Why is race mix bad?
Pic related she is hafu Japanese and american.
And She is miss Japan(most beautiful woman in Japan).
Why is race mix bad?
Pic related she is hafu Japanese and american.
And She is miss Japan(most beautiful woman in Japan).
She's ugly
I don't think so
Alot of people on Sup Forums are fine with asians race mixing with whites. Others aren't fine with it. Race mixing should only be allowed with whites and Asians.
Then you should commit Seppuku
I think this is the best example "if mixing animals made them healthier, then why are full breed animals with more money? When interbreeding a lion and a tiger they become very unhealthy" There are race specific illnesses that can now be passed down to the mixed child. This child now just lost intelligence and health.
>gee I wonder what all these sliding threads with the usual random pointless superficial topics are about.... this certainly has nothing to do with Jewish jets being shot down after they just tried to support ISIS against Syrian forces in Palmyria and JIDF shills chimping out all over the place with Jewish propaganda
swede-fag i think you should be more worried about race mixing with asians and worry about those sand niggers race mixing with your women. Feels so bad when hot Swedish girls get raped
>I got bullied in school because I'm a nigger
It's sandniggers raping their own, prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't
All I see is an ugly nigger.
Then why the fuck is she brown?
Pure japanese are so much prettier that it's like comparing a monkey to a human. Why the fuck would you risk your high-IQ genes for THAT?
Higher rate of mental illness of nearly every kind.
Face is incredibly likely to be an awkward mishmash of incompatible patterns.
Child is raceless mutt with no identity.
Seriously though, is there any hope for the Japanese people?
There's no sign of ethnic Japanese birthrates going up, so aren't they going to become extinct soon?
ugly mongrel
begone, harlot!
d-did she mean, there will be no more pic-related in 100 years?
wtf, I hate japan now
"Miss Japan" should exemplify the virtues of Japanese people. Anyone who's only half Japanese doesn't deserve that title.
she's half black
They are raping their own, but our kind is also getting raped.
>there will be a billion poor dumb cheating chinese fucks left on the earth, but no japanese people
We have to remember how Wmaf looks like irl
Here's a start
Fuck nvm kill the nigger. Didn't even see the picture. The fucking nip called black people american, assumed he meant white.
>2 ugly cunts dating each other
desu wmaf aint too bad, not as good as white relationships but regardless. The ratio of the autistic looking kids compared to black and white kids is pretty good too.
And most wmAF always have an ugly asian in it
Kon'nichiwa Nihon no kōtei watashi wa anata no subete no josei o fukumeru koto ni yotte anata no akachan no mondai o kaiketsu suru tame ni yorokonde 15 ~ 25-sai. Kore wa watashi ni 1-nen kakarudeshou. Watashi no tesūryō wa 100 k doru/ tsukidesu.
That's just white guys with no standards just wanting an Asian chick. Good looking people should get together with good looking people, unless they are shit skins.
And unless they are white losers like POLLACKS who support trump
What the fuck. She'll never be japanese reee.
>most beautiful
3d ricegirl may die but 2d live forever
fuck lel
I love Aussie shitposting.
>And unless they are white losers like POLLACKS who support trump.
>all pollacks
Also do you dare to disrespect the god emperor himself.
Aussies are the kings of shitposting, i can not wait to see hwndu in Australia.
Why do you want us to race mix so bad?
Why do you want to blot out distinctness, answer me fake jap?
Real men are not racists
Deal with it Drumpf
>be Japanese born in Japan
>get deported
Also, get conquered by Japan and now part of Japan but not a Japanese citizen.
This is one of the various reasons Okinawans hate Japan more than the US military.
holy shit that gaping maw of +1 circumcision
what an ugly slapper fucksake
fucking mudbloods
Should've known you were a shill. kys nigger, we could've been friends
you annoying newfags sucking cunt cock is so annoying. strayacunts are obnoxious newfags who should fuck off from Sup Forums
Anti-Racism is indiscriminate fucking.
Unless you guys all fuck your full of hate.
Unless you fuck someone you hate them.
