes it at all. I know several government workers that have quit because of the horrendous shit our last few presidents made possible with the social health system.
(((They))) worked disturbingly fast in destroying the family unit.
That's America's biggest fucking problem right now. A functioning happy family is a foreign fucking concept and downright frowned upon.
It happened so fast.
My God I don't know how to fix my country. Please forgive me.
>The skull shape of many irish males is quite diffrent from Anglo's and often they have bushy eyebrows
All people of the British Isles or whatever the fuck you want to call them are all more or less from the same stock. English, Irish , Scottish, Welsh - all are the same.There are no real differences so I dont know what you're on about. I can accept alot of us are just ugly here though, compared to the continental standards at least. Thats what happens when you're isolated from the gene pools.
> this country has lost most of its identity though something the Irish do have
Consider yourself lucky in some regards. Today is the international day of cringe for many of us here. Not because of plastic paddies but because of hyper knee-jerking natives that point out any discrepancies or appropriations in our "culture".
> Imagine living in a small overpopulated country that once had dence forests and swamps and now barely has none.
At least you're doing something about it. Your people have a purpose and cause to rally behind. You're doing something that nations havnt done before at your level, and something many wouldnt be able to achieve because they dont have your ingenuity. You're doing well with what you have. Thats what counts. Also you're BTFOing Turks lately. Be proud.
English basically is the international second language.
> English, Irish , Scottish, Welsh - all are the same.There are no real differences so I dont know what you're on about.
Not mocking you but that facial structure on the left side is what i mean. Perhaps its just related to those kind of Irish i really dont know.
>Consider yourself lucky in some regards. Today is the international day of cringe for many of us here. Not because of plastic paddies but because of hyper knee-jerking natives that point out any discrepancies or appropriations in our "culture".
Sounds not super bad but it makes defending your country easier in terms of SJW bashing us for having none. (Even our Argentenian slut queen said so)
>You're doing well with what you have. Thats what counts. Also you're BTFOing Turks lately. Be proud.
Well yeah im happy with that but at the same time we're just getting bullied by Turk niggers. Also Turk niggers got Denk into the parlament with 3 seats. Im really not happy with that. Also Groenlinks wich is a huge party led by a lying Marrocan.
Otherwise we're going the right way. Our country just needs to stop fucking itself in the ass with migrant cock. Our elderly are literally getting starved in the care homes for old people
Because you simply cant
Brudi what will you do when kike schulz is elected. I like Deutschland and my waifu is german fuck we do?
>Not mocking you
Sure you're not. If you believe that 18th century meme I don't hold much confidence in your power of reasoning. If you're stating it based on your own observations you're just looking at the wrong people... For fuck sake man we're Europeans, not Africans.
You may also notice its referring to Irish as Iberians. Brits, though they loathe to admit - are of Iberian stock themselves, and are Anglo in mostly in culture - not blood.
Eternal alliance.
I really am not kidding man. I guess i just was unfortunate to meet people who look like the picture posted earlier? No banter. I dont even hate the Irish i do got bad expirience with people i mentioned earlier though. But all in all i think England needs to fuck off and leave you guys alone for once in your life. Also people need to stop flooding you with Africans.
Because you are such a bunch of fatties.
Europeans come together. You are have the best form of civilisation humanity has to offer right now. The most humane, the most happy and the most scientific. Please work together to help the rest of the world to become more like you.
We can do this once we stop getting flooded with fucking refugees by the jews.
Meanwhile Turks are fucking threatening to open the floodgates for more africans.
Your best hope is Russia since theyre constantly trying to cooperate with third and second world countries.
You Europeans really need to stop with the Russia meme: Russia is not your friend, nor a viable cultural, ethical, strategic or economical ally for Europe in the short or long term. Pity the Russian people for their suffering under inept and corrupt governance. e.g .Economic growth has been severely lacking compared to their BRIC-peers, although Russia didn't lack in resources. Shame on the Russian government and the industrialists and military that keep each other in place at expense of the community.
>be a like a quarter Irish
>Look like an Anglo and Swede mixed twink
>Have thick bushy Irish unibrow
at least its blonde so its not that bad
They arent our friend and i fear them just as much as i fear the corrupt EU goverment thats killing our lands. But as i said for Singapore they might be a temporary ally to boost your economy and educate your people to be even more self sufficient.
What makes you think the unibrow is remotely related to Irishness?
daily reminder that the chinese are crypto kikes and australia is (((a nation of immigrants)))
You poor sod. But on the bright side you live in the USA so you can point and laugh at le 60% faced people and have a concealed gun just because you can!
>has to eventually
You may as well say its the current year
Fuck you
Australia used to be majority white. But theyre turned into a nannystate and get flooded with subhuman chinks just like in canada.
>Pakeha with a lip tattoo
Do these posers really exist?
The fact that the Irish side of the family all have unibrows. They're kind of good looking otherwise. Tall, broad, blonde, blue eyed. I would be pure aryan if my dad weren't the swarthy hobbity kind of anglo.
One of the reasons we have advanced economically is because of the advice of the Dutch economist Winsemius. Singapore has nothing to gain from an alliance with Russia, and neither does the Netherlands. The EU is in my view the best way to spread and preserve European influence and culture. I think you should be more supportive of it. You have important things in common.