Why does everyone on here use the "N word"?
Don't you realize that millions of black people were mercilessly tortured while being called the N word?
Do you really want that past to return?
Why does everyone on here use the "N word"?
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What proofs do you have nigger?
Stop inventing history
Who cares? I will say whatever I want
Some of my ancestors "owned" slaves, you're like a dumb Holocaust denier.
>black "people"
Yes. Fuck niggers.
When niggers refer to each other as niggers, and listen to shite like this, why should anyone give a fuck about your feels?
All day, nigga
How long you niggas ball? All day, nigga
How much time you spent at the mall? All day, nigga
How many runners do you got on call? All day, nigga
Swish, swish, how long they keep you in court? All day, nigga
Take you to get this fly? All day, nigga
Tell your P.O. how-how long you been high? All day, nigga
You already know I’m straight from the Chi, all day, nigga
South, south, south side! All day, nigga
This Ye, nigga
Shoppin' for the winter and it’s just May, nigga
Ball so hard, man, this shit cray, nigga
And you ain't gettin' money 'less you got eight figures
For that Jesus piece, man, I've been saved, nigga
Just talked to Farrakhan, that's sensei, nigga
Told him I've been on ten since the 10th grade, nigga
>Fuck off OP, you smelly nigger.
>Do you really want that past to return?
Of course we do, nigger.
it turns him on so i talk dirty idk. Ive never been very into the raceplay aspect of our bdsm, but master gets what master wants.
And? You are not responsible for what people who shared your skin color did in the past. We don't live in the past.
> Nignog sympathizer
> Kike sympathizer
One more good goy, you can do it.
there is nothing wrong with calling someone a negro. It's literally just describing the color of soneones skin. It's like banning commie cause of the red scare
It would be a pretty cool ride better than mr bones wild rid. Also fuck off nigger
Because we self-identify as black
Why are you telling POCs what they can't say
Also you reek of Jewry, I can smell the matzoh
>OPs face when
It infuriates them because it reminds them how they are inferior to whites
It's like when someone calls you a faggot, you can defend your honor and you should, but you'll only really get butthurt if you are one
I dont give a fuck about what you did 100 years ago burgerclap, Im going to call a duck a duck and a nigger a nigger
>you're like a dumb Holocaust denier.
This thread is already dead.
Fuck you nigger
Great game but I'm stating that I know slavery existed and I don't want any signs of it to continue, racist motherfucker.
You asked for it
>Implying that whoever uses the word "nigger" wants to torture blacks
This kind of stupid reasoning is why people can't talk about problems. Because someone will cry, offended, and run away.
>Wanting to have freedom of speech perserved makes you racist
I'm not saying I run around calling people niggers, just that I am free to say niggers if I so well pleased and there is nothing you can do about it. I will not be shamed by my past like you have been. It is not anything you can control and is done. Move on.
Ya'll niggers posting in a slide thread
calling blacks nigger and hanging them are American as apple pie
Hes posting in the thread, Its probably a bait thread but not a slide thread.
Slide threads usually have only 1 post by OP.
if you cant say the word nigger and have never called a black a nigger you are NOT a true American
even niggers call each other niggers
because jews were the slave owners
What's it to you, nigger?
OP used bait. It's very effective.
It's ironic that a non-white such as yourself would use the N word when white people hate you just the same.
Join the right side of history, bro.
did you just assume their skin color
thats pretty racist
The right side of history is a time line we haven't entered yet. It's the one were Europeans genocides all non whites.
that's some nigger tier shit
Look guys. No one is saying you should be banned from Sup Forums for saying a word. We're just saying it reflects poorly on you as a person that you do.
>blacks are people
OP has no answer for this. T'was clear.
Fuck off nigger.
that's some nigger thinking right there.
Race is a social construct, and "white" is a race in which Bulgarians are excluded because of prejudice.
Good luck losing again, bitch.
Somebody start goreposting so this faggot goes back to where he came from.
g8 b8 m8
You're a very disrespectful young fuckboy.
We've never lost. Only a few minor setbacks.
who cares you fucking nigger
get out of this board this instant
>Race is a social construct
How do you explain the subtle genetic differences between races then?
obvious bait
sage or ignore
because when you treat a word like it's bad it gets power. take the tampon outta your ear-vagina nigger.
I dont tip niggers sorry. I dont care how white you act. You are still a nigger.
You have an impoverished mode of thought.
you don't know how many blacks were in the US back then
SO you pulled that number out of your ass
second. You do not know how the majority of blacks were treated back then. No one does.
So you pulled that out of your ass
stop living in your ass. Get your life out of your ass, and try to actually think for once.
Why are using words at all? Don't you realize millions of niggers were tortured by people who used normal words?
Why is whitey so angry? All we're asking for is a lil bit of empathy and respect. Is it so much to ask you to treat us like humans?
Better than living in it.
Bulgarians are genetically closer to Arabs than they are to WASPs; the racial distinctions are arbitrary.
