You heard him... You're all retarded
Oh wow a Sandnigger made a video to troll faggots. Let's all click it.
DJ Khaleed sure looks weird these days
Racism is cultivated through the (((media))) to distract from the true conflict of the working class vs (((Corporations))).
Don't fall into this shit. We all know brown people are inferior but it isn't that important.
C'mon guys, let's smash that dislike button.
Look (((who))) decided to chime in.
man fuck that
Oh this manlet again?
For those unaware...
>Zoom in and enhance!
>R-race is j-just skin c-color, m-m-man.
This comment section is a goldmine. Too bad I have to hit the sheets, otherwise I'd dive right in. Welp, good luck Aussies.
Of corse a shitskin nigger would say that we are all equal,because he is an inferior subhuman and has only to gain from forced equality.
Thanks. Saved and replaced.
I always hated her for being a shittier boxxy, her being a coalburner too didn't surprise me
Fuck off you subhuman Swedecuck
Pretty much this.
So is anyone going to watch the video and challenge his points or are you all afraid?
Found the paki swine.
I'm not him. But I hate this meme. Makes me unironically sad that the whole world became aware of our massive problem with Pakis.
He makes really good points.
Based poo.
I'm not saying racism isn't valid, just that (((they))) use it as a distraction.
It's no mere distraction. These primitives are being used as a weapon.
These are the exact same people that whine about "muh ebul raycists", "systematic oppression" and "islamophobia" for their own problems.
I think the people that call it "genocide" are idiots that make it look like some crazy theory.
Found the Pajeet rodent.
He calls me retarded but then makes a good point
oh shit guys it's really making me Denk
kek, 'we're all one race teh human raice!'
A lovely blanket statement, that completely ignores that white people are literally paying for the privilege of being bred out through the welfare state.
Of course shitskins have no problem with it when you're not paying for it.
Fuck off.
First world countries just have less children. After a generation immigrants will do the same. Immigration for population replacement has been a policy for many western worlds for many decades now, and it's because it's needed.
I stopped watching after "Hurrr durrr one human race derp derrderppp". How did you endure?
Yeah he's denying race realism at this point, but I'm still watching to know what he thinks I guess.
No WOO's, he really has let himself go
>its the episode where marx tries to tell it how it isnt
>After a generation immigrants will do the same
No, Nigel, no they fucking won't. Only white people give a shit about raising children in a stable, relatively financially well-off environment. Shitskins just pop out children with zero regard whatsoever, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Needed for who?
Rich people and shit skins.
Whites have babies when we can pay for them. Shitskins, do not, because they don't care much for the well being of their children, hence why their nations are squalor today.
Bring them here, fuck no.
His point is incredible about the mainstream media, but he's wrong with regards to racial differences.
That's pretty much what I gathered from the whole thing. Meh, I've seen worse shit spewed.
>yes the media says whites are evil and deserve to die cause they do everything wrong in the world
>yes there's tons of race mixing on tv and movies
>who cares? stop caring! STOP CARING!!!!!!!!!!!
okay. you see the problem is they want to exterminate the white race. that's the problem though.
He's evidently one of the great thinkers of our time.
>abrupt burst of high-pitched laughter
He's going out of his way trying to appear reasonable in order to make his bluepills easier for the audience to swallow.
Humans can breed and have fertile offspring.
Pretty sure it is changing, but I'm not sure
Rich people, old people and young people.
lol, ok.
>he doesn't know what a sub-species is.
>humans can breed and have fertile offspring
>this proves they are one species
Your point?
What am I not getting? Are you saying sub-species are retarded and outdated in general?
It benefits young people in no way, shill, all it does is fill a position that a citizen could've had. It benefits corporation owners looking for cheap labor, and old pensioners. Both of which can fuck off.
Get with the times, goy!
Styx does the same thing.
>muh petty critizism of Trump to avoid appearing biased
>muh centrism
>muh short-sighted naive libertarianism
>muh civic nationalism
Styx is a civic nationalist?
Why is everybody a civic nationalist ffs
Think about how different mixes of dogs are breeded, then get back to me.
It helps young people the same way it helps old people, by paying taxes. They also get jobs in schools the same way they get jobs in the health system
If you can breed and have fertile offspring what exactly is the difference? It's the same thing separated by distance. Same with humans.
They are bred for a purpose by humans. We changed them intentionally. The first generation of bred foxes are different from wild ones.
Styx is a fucking faggot. Why would anyone listen to him?
>implying the kikes aren't breeding us for a (((purpose)))
Also, way to miss the point.
Careers help young people you fucking autist. Careers are finite, therefore any job going to a foreigner is harmful to a citizen.
Fuck off faggot.
Why would I listen to a Bulgarian gypsy?
when ever someone says "we're all one race, the human race" my left eye unironically starts twitching
Really? For me it's my right eye.
Typical Britbong, just can't take a good advice. On a second thought, Styx is just right up your alley.
I love how she DESTROYS sjw cucks, so fucken redpilled.
That's the definition of subspecies, they are the same species but both differently adapted to their environment. There is a reason that certain races don't even know how to build an economy, just look at Haiti.
Why are there so many sand niggers in America today? 10 years ago you would never see them, now it's like they are everywhere.
White supremacy... is that not just about whites having control of their own nations? Kind of like Asian Supremacy in China?
How is that retarded?
Then tell me your point
I'm just playing devil's advocate, I'm a civic nationalist. What about migrants that create jobs? More people also means more jobs since those people need services. You don't have to be an entrepreneur
Sounds like integration gone wrong.
