in 40 year we are gonna to rule the world
In 40 year we are gonna to rule the world
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If you manage not to kill each other first. But seriously you need to ally against the Turks.
>Literally has the term for splitting into small countries that fight each other constantly named after them
Yeah, unlikely.
In 5 years you might learn some proper grammar.
in 20 years we'll murder each other
how do we fix this shithole
Compared to Sweden,Germany France i would say we are bretty gud.
Not all that rich but getting there.
bomb albania and kosovo then remove meme countries
I too am afraid of that
local satraps will try again to mask economic and societal problems with agressive "nationalism" and brain-damaged morally beaten plebs will buy it
are we just gonna bend over and let idiots ruin us again? seems like it
look at mr genius
>remove meme countries
I have bad news for you my friend
thanks m8
their problems and our problems are different
we can't even compare
Albos are just victims of what I spoke about here you won't solve anything by fighting symptoms
causes are something else
It was implied greekfriend
sorry, india called it before you. youre gonna have to wait
>Europe's India aka Romania will be a superpower
Poo in loo Radu
Untrue muslims have no place in the balkans. Ethnic cleansing is the only way.
To be honest, I don't give a shit who unites as.... as far as I'm concerned it can even be the bloody Albanians.
Just make it happen.
top bantz fren
Muslims are a meme issue, and even then problem comes from outside (they are radicalized by Turkey and Saudis)
if you leave them no choice of course they'll become a problem
look at Tatars in Russia, are they a problem? nope
black and white thinking got us here
I agree except the bit about schiptars. Everyone else is great though.
I, for one, welcome our new gypsy overlords.
in 1 year Im getting off this gay earth
Make Byzantium great again
Biggest redpill about balkans, "remove kebab," shitskin muslims native to europe etc. ever
Good job, never thought I'd see reasonable posts in a balkan thread
M8 I come from a shithole with ~~30% muslim population so don't fucking imply they're not some kind of problem. Secular muslims with the same cultural beliefs as us are a non issue, that's why they don't cause major problems in russia. I'm talking about radical zealous cunts with shit beliefs that are a blight on europe.
remove kebab right now
unite and git gud guise you are our bastion against mudslimes, thank god that slavs are as savage as the mudslimes and hopefully you won't get overcucked
Lets do it faggots kek wills it.
did you read what I told you?
they are radicalized by external sources, and even then majority aren't like that
you have a right to be angry, you're right about being angry, but your anger is misdirected
be angry against noveu-riche and post-communist elite that got us here and who are ruining your life and future of your children
the new feudal class
they are the problem and they are the ones who should pay, with blood if necessary
Removing the concept of free will from the minds of muslims is an even dumber argument. Radicalization is a meme when you think of them as humans with basic thought processes. They aren't a product of their environment they're shitskins that couldn't secularize in ~~200 years.
the turks are gonna murder your asses
>sort your shit out
Ruling the world sounds very interracial. I am not interested.
How? a balkan alliance?
you fucked our shit up partly, burger
A balkan alliance would be such a meme worthy shitshow. Just agreeing on basic history facts would be nigh impossible cause of all the propaganda every country spews.
Last time the turkroaches went to war with balkan nations they got btfo so hard they barely kept Constantinople.
Let them come, we're itching for some kebab removal.
>american education
Doesnt know blasting turks is our past time hobby, like Oina (aka the baseball you play today, aka we invented your shitty sport)
Ur welcome
After the next financial collapse hits, we will be too busy to be at each other's throats because of muh history, than to focus on the jew and form an alliance against his wicked ways.
Is it possible for me to join the serbian military if that happens? Cause kebab removal sounds great.
In the Yugoslav wars and during Kosovo war, I know for a fact that Russian (maybe Greek too, I'm not 100% sure) volunteers fought alongside regular army and paramilitary, so it's definitely possible.
I have citizenship so i think it'd be easier
If you have serbian citizenship, then you can certainly join the army.
You can go volunteer for 6 months military service right now.
After it is complete, the army can call upon you in case of war.