Start acting like humans. Pull yourselves out of the perpetual cycle of murder rape and theft. Stop blaming everyone for your problems. Respect is earned, not given. You're no different than a trailer trash white person. Always someone else's fault. Nobody gives a shit
It was clearly millions of blacks, more like tens of millions. The majority of blacks were slaves back then, retard.
It was not that much. Only the wealthy could afford slaves, they were an economic investment. stop pulling numbers out from your ass.
Hey man, all I'm asking is you don't call me a subhuman. I aint askin for no handouts.
Can you just admit that one race's as good as another, all things considered?
they call themselves fucking niggers
Ever hear the new types of rap 'songs' (for lack of a understood term)?
They call themselves nigger 3 or for times each verse.
There are a couple that are trying to break a record on how many time they can say the word nigger.
Fuck the stupid niggers and fuck you faggot nigger.
Also behave like niggers get called nigger
And they interbred with their negroes
Descendants of slave owners and slaves are the same people.
No slave owners in my bloodline, nigger.
All things considered blacks are intellectually inferior to pretty much all other races, more aggressive, greater propensity for violence etc.
I wish niggers would stop being niggers but you really don't help yourselves.
Idiot, those owners owned tens or hundreds of slaves. Free blacks were a rarity.
>more like tens of millions
you do realize they where brought over on wood boats?
hold maximum of 200 niggers. Only 70% lived maximum.
How many boats and trips would it take to get to 20 million niggers?
So the numbers are a fake as the jews.
20 million niggers because they were bread like farm animals.
You're seriously putting the blame on black people because they might have a couple of slave owners as ancestors?
Are you fucking seirous?!
Considering how much discrimination there is against us it's no wonder so many of us turn to criminal behaviors.
I know you're mememing me but such a small amount of whites owned slaves. And they were all rural and suburban retards inbred Democrats... Yeah they all fucked their slaves and had retarded mutts
Black people today are literally the worst
Millions? May want to recheck your numbers retard. Not even 1 million throughout all of US slavery history.
Look to other countries in South America or maybe current Islamic countries for slavery numbers. Mauritania or Mali for instance. Then if you are still a huge retard go ahead and kys.
You realise all this ((discrimination)) stems from people seeing black people being criminals. Black people turn to crime because they don't form the traditional nuclear family. Gotta give a stable home to your kids m8
Hey NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. Guess who brought the slaves to America the jews. And guess who captured most of them muslims and other african niggers.
And guess how many dead niggers the kikes killed in the african slave trade close to 100 Million. that is on top on the 100+ million deaths caused by communism. You wanna say the holocaust happened well guess what you motherfucking nigger Hitler should've gassed several million jews.
Go fuck yourself you worthless NIGGER. the truth is against you
I think you've stumbled onto the wrong board, friendo
your an uneducated faggot get off this board now and go hang yourself.
>nigger, kike, nigger nigger, kike, jew, nigger
We get it, you're a dumb racist whose opinion can be thoroughly discarded
And your a liberal faggot who's opinions belong in the trash bin.
Drink bleach faggot
>niggers are people
>proceeds to disrespect homosexuals
one of the worst leftists preaching equality ive ever seen
Dare I say..
Nice argument, retard.
You belong in a noose like all the Nazis we exterminated like the roaches they are.
Discrimination doesn't happen by accident NIGGER. Don't wanna be called a NIGGER don't act like a fucking filthy degenerate NIGGER.
>Do you really want that past to return?
>doesnt address any points
>keeps posting with no information
So you show your true colors you fucking faggoty ass fruit bowl of a NIGGER. I hope I've trigger you enough. the world will know Hitler was right and when that day comes every degenerate nigger and kike bastard will hang.
I don't need any information to know that killing Nazis and racists = good
Eat a cyanide capsule, it's what your coward fuhrer did, bitch.
Black people need to realise it's not the white man holding them back and that there is just something wrong with their culture at large.
.Homes without fathers
.Not much value placed on education
.Want to get rich w/o putting effort
.Glamorises violence.
You will forever be a degenerate worthless faggot.
Thank (((Democrats))) for that
I wouldn't say their culture is necessarily "wrong", as that's subjective. The issue is that white people have built the modern world and shaped civilized society in a model that works for them, and blacks have trouble competing/living within those parameters.
You can't deny something that didn't happen, faggot.
But it did, I have ancestors on my mom's side who were in the Holocaust.
the idea that I can't say a certain word because of my skin colour is beyond fucked. The idea that I can't say a certain word in the first place is fucked, but when you start adding in skin colour it becomes doubly fucked.
Don't you realize your attempts to limit what things people can say make you essentially the same as outraged and overbearing Christian mothers from the 50s, and that your cultural loss is inevitable?
Only slaves and their ancestors should be able to say the N word, and your analogy with Christian mothers is false because there were no victims of those Christian mothers, but black people are victims of slavery.
maybe i'm wrong, but I have a strong suspicion that "nigger' wasn't an offensive word back in the day and probably only became one some time in the 20th century and has only gotten more powerful over time. Like in present day, nigger has never been more offensive