There is a black tribe in Africa with an IQ higher than whites. I think it's stupid to say certain races can't do something. I don't really know anything about Haiti though.
>we are all one breed, the dog breed
>Then tell me your point
seems to understand it.
It's important when (((They))) want to replace us with browns, because a world of browns is easier to subvert and rule.
Yes, that's what Kalergi wanted.
So... wait. He says there is no conspiracy against whites, and yet he admits that he believes that the MSMeteor is backing white people into a corner in the same video?
Something is not right here. I think this guy smoked too much shisha.
Some people care about how their kids end up looking like. Some people even care about how their great great grandkids look like. What if I want them to look white, or have big noses, what is it to this guy? What if the only way to ensure that the sculpting of my future generations goes my way if I don't live in a relatively homogeneous nation? Then obviously I would not want this small nosed darky around stinking up my gene pool. It's nothing personal folks. It's nothing to get riled up about. It's just racism. Aka human nature and birds of a feather.
Your advice isn't good advice. It's your opinion. You're arrogant enough to think your opinion is "good advice" by yourself. There is no good advice or opinion that a Bulgarian could ever give me that I'd care about. Stop.
It doesn't matter if there is no specific plan to kill off all whites, just doing policies that lead to it makes it one anyway.
Take for example that if you were to cut down forests to get timber and that simultaneously resulted in the destruction of animal habitats. You can then talk all you want about your need for timber, but it's not going to remove the reality that your actions lead to the destruction of those animals.
I was thinking about posting this but thought nah its not worth it. someone else can if they want
>I don't think white genocide exists today but I think we will definitely see it happen in our life time.
Genocide watch classifies South Africa at stage six which is polarization, that is only three steps away from extermination.
Since their last report was done five years ago in 2012 I would say South Africa is already teetering on stage seven "preparation".
I think in 2024 you will see real chaos and even more violence in South Africa because it is predicted that the ANC will for the first time loose its parliamentary majority which would force it to create a coalition government with the fastly growing Marxist Leninist political party the EFF who's leader says things like "We won’t slaughter whites … for now."
I really dont think their is an intentional genocide of whites going on right now in the west but I hate the fact that these youtubers speak as if its ridiculous to think it could even happen.
Those that claim race doesn't exist are always those that have the most to benefit from tearing down the power structure our European ancestors created for their progeny.
As soon as it is socially and politically viable to form anti-white movements they will. As soon as they hold positions of power in the media or the white house, they will promote their own race and religion above others.
They will to their dying breath deny that race exists but will look at white people who love themselves and their ancestors as the devil incarnate while praising non-whites that do the same.
They have no arguments, all they do is create caricature strawman of nationalists and laugh at it in front of an audience. Soon, they won't be laughing..
Sorry we didn't win, boerbro. With the PVV in power you would be guaranteed to get asylum here.
bulgarians are beautiful
I am no boer and I can go to Europe at any time I want.
KEK he literally hates white identity movements because muh dick reasons
He has a nice beard. But he's retarded af.
Everyone feels sexually threatened by whites because we are the dominant race. Race and sex are intimately tied which is why ((((they)))) try to push the narrative that other races are sexually superior so whites breed with them and throw away any actual superiority they had by producing unattractive low IQ children that will be on the bottom rungs of society.
>I'm just playing devil's advocate, I'm a civic nationalist. What about migrants that create jobs? More people also means more jobs since those people need services. You don't have to be an entrepreneur
Yes, more people means more jobs. You double the population, you double the jobs.
But if you're not looking at something 'per capita', then that's pretty retarded.
And what about our quality of life? As our population increases, are our living conditions increasing, decreasing or staying the same?
>Sounds like integration gone wrong.
It goes wrong a lot. The US, the UK, France, Germany, these all have long-established immigrant communities, and long-standing race-relation problems. In the UK, 2nd and 3rd generation muslims are more extreme than there parents. Mostly, you get communalism, the identity politics of communal groups promoting and voting for their own group's interest. Christ, India's been doing this for hundreds of years.
Just humour me. If it turns out to be really really hard, maybe impossible, to have this diverse utopia, and we have 10 million pakis and africans, what do we do then? We haven't shown that civic nationalism works, and yet we want it for the whole of the west.
>There is a black tribe in Africa with an IQ higher than whites. I think it's stupid to say certain races can't do something.
Huh? Perhaps they're a black supermensch. They would be entitled to protect their tribe, and not have to be mixed with the low-iq tribes around them.
really MAKES (you) think
>skin color = race
really made me think
"America is not a nation, but a nation of nations"- LBJ
one of those nations is a white nation faggot.
What about the differences in cranial capacity?
Also, why do these Indian faggots think thy're funny?
Hahaha, I'm completely insane, just ker-azzy!! hahaha, just chill, have you noticed everyone likes curry?? Hahaha.
Fuck off. Women are funnier than this spastic.
That's right. The words of our founding fathers confirms their intentions of establishing a white nation.
It's always a non-white telling there is no white genocide. A bit like a wolf coming up to sheep and telling them everything's alright.
Yeah, no shit it's to your advantage to make those claims, because you're in a foreign country wishing to take it over.
Am I supposed to disagree? Everything the guy said was pretty spot on. He even acknowledged the (((MSM))) narrative that white people are evil and said he understands why whites are being driven to far right groups. Guy seems pretty cool to me. Oh and he's right, race supremacists of any shade are retarded.
Like im going to listen to a shitskin about racism.
really made you ponder, eh?
>It's always a non-white telling there is no white genocide
the worst is when a white person says that there's no white genocide
Whites are projected to become a minority in every land they live in. And yet le based Arab man is denying it