Why do you want to breed a mixed race so bad?
The father is ugly af compared to his kids. He did the right thing having his genes destroyed by that cute asian woman.
I'm black and white mixed. So that means I can say nigga but still get a job and have money
Hillary won if it weren't for Russian interference
Ask the alt right WMAF losers
I will produce based offspring, mixing with a qt 3.14 nip my descendance will acquire super saiyan at early stages so they will be able to fight the jews and save the remains ruins of west.
It's over merchant.
>this is what blessed looks like
white dudes get face blindness or something when it comes to asian chicks. like a handsome dude, let's say a 7, will date an asian 4 for no reason, when he never would a white 4. it's bizarre.
>he did the right thing to produce more shit genes
>also alt right
American isn't a race
No I ask you. Who taught you this retarded fuck theology?
>And She is miss Japan
Fucking kikes trying to change beauty standards
because you are a nigger expat yourself
Gtfo here nigger its just entertaining to see Aussies shit posting.
They regretted letting her win and refused to let her do anything ever again after demanding the country get BLACKED.
Here's the winner from last year
Race mixing only naturally happens in low numbers.
Which is perfectly fine. It leads to gene exchange in large populations, and good genes will be retained.
The problem is this fucking neverending racemixing propaganda that I'll never understand. Although for some reason, it's never a Jewish man with a shiksa.
I hatthis op.
But ugly people should mix'd with another race.
look at this pic...mom is 4/10 at best.dad is 6/10.
But kid is 10/10 adorable af.
I hate this op*
>hafu Japanese and american
The dumbass alt right
>in 1850
Mom looks like Han from Fast and Furious
This. I must come to a conclusion as to why this phenomenon is occuring
The white dude looks Dutch af.
Oh god I'm a kike.
she is not half american
fuck off nigger lover
Noone on the alt right believes in breeding a "world race" nor that not fucking = hating.
Unlike asians whites are becoming in short supply. If we don't breed with other whites our race will disappear. Europeans aren't having enough kids.
>tfw no japanese qt 2D gf
>whites are becoming in short supply
Only in the fevered minds of paranoid schizophrenics.
How about the festival harassments in summer?
>currently 14% of the world and dropping fast
>white countries are flooded with non-whites
>white people aren't under threat of extinction
I don't understand why there is such worldwide cuckoldry towards negroes. They're the ugliest, dumbest, the most useless people in the world.
Says alt right as he shill WMAF
Race mixing is bad because upon mixing, you lose whatever identity and tradition you held dear in your children.
Goddamn she's ugly.
The moron and/or bot is strong in this one.
the one in the middle is a cute
She is not the most beautiful woman in Japan
Watanabe Rika is the most beautiful woman in Japan
And you're ugly.
They always want a special status, always stab their "home" countries in the back, and never shut the fuck up about it.
wmaf couples are mentally deranged losers and always lead to fucked up kids
>European American
And all people promote what they are or do in order to justify it by numbers.
Attention whoring and how it affects behavior and honesty are way underrated.
calm down sven, chill out while you prep the bull
I do understand why a Flip would be saying that, but that's not always the case. There are also good white men who married Asian women (e.g. John Carmack).
They literally all look the same m8.
But this is the main
Deal with it
White plus ayylmao
>Pic related she is hafu Japanese and american.
no, she's a nigger.
a game developer is the best you can do?
No they don't
Berika, Sugai-sama, Berisa
They do not all look the same
That's the creator of the Doom and Quake engines in . WMAF now proven to be the most intelligent eugenic mix. Butthurt hapa "only white losers date Asians" cuckbois BTFO.
Damn, jap triplets are sexy.
It's not only that almost always some intergrated mixed person will keep yapping about how they turned out fine, which is the reason we need to become x and import 200 million farmers from the desert because every single one of them can become an astrophysicist like him. Despite not even having an elementary school education.
Feed the RAGE North American....
Feed the angered. Soon, white aggression will consume us all!
>I don't understand why there is such worldwide cuckoldry towards negroes
There isn't. Only places that there is such a thing is in American Jew porn and on Sup Forums.