You know this is true, Burgers.
You know this is true, Burgers
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Now show the german version-
Except I work for a living and have no trouble getting access to health care.
Your move, Muhammad.
Then by all means start hosting Muslim immigrants in your home. Then you can die of starvation and AIDS.
Nah, it's about even actually. Besides, everybody has access here in the US. It's called EMTALA.
hmm. could it be because only about 100 or so people out of 300 million died from islamic terrorism in the us?
or you know, take care of yourself, then your need for medical care dwindles down to emergency care and the occasional check-up.
literally everybody dies. lets just stop fighting it
go home achmed... fuck your muhammad
No muslims allowed, no islamic terrorism full stop.
Can't cure every disease that easy.
Because you're a muslim?
it's fucking hilarious Americans passed up on free education and free healthcare for a useless racist gesture wall and pro-rich orange retard
truly an idiot cucked country
Digits say to go back home clock boy.
This is what I want though, socialism is incredibly dysgenic
What's the point of this thread? Americans are the most obnoxious, self absorbed cunts on the planet. They don't care and never will. They'll just follow their leader to Syria and Iran so Israel can gain more power and influence.
No more muzzies committing hegira.
No more filthy government getting their socialist hands on my healthcare.
Let's keep it that way.
Thats a nice nothing you have over there. It would be a shame if someone bombed it.
But hans, if you consider the cost ratio spending 99999999999999 dollars on healthcare is no better than spending 0$ on a travel ban
What was 9/11 ?
>all those words
>not a single argument
Yeah, the reason that an attack is so unlikely is because we don't let them in
Holy shit an actual fpbp
Not if you don't eat fucking garbage all day, every day. These fat fucks should take better care of themselves and not rely on the state to pay their fucking bills.
And they're always so eager to defend Islam that they toss that gutter religion in with every bullshit argument they make. This has nothing to do with the other.
This is only true if you're poor. Poor people deserve to die anyways, fuck em.
>that flag
As if a Paki inbreed has ANY authority when it comes to discussing the health of other people...
Trump is a sad, pathetic joke. The US is going to spiral the drain even faster. Just another cuckservative, fuck the poor, fuck the environment, fuck workers, but more bombs and give corporations more tax cuts. Good goyims.
I can buy an insurance for one, but I'm not allowed to have a gun.
>Trump cuckservative
HOLY SHIT ((((((((((((((YOU)))))))))))))) ARE FUCKING NEW TO THIS!
Good goy. Suck the rich man's cock.
>le rich people are automatically evil mayonnaise.
Christ alive I hate you communists almost as much as the average Russian does.
straya come on
stop shitposting for once in your life
There are millions who work for a living and won't be able to afford healthcare.
Uhm, isn't that a GOOD thing?
Healthy food is to a great degree more expensive than healthy food. Working class people can't afford to eat well.
Inferior genes must be purged from society. The weak do not get a free ride.
even if this is true it doesnt mean that the least likely thing should be considered a non factor
fucking stupid
Well, there's still time!
And you do realize that we spend trillions of dollars to keep the heathens (((over there))) and let them have bombs like daily prayer - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It's only a matter of time before they activate over here.
Like tonight, for example! Prime date. There's been no real happenings here lately. It'll be mass amounts of drunk, degenerate heathens outside celebrating a (((hallmark holiday))) that they know nothing about other than "I can get fucked up and wear green!".
>>>Happening tonight
>One I did to myself with my shitty diet and poor habits
>One was preventable but people said that I was racist and I should just take a chance. I die, it's a small price to pay for GLOBESOC
Fuck you
Nothing is free. Giving government control over while still paying for it through taxes. Now you've lost freedom and are still paying for it.
The difference is I can decide that I dont want to eat unhealthy stuff.
I cant decide to not become a victim of some snackbar.
Americans want social programs, investment in science, and access to cheaper healthcare. And instead the orange turd cuts all of that and bloats our already insane military budget by $50 billion
says a northern Turk
I know you love gang rape due to the fact all the real men where killed off in ww2 but can you try acted like a real white person? LoL I'm so sorry you can't see the world the way your people once did fucking cluck.
Good, you should die. Especially if you're retarded enough to give away your land to sand niggers.
thanks obama
Why not have affordable healthcare and no Muslims?
If they want those things maybe they should amend the constitution to you know make them a constitutional part of government. Overbloated federal government is the problem. At least national security is a valid and constitutional role of the federal government.
How does cutting the coast guard, TSA and the state department help national security?
>You know this is true, Burgers.
from proper fucking huns to dickless cowards. Also 1 post by this ID
Not you kraut because you're German
oh i guess we should just stop doing anything about the 350,000,000 islamic terrorists waging war every day against western civilisation then, sounds logical
Then get a real job with actual benefits.
in trumps america you can only work in lung destroying coal mines
KEK fpbp
yeah so
Depends on where you live, I'm sure the opposite is true for you Hans
No proposal to cut funds to coast guard.
TSA is getting a reduction in federal funds but an increase in security tax on airplane tickets, so those that dont use the service dont pay for it.
State department is getting a reduction in money to send foreign aid. Why should us taxpayers money go to feed starving africans? So we can put the local farmer out of business because he cannot compete with free.
>hurrdurr x is worse than y therefore we shouldn't even spend a single second thinking about y
kys bratwurst-neger
Miners actually have incredible benefits just saying
>virtue signalling for Islam
Sudden influx of MIDF shills lately.
>Redpills on Islam
Here you go my man. enjoy.
The difference is the government has a fighting chance of stopping muslims entering the country, they dont have a chance of stopping you taking no exercise for 40 years and over-eating.
You mad, poorfag?
This is why commies are cancer. Success can only ever equate with guilt. Therefore, all success must be punished.
That's nice I don't care. I have healthcare and don't want a jihadust attacking me.
Did he died?
islam is still cancer