There were Greeks in Bosnia, I don't know about Kosovo. Also a lot of Russians.
You'd be able to join no problem as a volunteer. If you've got citizenship then you can join in the regular army too as long as you speak Serbian.
nigger nigger
Not going to happen with your low birth rates and emigration rates of all the youth.
I was thinking of either joining the French foreign legion or serbian army, cause those are basically my only 2 options for military service, sure as hell ain't fighting in my meme nonexistent army. Is there good pay in the serbian army, benefits, any interesting special forces type of things? The only downside about the ffl is the 5 year min service.
>the french legion meme
>let other people fight our wars ,
>be cannon fodder for frogs while they sip wine and get fucked my Mohamed.
>thinking that I care if I die in a ditch in africa
>not thinking that the only reason i want to go to war is because i can't stand the monotony in everyday life
>Is there good pay in the serbian army, benefits, any interesting special forces type of things?
Free healthcare I guess. Back in the days of Yugoslavia, you could also get apartments for free and bunch of benefits, but Yugoslavia is gone.
We have special forces, but the pay is lousy.
Go foreign legion if you want to earn money.
thanks serb bro
I'm doing something similar but in Australia. Gonna join as an officer to receive training in a month or two. My plan B is the Russian foreign legion, but you need to speak Russian(and possibly be from ex-soviet country I didn't really check properly). Plan C is the FFL.
In Serbia you can be a contracted soldier, but the pay was utter shit around 4 years ago don't know if it's better now.
If you REALLY want to join then 5 years is nothing. This is a life changing decision though, they're going to break you and remake you into another man so make sure you're absolutely certain you want to join any army.
It's about getting training and then going back to the Balkan homeland to become the local warlord desu senpai
Death is a small price to pay for a chance to serve your country
The free apartment thing is why I have serbian citizenship btw. They just gave one in skopje to my serbian granddad.
Fighting the frogs war and dying next to a Somali who steals my rations?
No thank you boys!
I would rather die next to my romanian brethren while we sing our last song and drink our last wine.
The ffl training is the biggest meme on the planet. I've read what their physical requirements are and it's just bullshit cardio endurance. That's why I'd want to join the 2nd paratrooper division or something similar.
That's just your opinion man. I'd personally rather die in a ditch next to a brother in arms than kill myself. And if I learn to appreciate everyday life if I do survive then that's a plus.
Yugoslavia was a really good country.
Where in the world does the state provide you with an apartment, healthcare and education for free and a guaranteed job if you aren't a complete retard?
Then Slovenes and Croats had to ruin everything.
Now we're all banana republics.
Kek that's every military, it's not about getting in it's about getting through. You don't need to squat 200kg in the army, you need endurance not strength.
For joining ADF you need to do like 15pushups and around 20situps or something equally as pathetic. It's just to see that you're not a useless weakling and to filter out obese fucks
If you're really interested in life in FFL, read the book Legionnaire from Milorad Ulemek. Don't know if there's English translation though
When was Romania last in war? You've got 0 veterans. So when you need to learn how not to be retarded and die, your army is going to bring a Romanian who served in the FFL to teach you
Commies ruined everything. Giving an apartment to an officer instead of paying them is retarded. Healthcare is retarded as well, fuck paying for some fat fuck's stent or heart bypass because he can't not eat 4k calories a day.
I think the requirement at the end of basic was like 5 pull ups or something retarded. I hope it's not like that in the paratrooper division.
I strongly advise you Not to join ffl though. They do have extraordinary good military training, but all the people i know, who joined them are rip. You Will Be used in far more dangerous missions than usual Military and probably lose your life to a mudshit suicidebomber
daco-thraco-illyrian alliance when
This is worse than poo in loo
That's why I wanna join though m8. Oh and I'm way past the physical requirement currently.
When was Romania last in war?
Being an Nato ally we have had troops in almost every war the USA has had.
Las operation we participated was 2011 to overthrow of the Gaddafi government.
You dont need to die for the frogs to learn shit and you dont need to fight in FFL to get propper training.
said the romanian
what term is that?
in 40 years we ARE the world.
