This is what your god sounded like...
Actually, he didn't exist. Just some literary plagiarism of folks like Hercules and Socrates.
Ching Chong Ding Dong Ling Long
I highly doubt Jesus looked like one of the robots from the pirates of the carribean ride
Stoikevit shatslav kmot puchkt priknya
Don't a lot of Jap boys lose their virginity to their mother? Help focus on study
jesus was likely of semetic origin. the arabs came along later when they raided and captured a lot of the assyrian lands.
Jesus probably looked like a modern Italian. He might have had brown hair.
Ough ouch velma barb hell vomit gemah
Hallo. Dis iz a pen!
Arabs are semites user. they share the same RNA as jews. Being jewish is a religion, not a race. This "separate race" thing turned around and bit jews in the ass later. Ancient fiction is fun though. Jews and arabs are literally the same people. Look at any jew from the middle east who never left or had ancestors that intermarried with white people from Europe and you'll never be able to tell the difference.
Jesus was an Aryan. That image on the right is propaganda made to make us turn away from Him.
Outtah mii way. Dey arr aftah mii lucky charms.
> a modern Quran-reciter singing Aramaic as if it were Hebrew with cantillation marks
Nope, Jeezuz didn't sound like that at all, nor was he an Arab, although he was probably a Semite
>thinking he existed
top kek christcucks
His race doesn't meant anything there are no races or genders in heaven, it's known he was ugly so people did follow him for his looks
I mean didn't
The person you are responding to didn't write 'Jew' at any point: you are arguing with your projection
uneducated MURICAN Socrates was real. your skull is stuffed with burgers u muslim idiot
Japanese education's pretty bad, huh
So is an American education, I guess. Common Core is really fucking you guys over. Maybe school choice will help, too.
You're definitely retarded, though. Nobody takes Christ mythers seriously.
No he was Maori.
We have no writings directly from Socrates, Ernesto. While he probably did exist it's entirely possible that he didn't.
>Ancient Levantines in anyway related to mudblood Arab invaders
I seriously hope you guys don't actually believe that shit.
They actually do. Unironically so.
kys idiot
Your 80% Muslim DNA is showing again, hombre.
Uhh no, Jesus was a Galilean Jew.
I can understand denying the notion that the God Jesus spoke about exists, ''no evidence'' and all that.
But denying Jesus existed altogether is way too stupid, kek.
> The new Sup Forumsacks
> Me no like HIStory, me new one make
>Quran reciter
He is not Muslim. He is a Jew
>tries to insults jap with fake chinese
what did he mean by this?
even if jesus was an arab that deosn't guarantee he would look like that, it is more likely he was attractive if he managed to gain that amount of a following
Jewish is a religion.
He was ethnic Aramean person. Closely related to Arab
Anyways in terms of appearance he probably looked like modern Samaritans from Palestine. One of the few groups that kept their bloodline pure for millennia
>Refuse to give evidence of his existence.
>No no he really existed.
Pick one
No shit, moron.
according to the bible he wasnt a looker at all
They are both semites.
Google is your friend.
There's more evidence Jesus existed than many of the people throughout history.
If you actually care, that is. Most atheists and Christ mythers don't. They like to be ignorant.
So? So are Ethiopians. So were Akkadians and Phonecians.
King David was red head
so I doubt the Israelis back then looked like arabs
>So? So are Ethiopians. So were Akkadians and Phonecians.
Ethiopians are not pure semites.
Akkadians were all rite, Phoenicians were your standard goatfuckers.
Carthago delenda est
He would've spoken Greek as well
That is like saying there is entirely possible that Alexander did not exist because we have no writings directly from Alexander.
So is the Prince of Jordan
Something is up with the genetics of monarchy of that region
Phonecians dindu nuffin
I have a few Aramaic speaking mates, as well. Pretty based people.
Well, he was a jew, so what do you expect?
He was a subhuman creature and the romans knew it.
There is quite a long way between Arabia and the near east.
that's a serb they talk way different
japanese doesn't sound like that at least try
Eat a dog fagget
Jesus was an Aryan
>kikies being still butthurt 2000 years later and using nippon proxies
There is no amount of proxies that can hide that nose, shlomo.
Jesus was what we call "white". White people are really shades of pink, creating a ruddy complexion. David was a red head with a ruddy complexion. Thats the ancient way of describing a white person. We are not white at all. We are pinkish. We are holy.