You got a problem with it? Take back your country.
Oh, what's that, you're a bunch of cowards who don't want to risk anything? Okay then stop whining.
Maybe you should stop threatening the president and his wife
would you want to sleep in a place that a nigger has slept? fuck that shit.
I don't care how small and inadequate Trump's penis is. Melania needs to do her duty and save the taxpayers some money.
Are you telling me she creates dozens of jobs while sleeping? thats awsome.
I find it hilarious how liberals are all of a sudden so concerned about cutting costs after Obama printed nearly a trillion dollars for economic stimulus and then another near trillion on the bailout including multiple raising of the debt ceiling and none of them said a damn thing
Melania is a Russian spy. Trump did not know this but does now. Comey informed the senate of this fact. Thats why she doesnt stay at the WH. They cant expose her because of the scandal it would bring so theyve locked her out.
Leftists just mad that the secret service stands in their way of doing harm against the first family.
holy shit
I thought it was a meme about his hands but then i realized something. I have 4 sons. 2 are known to have big penises and I am very proud of them for that. One is normal sized. But one, sad to say, is very small down there and always was, even as a young boy. He has a tiny dick. i know all this because i am a father and our family is open about brief nudity meaning we dont freak out if we have to change in front of each other but we dont go out of our way to change in front of each other. And, I noticed the other day, he has really large palms and short fingers. i think the prez might be a microdick.
If she's in danger, she should sleep with her husband instead of BBC in NYC
I made that up but it could be true. Ita weird that her home country wants to host a Trump-Puitn summit.
>we just change in front of each other haha..
Why the fuck are you looking at their dicks? You fucking pedo faggot!
Eh. It's a theory. If you want to confirm the theory would have to get a large portion of men from across the US to group in one area and whip out their dicks.
Its normal to be comfortable naked around family. Its abnormal to be uncomfortable because if you are uncomfortable it means sex is on your mind and sex and family should never be on your mind at the same time.
>0 results
>he knows the size of his son's dicks
What the fuck
>talking about children's penis' on Sup Forums.
Mods should drop the hammer on you just for the stupidity of this post alone.
fucking Trump voters jesus christ
I think there may be some truth to it. My son is one example. Me, I have a nice nice penis but small balls. My palms are small and my fingers are skinny and long. Its possible they are linked. I do know the length from the end of your thumb to the edge of your palm heel matches up with dick length. For me at least. Thumbs up sign is showing the world your dick length.
Fucking anti-Trumpers Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim
>all those butthurt libs saying what some people should spend their personal money on
something something fox and the grapes
Melania isn't going to be in Trump Tower for four years, she will be living in the whitehouse as soon as Barron finishes school for the summer, where she will reside for the next 8 years
Maybe she wouldn't need all that protection if leftists weren't violent mongoloids who threaten to kill or rape her all the fucking time.
Yeah like the brad pitt movie allies.
Tell us more about your sons' dicks!
I don't see what he has to do with this
When in history of USA did USA government spend money on people?
They should look at CIA costs, those are some extra high costs, NSA too, biggest company on planet.
My kids are adults you morons. You have allowed society to pedo-lize fatherhood completely. Thank God I dont have daughters. that would be a nightmare in todays anti-father world. female family members, including mothers, regularly change in front of each other, and show affection. A father cant be comfortable around his own kids because society is fucking twisted. Things that are very fucking normal are only normal for women now. Its okay for a father to carry his child in his arms, to hug them, to watch a movie with his kid in his lap, to say I love you, to go hunting, to work on cars, to work out at the gym, to shower at the gym, to do anything a mother does in public every day. Besides my kids are grown now. i dont shower with them or pee in the toilet standing next to them to teach them to pee right. If it all seems alien and weird to you i am sorry you didnt have a daddy.
I don't get it, did they forget trump is a billionaire and was funding this shit no problem before becoming president,
He's not fucking Bernie sanders, he isn't going to have taxes pay for his personal shit
why should she bother with all the bullshit happening in the whitehouse
you said
>fucking Trump voters jesus christ
So I parodied it by saying
>Fucking anti-Trumpers Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim
that was the full name of the islamic prophet
Violent leftists threaten the safety of the family of somebody they don't like, so trump has had to up security. And you're not going to do a damn thing about it besides continue making these threads under the guise that you're not actively hurting your own cause.
The blonde girls ankles are thicker than Trumps thigh.
That's our problem in today's world.
Maybe people should stop making comments on his small dick, and our welfare system, and focus more on their weight and health.
Because god forbid I make a fat joke towards cankles there, but she can make whatever jokes she wants about Trumps body.
Fuck women and their rights, fuck sjw's, fuck overweight people, and fuck our welfare system for feeding these fat ankled, fat faced fucks that demand more welfare and demand more from the working class and their families instead of working.
The tragedy is that libs look at this and don't think: Why is the government feeding people?
30 million?
Which is it?
Where do they get these fake numbers?
I want to know
White House is too shabby tbqh
$148m a year on art. This still blows my mind.
Because look at Donald Trump. He's a Jesus Christ how horrifying pile of old shit.
Actually Obama got more threats than anyone. Right wing retards lost their shit when a black man became president.
Does Trump have to go golfing every weekend?