The problem is that people here aren't properly nationalistic. Western Europeans like to praise us for that, saying how we're nationalists and hate faggots and muslims and what else, and that we're based. Many nationalists here claim to love their countries, but it's actually more of a hate for other countries. And indeed, they would leave for Germany and never look back, any day now. Those same nationalists would never lift a finger to help their countries. Those same nationalists tolerate everything that is happening day by day. We are getting exploited and cheated, both by foreigners and domestic traitors. And those nationalists only ever whine about the situations. Many cannot be even bothered to vote. And for many of them, bickering at other nationalities and getting riled up is only a distraction from the real issues. Sometimes stirred up by themselves, and sometimes brought upon them by the government. They are forgetting the fact that our economy is failing and getting overtaken by foreigners. The government obviously sits by and watches, as they only really care about their own personal gain. This is what the people need to realise en masse. The people hold more power than they realise. I consider myself a proper nationalist. Not in some edgy "le smarter than everyone" way. But in the way that I genuinely love my country, and that I will be doing as much as I can to help it and make it a better place. It's a country that has had a very long history, which had a lot of rough parts. For the past two centuries, it has been struggling with war and economic trouble for a long time. This is what Western Europeans fail to take into account when they say bullshit like "le Balkans are poor and dumb lolol and it's because they are turk rape babies", while it's those who say things that are so detached from reality like that who are really the dumb and ignorant ones. And it's up to us to change our situation for the better. May God help us.
>in 40 year we are gonna to rule the world
son, you'll never rule as hard as I dominate your mom's vagina
Is the political climate the same in most former yugoslavian governments? Because most people here are so disenfranchised by the general corruption of the government they just abstain from any sort of political discourse.
First, we must cast aside the orthodox christian plague and regain our Pagan heritage. We might be the first countries who return to their roots and stop having slave morality.
>falling for the relijewn meme
alright balkan bros, what do we do about gypos ?
Air drop them in africa
One thing you not restrain from though is breaking Bulgarian monuments with sledgehammers.
Have a happy annexation by Albania, makkes. We might even split your backwater pseudostate with the shqiptare.
I don't know what you're referring to, care to explain?
Sadly, yes. Many people do not realise the sheer importance of politics and participating in them. And someone is going to have to change that.
In 40 years you're gonna live under Ottoman caliphate yet again.
Same thing in Bulgaria.
People are generally uninterested in politics because they've been dissapointed time and again. Indifference is killing most Balkan states as we speak. Moreover, it gives more and more hope to fucking Erdogan and his neo ottoman bullshit.
God, I hate the roaches so fucking much.
Superpower by 2057
Kek, he's a retard but he's not representative of the majority of people here. Don't hate on fellow slavs just because the propaganda got to them bulgarbro. We will unify one day.
[spoiler]I am dating an Albanian girl and shes pretty based. Orthodox tho.[/spoiler]
If ww3 starts will personally rape as many shitskin women I find, fuck off this thread roach.
We're not slavs though and neither are you.
We definitely must unify though. The roach is as sneaky and slimy as ever. They're a bunch of dumb cowards, but they're quite able to fuck us up overnight. Thank God Erdocuck is too scared to act on his madness while we're in the EU.
Not shit colored I hope? If yes kys
orthodox and catholic albos can be betty based though
I really hope he steps his warlord game up so ww3 starts.
And how are we not partly slavs m8?
I welcome the New masters and please dont kill us
American of partial Slav (Macedonian) ancestry user here.
I will come help or at the very least send $USD for weapons. Tell me when you're all ready.
Don't bomb belgrade this time pls
I love your thinking brother
I can't bother finding sources right now, but genetically we're mainy Thracian and Bulgar.
There is very little Slavic blood in contemporary Bulgarians and it was mostly Russian/Socialist propaganda meant to solidify Russian positions in socialist Bulgaria and apply a fake bond of brotherhood between our peoples while the commies used us for their own ends.
Our language is definitely Slavic though, with a lot of proto-Indo-European, Latin and Thracian words still remaining within it. Too bad there are too few Bulgar words left.