Capitalism means globalism, it's naive to think that replacing jewish capitalists with white ones would change anything, the white capitalists don't care about the country, culture etc. they only care about making bucks.
Why aren't you a National Bolshevik yet Sup Forums?
>conflating business owners with usurers
Kill yourself dude
>not being Maoist
Maoist USA soon
This is only way to purge degeneracy and crony capitalism that has destroyed the world.
We support the pursuits of revolutionary nationalists in the liberation of their nations from imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism.
We seek to build unity between ourselves and revolutionary nationalists to build the foundations of proletarian internationalism, towards the solidarity of all oppressed nations against capitalism, imperialism, and white supremacy.
We are committed to recognizing the labor of women and non-men in its entirety, and seek to build a revolutionary, anti-patriarchal movement worthy of their support. This includes full recognition and support of all gender related identities, and a dedication to ensure all revolutionary spaces we organize in actively combat patriarchal and male-chauvinist behavior.
We are Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. Maoism is Marxism for the current era. It is the revolutionary theory towards the eradication of all oppression, forged through the practice and reflection of the history of the communist movement. Maoism particularly draws from four great revolutionary movements; the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Chinese Revolution, and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
what are you talking about?
you don't see how degeneracy have been pushed by big business?
National Socialism is the only socialism that works.
he sold out and privatizised banks and industries, Strasser was the true national socialist but he was killed by Hitler
Yeah, you're such a white nationalist your pic includes two arabs, a georgian, and a gypsy
>white nationalism
lel, whites isn't a nation/people, it's a skintone shared by several nations/peoples.
white nationalism is retarded
>he became the jew to defeat the jew
Fuck man thats deep ahmed
The kike reveals himself
>National Bolshevik
Meme ideology for autistic edgy stalinaoo commiecuck neckbeards
Hitler would laugh at you pathetic american white nationalists if he was alive and you know it
I think he'd laugh even more at you shitposting from your cuckshed while your gf gets ravaged by Jamal's huge cock.
You know what's really funny? Swedes are gonna be extinct in 50 years.
But yeah I'm sure the solution to your problems is more communism. Lmao.
Fuck Dugin and fuck the third political ideology
>necome a minority
btw you will become a minority before us, don't throw stone in the glass house
>more communism
we don't have any communism at the moment
Get the fuck out of Sweden, kike.
Which of us is building a wall and which of us is importing hundreds of thousands of shitskins and paying them to rape their women AND are part of an economic union that will collapse and make the shitskins chimp out and literally rape and kill everyone?
I'll endorse anything that's ethno nationalist desu. I'd happily accidentally the whole economy if it meant the creation of the ethnostate.
>Which of us is building a wall
won't help you when a majority of babies are already shitskins
>which of us is importing hundreds of thousands of shitskins
we don't do that anymore but i'm not denying we are fucked, but so are you
>American non Hispanic White babies are now less than 50% of the newborn population
>he sold out and privatizised banks and industries
Because ultimately the economy is generally better off when in private hands, but that doesn't mean he let the worker be oppressed or the capitalists betray the nation.
>Believing the propaganda model.
>Believing Mexican immigrants cause all problems in the U.S.
>Still revering those who control the world and impoverish you as 'successful' and worthy.
Your country is so incredibly cucked by capitalist indoctrination you have no idea.
OP, would you like a ride in my helicopter?
All these capitalists ITT dont realise that nationalism is incompatible with capitalism
>Because ultimately the economy is generally better off when in private hands
Better of for the private hands you mean?
Oh, a businessman would NEVER exploit the workers with an end goal of maximum profit. He's such a noble man, he'd never let the country perish in the hands of private interest.
I'm not Jewish.
>Better of for the private hands you mean?
Have you seen North Korea lately? That's what happens when you nationalize all the industry.
>trading ((((Capitalism)))) for (((Bolsheviks))))
No thanks.
OP is noose-food in a few years anyhow
Capitalism ain't a fucking ideology you morons.
Nationalist bolshevism?
Might as well call it by its real name national judaism.
yes because capitalism haven't served the jews more then bolshevism ever did
did i claim it is?, ofcourse it's a system, a system that encourage greed and kikery
Oh Gaddafi I miss that man.
>depicting the prophet Iosef (pbuh)
KYS you filthy, rootless cosmopolitan.
>any kind of Bolshevik
Kill yourself.
>trying to bring your Soviet communism to nationalism
Get up and kill yourself again.
Bolshevism is literally a jewish internationalist movement you disgusting kike shill. Next up: national zionism for the goyim.
Utopian ideologies are easy to have because you don't have to actually do anything.
The best and most realistic short term goal for Europeans is civic nationalism and welfare system reform so that only people that contribute get welfare.
>Bolshevism is literally a jewish internationalist movement
Trotskyism is, Stalin purged subversive didn't matter if they where jews or not. he also campaigned against (((rootless cosmopolitarians)))
Usury aside, income disparity has been risi9ng since the 80s. This breaks social cohesion among other issues.
I don't know what OP means by 'socialist', but certainly by Sup Forums's standard of it, the US could use some. Specifically universal healthcare. Beyond the US in the west in general some kind of redistribution is needed.
All communists are Jewish
>Not fooling anyone shill
national bolshevism was meant to solve problems within russia
how can you apply it to any other country?
>Stalin purged subversive
And then the jews had him assassinated. You think the jewish power would leave your "system" alone?
>Moving from one extreme to the other
>Implying the only socialist solution to capitalism is to nationalize all industry
Communal and democratic ownership of the means of production is much better desu.
it was the west who had rotchilds, soros and Israel on their side not the soviet union
If it's much better why is it not being practiced throughout the world today? It's not illegal after all.
For the majority of human history, things were that way (at least agriculturally, as industrialization is only very recent) and people depended on each other through mutual/communal ownership of farms, livestock, etc.
I guess the reason this isn't practiced in the modern world (generally) is simply because the powers that be don't want to lose control of capital, a workforce, and subsequently profit and power, and so try hard to spread popularize the exploitation of workers and the concept of stepping on people for personal gain, with the bottom line being profit for the elite.
It truly takes a monumental filter of the public opinion to allow this kind of economic model.