I'm confused, we were already told she was going to wait until Barron finished school for the year before moving. Why is it an issue she isnt at the white house? and all of these comments are assuming the government is paying for her when chances are shes just taking money out of the billionaires checking account.
there is LITERALLY NO VALID ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS. the taxpayer should NOT be paying for melania and barron's security in their own home simply because barron has school there. becoming the president means you have to make SACRIFICES not the taxpayer makes sacrifices for YOU to save you DISCOMFORT.
the white house would be infinitely more secure than trump fucking tower and they have NO RIGHT to be wasting tax dollars because they dont want to make the sacrifices that come with being the presidential fucking family
i was all for trump in the election but this massive dick sucking meme needs to end SOON
right wing retard doesn't know the difference between a month and a year
Even if you realise what the art-industry makes on its own. Way more than that, they don't need to be subsidized. If you look at the fund raisers and shit like that in the US, it's also way more than those few bucks. But of course, would you want to lose your job as the art guy at the government? Of course not, so they lobby their ass off, do some favours suck some cock and boom the budget is upheld.
Sick way of governing in my opinion.
He isn't cutting meals on wheels though
Is this pasta?
Bleeding-heart liberals will never be satisfied if there's any injustice occurring on the world (which will always exist). It's just another sick communist-hippie dream of living on some work farm were everyone has the same mediocre bullshit. Having more than anyone causes them extreme guilt. It's a total rejection of diversity and uniqueness, traded for a bland utopia.
My dad slept naked so a lot of times i saw him in the flesh. Never felt weird, and he would always put on at least underwear after his morning shit
Goy you truly are a simple person. First of all, there has been a thousand threads about these alleged 'trip costs' and I've yet to see actual proof of the numbers (that keep changing). It's all just more hearsay.
But never mind that.
>Does Trump have to go golfing every weekend?
Has it occurred to you that he does that so he can do his business in a guaranteed safe environment? There are already way too many leaks in the White House. He is confirmed to have been BUGGED by the previous admin during the campaign. And you wonder why he goes 'golfing'? wew
>Guy making fun of Trump's dick with top seal pasta
> OP replies
> Fucking Trump voters
Jesus Christ you are confirmed retard. Keep regurgitating bullshit, that's all you're good for.
So these people get these numbers from where? They just have access to every penny the government spends? And on what?
ITS NORMAL. You have a normal Dad and i hope you have a big dick because of it. Most men folk today have really been faggotized by the media. They are skinny fat guys that wont take off their shirts in front of other men or piss at a urinal. THAT is abnormal.
kek'd and czeh'd
The exact same things could ba said about Michael Obama?
I have large palms shorter fingers, and 7*6
OP doesn't pay taxes or live in us
>complains about the cost of secret service
Maybe you should run and Cheap out on security I'd love to see you get JFK'D
Had. But yeah don't let these autists make you out to be a weirdo, that's just dad shit. And thankfully my dick came out alright. Also i praise my father's decision of keeping me uncircumsized. Good dads know the importance of their sons dick. Bad dads are isolationists and those are the ones you gotta watch out for
Well, I could be wrong. I just use the one example I know of...my poor kid. He got the short end of the genetic lottery. But at least he isnt gay or one of those /r9k/ virgin-men.
>and I've yet to see actual proof of the numbers (that keep changing). It's all just more hearsay.
>No matter how many news outlets report the outrageous costs, it's all just bullshit until somebody sends me a personally notarized exact accounting, accurate to the penny and printed in the blood of a virgin on the first full moon after the winter solstice.
None of them said anything because they didn't care but all you right wing fags did care and never shut up about it, now they are doing the same to you and you don't care.
You have switched places.
That woman on the left is hideous. Why would she think she's entitled to judge others appearances? She looks like a ghoul.
The right is literally killing muslims and minorities every day, the left smashed a couple windows.
The "violent left" meme relies on complete ignorance to the facts.
this is actual greek men life, dad and grandpa are always naked in front of family after shower. we greek americans just dont give a fuck
So the tax payers are supposed to may 100 million+ because little Barron doesn't want to change schools?
Holy shit Sup Forums really?
I live and adore Trump but this is one area where he should take a stand.
>The right is literally killing muslims and minorities every day
They are? Amazing! I'm going to need proofs though.
Instead of wondering why the liberal majority is pissed off, maybe you should wonder why the conservatives that spent 8 years complaining about Obama's vacations aren't upset that the human cheeto is spending TEN FUCKING TIMES the amount they complained about Obama spending.
Suddenly Democrats and lefties care about spending
>the right is literally killing Moslems everyday
You mean Moslems are killing whites everyday
>girls with small, inadequate chests make fun of a small penis
This desu
>Trump uses his money as he pleases
Fucking fascist rich white man
Suddenly right wingers don't.
Really makes you think.
You guys have switched places.
always do
>all taxpayer dollars now belong to Trump
What did he mean by this?
why do I want to punch Lauren so bad
Left thinks the Secret service wont cost anything if they protect Trump at the white house instead of his home
No matter where he is, they all still have jobs and get paid
The federal government shouldn't be in the charity business. Leave it to the states and public sector.
Obama double the national debt but trumps security is too much
Makes you think
Don't do it silly boy
Lauren is an anti-semite nazi barbie now
I hope he cuts off all the welfare and lets niggers starve to death.
Obama didn't double the debt. You're thinking of Reagan.
Where is this? I want to destroy this shit.
I still laugh at how endlessly infantile political art can be.
>gee ryan, how else can we refute the guy we lost to?
>Trump uses his own private security at mar a largo becomes first president to actually pay for his own protection
>leftist still complain
Me2 but I also hope he forces melania and barron to the white house so we save more money.
>Dude free shit for the useless
Oh, so liberals are intellectually dishonest? Who the fuck could have guessed?
Trumps security costs are about half as expensive so far as Obama's average btw - plus he's supplementing with his own private security. The cuts to Democrat propaganda are a bonus, and unrelated to his security detail.
But the media told me Trump has spent more in his first month than Obama did in an entire year!
>checks flag
>hurr it's normal to peep my son's dick
fucking pedos man
>when a shitposter makes best post
And you don't even mentioned the cost of the rockets he used to shoot innocent civilians with out of drones